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Everything posted by beecee

  1. No not at all. You saw impact craters, and we have observational evidence that collisions like this sometimes occur, more frequent in the past then today. The following is evidence of a collision occurring before our very eyes. https://www.space.com/26562-jupiter-comet-crash-pictures-shoemaker-levy-9-1994.html I did some research on your "discharge crater" claim, and while probably valid in some circumstances, it appears to be a pseudoscientific proposal of Plasma/Electric universe proponents. This hypothetical though was totally debunked many years ago. Will you? I find that hard to believe. My first observation concerns honesty. I would seriously ask why so many proponents of alternative ideas like yours, will inevitably post that alternative hypothetical in the mainstream sciences. I mean surely it is clear enough that this is what the speculative section is for? Perhaps an attempt to give previously debunked ideas some sort of legitimacy? As a reader of a book entitled "The BB Never Happened" by Eric J Lerner, the fitst question I asked was it does not explain how the first planets and stars form.The claim that stars then give birth to other stars that 'pop out"is also totally ludicrous and invalidated by the many accretion disk formation processes that we have now observed. I also had the book and its pseudoscientific claims, totally debunked by a professional astronomer. The following also gives a great account as to how the Electric/Plasma universe and its claims, is full of holes. https://archive.briankoberlein.com/2014/02/25/testing-electric-universe/ "So never let it be said that an astro-scientist has never considered the electric universe model with an open mind. The Electric Universe model is wrong. Provably, clearly and ridiculously wrong. We’ve put the Electric Universe to the test. Final Grade: F-"
  2. Not sure where to start with the above...It all makes so much sense! In other words the invention of myth, magic, and such, to explain the awe and mystery from the inner most minds to the outer limits! https://vimeo.com/275154460
  3. Sounds like self flagellation to me. Do they? Actually I have never heard any Atheist or reputable scientist say that. Personally, at times he does appear abrasive somewhat, but that can be explained by the stupidity of arguments he is often confronted with re evolution and/or any magical spaghetti monster. I prefer this bloke as far more sedate and pleasing in his style.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag6fH8cU-MU what do you think? Professor Lawrence Krauss is another whom I like, as well as Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and of course there are many others all with different styles.
  4. It isn't about you; It's about how the mind and need of ancient human beliefs perceived the universe without science, and the reasons they turned to unsupported myth and magic, and how sometimes such beliefs even though based on myth and superstition, is hard to let go of after being handed down generation after generation.
  5. Dark matter is a mysterious, invisible substance that typically dominates the makeup of galaxies; finding an object that's missing dark matter is unprecedented, and came as a complete surprise. "If there's one object, you always have a little voice in the back of your mind saying, 'but what if you're wrong?' Even though we did all the checks we could think of, we were worried that nature had thrown us for a loop and had conspired to make something look really special whereas it was really something more mundane," said team leader Pieter van Dokkum, Sol Goldman Family Professor of Astronomy at Yale University. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-03-unusual-galaxies-defy-dark-theory.html#jCp the paper: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0e8c/meta Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2 Abstract: The velocity dispersion of the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2 was found to be km s−1, much lower than expected from the stellar mass–halo mass relation and nearly identical to the expected value from the stellar mass alone. This result was based on the radial velocities of 10 luminous globular clusters that were assumed to be associated with the galaxy. A more precise measurement is possible from high-resolution spectroscopy of the diffuse stellar light. Here we present an integrated spectrum of the diffuse light of NGC1052-DF2 obtained with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI), with an instrumental resolution of σ instr ≈ 12 km s−1. The systemic velocity of the galaxy is v sys = 1805 ± 1.1 km s−1, in very good agreement with the average velocity of the globular clusters ( km s−1). There is no evidence for rotation within the KCWI field of view. We find a stellar velocity dispersion of km s−1, consistent with the dispersion that was derived from the globular clusters. The implied dynamical mass within the half-light radius r 1/2 = 2.7 kpc is M dyn = (1.3 ± 0.8) × 108 M ⊙, similar to the stellar mass within that radius (M stars = (1.0 ± 0.2) × 108 M ⊙). With this confirmation of the low velocity dispersion of NGC1052-DF2, the most urgent question is whether this "missing dark matter problem" is unique to this galaxy or applies more widely. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ab0d92/meta A Second Galaxy Missing Dark Matter in the NGC 1052 Group: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I would say this is by far the strongest evidence that we have for DM, even conclusive in my opinion.
  6. beecee

