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Everything posted by beecee

  1. GR encompasses Newtonian, and extends the parameters of applicability with more accuracy and precision. Newton told us that gravity is attractive between two masses, and falls off as the inverse square of the distance between them to infinity, but he didn't know why...Einstein showed that mass warps spacetime and that is why the apparent attraction between masses occurs.
  2. Any supposed void you talk about is actually just space and part of our universe. The stuff about arriving back to the point we started from, depends on the topology of the universe, which evidence so far tells us is flat. The three possible popular topologies are flat, open and closed, but also other more exotic shapes have been discussed, such as torus and doughnut shaped. The following describes some of these possibilities better then I....https://phys.org/news/2015-05-universe.html
  3. We don;t know what caused Inflation, or the BB for that matter. Inflation explains the flatness and horizon problem as well as the homogeneity and isotropy observations, and as such is generally accepted as part of the BB.
  4. Conclusive possibly is too strong a word, but this latest finding [or absence of finding] adds further support to the already well supported DM concept. Except such nonsense is unfalsifiable.
  5. Only it appears in your mind. It is an hypothesis. If it had made far more predictions them the BB and GR, then it would be accepted by now.
  6. beecee


    It is fake. I did watch it in the old days [early seventies] when the likes of Killer Carl Cox, Mario Milano, Brute Bernard, Mark Lewin, and many others were giving us a laugh. Yes, it's about as fake a Trump is, and the many shows on TV now that supposedly pass for entertainment.
  7. And they are wrong, just as Arp was wrong, and Hoyle was wrong, according to the evidence. And of course the overall message of the article is that it is only an hypothesis. At this stage it is obvious that it is you being ignorant and ignoring the evidence that supports the status quo. If your predictions were correct and the evidence supported your hypothesis was convincing, it would be accepted and mainstream by now. It isn't and isn't likely to ever be.
  8. Time and space are personal, variable entities. Each person will always see time pass at 1 sec/sec in his own frame of reference. An example of the variable/personal nature of time, if you and I were twins, and I being the more intrepid, sett off at 99.999% light speed, and returned to Earth 12 months later, as calculated by my on board mechanical and personal biological clocks, I will have aged appropriatley 1 year. But I will just as certainly be returning to an Earth about 230 years in the future, with you long dead and buried. That is fact and is evidenced in many experiments that have been undertaken. No gravity is not a push or pull in actual fact. It is simply spacetime geometry that has been warped/curved by matter/mass.
  9. https://www.sciencealert.com/stunning-mirror-pools-and-other-wonders-discovered-on-the-edge-of-deep-sea-vents Stunning 'Mirror Pools' Discovered on The Edge of Boiling Deep Sea Vents MIKE MCRAE 4 APR 2019 It could be a landscape on an alien world. Strange optical effects and dazzling mineral formations bloom on the edge of water so hot it would be steam if not for the pressure of all that deep ocean above it. "The vibrant colour found on the 'living rocks' was striking, and reflects a diversity in biological composition as well as mineral distributions." (Schmidt Ocean Institute) Fluted shelves of mineral stained in brilliant shades; life fed not by sunlight but by the seep of liquid bubbling up from below; shimmering fluids pooling beneath rock shelves, refracting light like quicksilver mirrors. more at link......[Including an awe inspiring 7 minute video. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Would any one seriously, after watching this video, doubt the wide spread pollution we are causing on this planet? Anyone? Another link..... https://schmidtocean.org/new-lifeforms-and-mesmerizing-landscapes-discovered-on-ocean-floor/ Another....... https://www.sciencealert.com/plastic-bag-found-deepest-point-ocean-we-should-all-be-ashamed-mariana-trench-pollution A new study analysing over 30 years' worth of data on human-made trashfound in the deepest parts of the ocean reveals almost 3,500 pieces of plastic and other debris have been discovered littering these remote, fragile ecosystems. The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the entire ocean – home to distant, alien forms of marine life we know next to nothing about – but its remote, almost unreachable location doesn't mean we haven't found ways to carelessly spoil it.
  10. That would be somewhat tolerable [for want of a better word] if Trump does not happen to be locked safely away in some hidden underground bunker and protected from what he helped to create. While probably some around the world have laughed at the situation in Australia in having 7 Prime Ministers in 10 years, [with the probable chances of another one after soon to be held forthcoming elections] I think it absolutely pales into insignificance when looking at the situation with regards to the POTUS at this time. Such a situation would not be tolerable in Australia.
  11. Okydoki!!
  12. http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Building_blocks_of_DNA_and_RNA_could_have_appeared_together_before_life_began_on_Earth_999.html Building blocks of DNA and RNA could have appeared together before life began on Earth by Staff Writers La Jolla CA (SPX) Apr 03, 2019 Scientists for the first time have found strong evidence that RNA and DNA could have arisen from the same set of precursor molecules even before life evolved on Earth about four billion years ago. The discovery, published April 1 in Nature Chemistry, suggests that the first living things on Earth may have used both RNA and DNA, as all cell-based life forms do now. In contrast, the prevailing scientific view - the "RNA World" hypothesis - is that early life forms were based purely on RNA, and only later evolved to make and use DNA. "These new findings suggest that it may not be reasonable for chemists to be so heavily guided by the RNA World hypothesis in investigating the origins of life on Earth," says co-principal investigator Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, PhD, associate professor of chemistry at Scripps Research. more at link......