    U.S. Healthcare

    Australia also has a debt/deficit, and I would say the same applies to many countries. The levy system in Australia is a two tier system, 1.5% for most wage earners, and those above a certain amount, pay a 1% surcharge. The two tier health levy system is also backed and supported by private health insurance if one so chooses,, which covers such things as gaps, private ward in hospital, and a Teddy bear in bed with you. The system covers doctors visits, stays in hospital, Operations [other then cosmetic surgery] X-Rays and such, most prescriptions at a fixed subsidized price with a ceiling limitation after which it is free, some home care for retired seniors, eg: My Mother had her unit fixed out with safety rails in the toilet and bathroom, and other home services as prescribed by a doctor, eg; A mate of mine spent a month in hospital with a Staph infection, then a month at home with daily visitations from a nurse to change his continued anti-biotic treatment. All without personal cost and all without private health insurance.
  7. beecee

    U.S. Healthcare

    Coming into this late, but why not simply a 1.5% or similar levy on all wages and salaries? Is that really so hard or difficult for Americans to accept? I mean it works in other countries.
  8. I would say that most humans are rather put off by the finality of death as a reason. That and the need to explain the beauty and awe of the universe that surrounds him, were the seeds of such irrational beliefs in magic. Of course the need of an explanation of the beauty and awe of the universe has now mostly been explained by science, but its difficult still to dispense with irrationality that has been handed down through generations after generations. The fabricated rewards system of heaven, also gives many a nice warm inner glow of comfort.
  9. beecee


    Yep, just as I said, M-A-D!!
  10. I wouldn't really attempt to "translate" for you, other then overall it is a method of possibly falsifying Inflation as we understand it, from other possible scenarios via an energy scale at before the "horizon" which I assume is the quantum/Planck level at t+10-43 seconds? One of those scenarios is whether the BB was possibly part of a "Big Bounce"? I echo your requests though, and would ask someone more attuned to the technical terms used to explain more fully. extract: We conclude by making the following interesting comparison between the inflation and alternative scenarios. The energy scale of horizon during inflation is roughly a constant. Particles with a mass around or below this scale are created quantum mechanically and leave their imprints in the shapes of non-Gaussianities of the density perturbations. In this sense, inflation works like a particle collider with a fixed energy scale [29–45]. In contrast, the energy scale of the horizon in alternative scenarios increases with time. Fields with a mass much larger than the horizon scale (and hence more difficult to create spontaneously) may eventually become lighter (hence easier to create). These are the fields of interest here. We have shown that with some generic assumptions on the initial state, they leave imprints in the density perturbations in terms of scale-dependent oscillatory signals. These signals appear in wave numbers that satisfy condition (4) or (10) for contraction or expansion scenarios, respectively (see Fig. 4). Therefore, the alternative scenarios are more like particle scanners – they scan over a tower of massive fields one by one and display each of them as a pulse of signals at different length scales in the density perturbations. Besides particle spectra, clock signals from both types of particle detectors also carry direct information about a(t), and therefore are predictions which can be used to falsify competing primordial Universe scenarios in a model-independent fashion. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also checked on the defining of the title of the paper, Unique Fingerprints of Alternatives to Inflation in the Primordial Power Spectrum" https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Sept02/Kinney/Kinney4_6.html Primordial Power Spectrum: and this..........https://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.4827.pdf Primordial power spectrum from Planck: Abstract. Using modified Richardson-Lucy algorithm we reconstruct the primordial power spectrum (PPS) from Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy data. In our analysis we use different combinations of angular power spectra from Planck to reconstruct the shape of the primordial power spectrum and locate possible features. Performing an extensive error analysis we found the dip near ` ∼ 750 − 850 represents the most prominent feature in the data. Feature near ` ∼ 1800 − 2000 is detectable with high confidence only in 217 GHz spectrum and is apparently consequence of a small systematic as described in the revised Planck 2013 papers. Fixing the background cosmological parameters and the foreground nuisance parameters to their best fit baseline values, we report that the best fit power law primordial power spectrum is consistent with the reconstructed form of the PPS at 2σ C.L. of the estimated errors (apart from the local features mentioned above). As a consistency test, we found the reconstructed primordial power spectrum from Planck temperature data can also substantially improve the fit to WMAP-9 angular power spectrum data (with respect to power-law form of the PPS) allowing an overall amplitude shift of ∼ 2.5%. In this context low-` and 100 GHz spectrum from Planck which have proper overlap in the multipole range with WMAP data found to be completely consistent with WMAP-9 (allowing amplitude shift). As another important result of our analysis we do report the evidence of gravitational lensing through the reconstruction analysis. Finally we present two smooth form of the PPS containing only the important features. These smooth forms of PPS can provide significant improvements in fitting the data (with respect to the power law PPS) and can be helpful to give hints for inflationary model building. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primordial_fluctuations Request still stands.
  11. beecee


    Living close to a beach [Maroubra] in Sydney, surfing [as opposed to big wave surfing] was also one of my favourite pastimes. Maroubra beach probably averages around 4 to 5 ft waves, which does me fine. Thanks for those links to big wave surfing, incredible stuff verging on M-A-D!!! This is Maroubra beach and a typical average swell.
  12. Just adding to your answer, from the observers point of view, the foolhardy person approaching the BH, besides seeing time slow down, would see him or her gradually further and further redshifted until fading from the viewing capabilities of the instruments of the observer. Again, from that foolhardy person's point of view, he would continue approaching and crossing the EH into the BH, as though nothing has happened...ignoring tidal gravitational effects.
  13. Time always passes at one second per second, period, in your own frame of reference. It is only when observing the passage of time in another frame that dilation and length contraction occurs. And in that other frame, according to whoever resides there, he or she will like you see time also passing at one second per second in that frame. Like you though, if he observes your passage of time, he will see it dilated and length contracted. Each frame of reference is as valid as the other.
  14. beecee


    Cricket: Arguably the greatest Sporting rivalry is between England and Australia in the Ashes series. The Ashes series started with Australia's tour of England in 1882, 19 years before Australia gained nationhood. Much to the dismay of the English, the colonists from "down under" won! This "momentous" defeat prompted the English press, to castigate the English cricket side unmercifully, culminating in the following "death notice" put in a prominent English newspaper of the day...The Aussies were given an urn, reportedly with the ashes of the cricket bails within......https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ashes#1882_origins. Hence the name "Ashes" a photo of the urn.....f from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ashes#1882_origins
  15. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-big.html What happened before the Big Bang? March 26, 2019, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics: A team of scientists has proposed a powerful new test for inflation, the theory that the universe dramatically expanded in size in a fleeting fraction of a second right after the Big Bang. Their goal is to give insight into a long-standing question: what was the universe like before the Big Bang? Although cosmic inflation is well known for resolving some important mysteries about the structure and evolution of the universe, other very different theories can also explain these mysteries. In some of these theories, the state of the universe preceding the Big Bang – the so-called primordial universe – was contracting instead of expanding, and the Big Bang was thus a part of a Big Bounce. To help decide between inflation and these other ideas, the issue of falsifiability – that is, whether a theory can be tested to potentially show it is false – has inevitably arisen. Some researchers, including Avi Loeb of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) in Cambridge, Mass., have raised concerns about inflation, suggesting that its seemingly endless adaptability makes it all but impossible to properly test. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-03-big.html#jCp the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.02603.pdf 17 Feb 2019 Unique Fingerprints of Alternatives to Inflation in the Primordial Power Spectrum: Massive fields in the primordial Universe function as standard clocks and imprint clock signals in the density perturbations that directly record the scale factor of the primordial Universe as a function of time, a(t). A measurement of such signals would identify the specific scenario of the primordial Universe in a model-independent fashion. In this Letter, we introduce a new mechanism through which quantum fluctuations of massive fields function as standard clocks. The clock signals appear as scale-dependent oscillatory signals in the power spectrum of alternative scenarios to inflation.
  16. beecee