  13. https://www.sciencealert.com/we-know-what-dark-matter-isn-t-it-s-not-tiny-black-holes-a-new-test-has-confirmed Astronomers Just Ruled Out Hawking's Theory on The Primordial Nature of Dark Matter MICHELLE STARR 4 APR 2019 We still don't know what dark matter is, but we can strike a line through one option. It is not, as per a theory proposed by the brilliant Stephen Hawking, a bunch of teeny-tiny microscopic black holes. In the most rigorous test of the theory to date, an international team led by researchers from the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) in Japan has searched for the telltale sign of such minuscule black holes, and the result was pretty damning. The scientists were hunting for a particular flicker of stars in a nearby galaxy - the way the light would appear to us if a black hole less than a tenth of a millimetre were passing in front of it. A black hole of that size may seem ludicrous, but the concept actually stems from an elegant theory by Hawking, who was trying to tackle our massive dark matter problem. more at link......
  14. https://phys.org/news/2019-04-dire-future-etched-co2-million.html Dire future etched in the past: CO2 at 3-million year-old levels: Planet-warming carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere—at its highest level in three million years—is poised to lock in dramatic temperature and sea level rises over a timescale of centuries, scientists warned this week. The last time that CO2 hit 400 parts per million (ppm) Greenland was ice free and trees grew at the edge of Antactica. It was long thought that today's greenhouse gas levels were no greater than those 800,000 years ago, during a period of cyclical planetary warming and cooling that would have likely continued but for manmade emissions. But analyses of ice cores and ocean sediments in the coldest place on Earth have now revealed that 400 ppm was last surpassed three million years ago during the Late Pliocene, when temperatures were several degrees Celsius higher, and oceans at least 15 metres deeper. more at link.....
  15. https://phys.org/news/2019-04-gravitational-expose-black-holes-dark.html Gravitational waves helping to expose black holes, dark matter and theoretical particles: extracts: Some gravitational observations can only be explained either by the presence of dark matter, which we cannot see, or by changing our laws of gravity. Professor Ulrich Sperhake, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge, UK, and lead scientist in the StronGrHEPproject, described gravitational waves as a 'new window onto the universe' that could help us unravel these mysteries An idea Prof. Sperhake is investigating is to extend Einstein's general relativity with a new theory, dubbed scalar tensor gravity. This suggests that the universe is filled with an extra field – similar to a magnetic or electrical field – that has yet to be detected. It would mean that the supernova explosion of a dying star would not only be visible as a burst of gravitational waves, but there would be an afterglow of gravitational waves that we might detect. We could direct LIGO to regions of the sky where stars have exploded – known as supernovae – to try to detect such an afterglow from the scalar field that may persist centuries after the actual explosion. Separately, Prof. Sperhake is investigating if dark matter could be explained by theoretical subatomic particles called axions. He is trying to model what the echoes of gravitational waves from black holes might look like if these particles are present. "I would say axions are one of the best candidates for dark matter," he said. The next step is to apply his models to the data that LIGO gathers to see if theory and observation are a match more at link....... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Just more examples of the everyday methodology of science and scientists, working, researching, and testing to the limits our current theories including GR. The often made accusations of recalcitrance, stubbornness and refusal to progress as new data comes to light is again shown to be agenda driven fairy tales. Latest news in the search for GW's is that aLIGO and Virgo is commencing their third run in the search....... https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/news/ligo20190326 LIGO and Virgo Resume Search for Ripples in Space and Time News Release • March 26, 2019 The National Science Foundation's LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) is set to resume its hunt for gravitational waves—ripples in space and time—on April 1, after receiving a series of upgrades to its lasers, mirrors, and other components. LIGO—which consists of twin detectors located in Washington and Louisiana—now has a combined increase in sensitivity of about 40 percent over its last run, which means that it can survey an even larger volume of space than before for powerful, wave-making events, such as the collisions of black holes. Joining the search will be Virgo, the European-based gravitational-wave detector, located at the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) in Italy, which has almost doubled its sensitivity since its last run and is also starting up April 1. "For this third observational run, we achieved significantly greater improvements to the detectors' sensitivity than we did for the last run," says Peter Fritschel, LIGO's chief detector scientist at MIT. "And with LIGO and Virgo observing together for the next year, we will surely detect many more gravitational waves from the types of sources we've seen so far. We're eager to see new events too, such as a merger of a black hole and a neutron star." more news at link.......
  16. Actually, both the singularities in BH's and from whence the BB evolved, are simply regions where our laws of physics and GR fail us....that being at the quantum/Planck level, at t+10-43 seconds. In the case of the BB then space and time, "as we know them" started to evolve/ In fact physicists today reject mostly the notion of a dimensionless point singularity.
  17. DM was hypothesised to explain the rotational curves and angular momentum of the majority of galaxies. As further observations were undertaken to explain this anomalous motion, other affects with gravitational lensing and the bullet cluster observation, also pointed to this unseen matter. The other more incredible possible inference from all of this would be that we have our model of gravity all wrong, at least over large scales. The findings of galaxies where the angular momentum and rotational curves is explained by the normal stellar and baryonic matter in them, eliminates that possibility conclusively in at least my opinion.
  18. Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important then knowledge" but to achieve such imaginations, like FTL travel, you must have knowledge...the knowledge and know how to create spacetime bubbles etc. So in essence, knowledge and imagination go hand in hand. Ancient man imagined an all powerful omnipotent deity to explain the wonders of the universe around him...but knowledge gained over the centuries have shown that such awe and wonders are explained scientifically. Imagination is unboudless and is not confined...our knowledge is. The advancements in science and knowledge, do give us a better idea of what is and isn't possible, and whether imaginations can become reality.
  19. The universe is eternal and has always existed. The universe evolved from "nothing" https://www.astrosociety.org/publication/a-universe-from-nothing/ Perhaps when we speak of nothing, the quantum foam is that nothing that has always existed. Ahhh, truth, reality, such fine concepts! While admitting that sometimes we all in our quiter moments, think about some underlying reality or truth, the BB itself, does not concern itself with that philosophical question. My own opinion is that while scientific theories enable us to understand the workings and evolution of the universe, it does not necessarily reveal any underlying and fundamental truth. As theories improve, with further and more revealing observational and experimental data, we probably are getting closer to any of this perceived underlying reality and truth, if such a thing exists. Or more accurately, any truth and reality is subjective, as is time and space. Some interesting answers in the following link, although far too philosophical for me. https://www.quora.com/Reality-is-merely-an-illusion-albeit-a-very-persistent-one-What-did-Albert-Einstein-mean-here
  20. You don't have a theory, only an unreadable hypothetical Idea. Paragraphs may be of assistance to people that maybe interested in what you posted.
  21. I also saw Arp among those names. While otherwise like Hoyle, and Hannes Alfvén, a reasonable astronomer, but he also got things wrong. Enough said. And on checking out your "72kms/s quantum redshift", I pulled up this....https://creation.com/our-galaxy-is-the-centre-of-the-universe-quantized-redshifts-show a creationist site claiming similar. Again, enough said. Yep, exactly....we observed redshifts before theorising the universe expanding. Einstein even fell for that one. Later data forthcoming from WMAP and other experiments showed that expansion was accelerating when the knowledge of the day reasoned gravity would be slowing the expansion. So again, so much balony for your silly claims that mainstream science, is hiding or fudging with the real observational data. While other alternatives exist, and papers on those alternatives are published everyday, so far the vast majority of evidence from many different quarters [as opposed to one] support the BB and an expanding universe. In summing, and from what little I do know, is that the hypothetical redshift quantization, is at best poorly understood, hence the usual speculative models being posted on, by those that see other possibilities. At best your claim on redshift is debatable, and at worst, explainable by other poorly understood data. Picking the speculative scenario that best supports a personal position, is this shown by the creationists jumping on the bandwagon. I also find it hard to accept that other galaxies are orbiting our own, and see that as akin to the geocentric thoughts of Ptolemy, more then 2000 years ago...silly.
  22. Rubbish...More akin to Astrology as I said. Your remark about science sweeping redshift quantization under the carpet is total ignorance also...Why would science hide any observational data? Why would they try and support the BB underhandedly if evidence showed other alternatives? It just doesn't hold up, and sounds like some of the arguments that god botherers and creationists use, or in your case your own personal agenda and baggage for whatever reasons. http://cyclesresearchinstitute.org/cycles-research/general/tomes/ Interesting stuff certainly, but also pseudoscience and totally against current observational data. Perhaps people may have been more receptive to your idea, if you had not tried to give it a semblance of respectability and posted in the correct section. But then again, that appears to be a common occurrence from alternative hypothetical pushers. The BB stands as the overwhelmingly supported theory of the evolution of space and time, as we know them. That along with SR/GR go together perfectly, one complementing the other.
  23. Not sure how all that stands up to the overall expansion of the universe according to the evidence available...sounds something akin to astrology to me, But I aint no expert. Others can judge, as well as other then mainstream.
  24. Firstly other then being the center of our observable universe, there is no preferred location, secondly the periodicity of redshift is only a hypothetical pushed by some. Cosmological redshift is caused by space expansion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift_quantization "Redshift quantization, also referred to as redshift periodicity,[1] redshift discretization,[2]preferred redshifts[3] and redshift-magnitude bands,[4][5] is the hypothesis that the redshifts of cosmologically distant objects (in particular galaxies and quasars) tend to cluster around multiples of some particular value." Thirdly this is mainstream science, not a vehicle for pushing alternative science. http://ray.tomes.biz/
  25. I'd be more worried about the lost sheep.
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