    Cricket, that is 5 day test cricket, is a game of tactical skills, in field positioning, bowling methodology in line with wicket and pitch conditions and progressive deterioration, hand/eye coordination, fitness, concentration and observation of probable weather conditions that may or may not affect bowling and/or batting. The innovation of "Mickey mouse" one day cricket, and more recently 20/20 cricket, were driven by many who prefer outright slogging and swinging on a purposely flat prepared pitch, to constantly create excitement of achieving boundaries, as opposed to the thoughtful skill needed when confronted with grassy more innovative pitches that contribute to ball swing and deviation, and the skill required to know when to let a ball go through to the keeper, or otherwise. Yes, sometimes 5 day test cricket can appear boring, but with the advent of the other two forms of the game, most International sides now play an attractive attacking brand of 5 day test cricket. Players conduct on and off the field, is under intense scrutiny all of the time in my country, and many a player has been penalised, dropped and even banned in certain cases for off the field conduct that is less then desirable. In this day and age of professionalism, they are virtually held to account for everything and anything they do, even in their private lives. I'm a mad Roosters/Eastern Suburbs supporter, one of the teams in the video I linked to, and I often when at a club, having a drink, or socialising, indulge in harmless banter and rubbishing of opposing sides, as do the vast majority of sports lovers in my country at least. The tribalism you speak of is conducted [at least where I am] in an air of joviality and harmless fun. And while there at times have been some violence, as well as acts of racial vilification among spectators, when that is discovered and revealed, severe action and penalties are invoked. Spectators have been given life bans in attending any game for certain remarks against certain players. The authorities are doing, and have done a good job where I am, in stamping out and discouraging such conduct. I love my science, I love learning and picking up more and more of aspects I was or am ignorant of. I love participating in this, and in the past, other science forums. I also love my sport. Test Cricket Australia's national sport, recently had a incident of some undesired actions taken by three of our best players [in fact two of those players are among the top ten batsmen in the world] They were both given 12 months bans, which plunged Australian cricket in total turmoil and resulted in complete overhaul of the game. There is good and bad in any endeavour, even incidents sadly within the science community.
  17. OK, my first point was referencing Andre Rieu...here he is in Melbourne at a concert I was also at... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UFmwArST-I The second point you raised, I can only plead ignorance, so something I have learnt today, thanks.
  18. beecee


    All football codes in Australia now, have woman giving it a go. I watched a woman's Rugby League final last year, and thank christ I was not on the receiving end of some of their tackles!!!
  19. beecee


    Obviously speaking of Rugby Union, the game they play in heaven, as it is often said. I played Hooker in both Rugby codes, and while Union can be tougher, League is more open and faster, with less emphasis on the ruck and mauls. League could take a lesson off Union though with the far more tidier scrums, which in League have become a farce now and sacrificed for the faster, more open game. Being an old Hooker though, not fully to my satisfaction.
  20. beecee


    Just last week, the first round of our NRL competition, one of our top notch players is out for a month or more with a ruptured testicle. Brings a tear to your eye just thinking about it.
  21. beecee


    Yeah I have watched a game of American football. Interesting but It lacks imo, the 80 minute non stop action of Rugby League......
  22. Coming to a science forum which operates under the scientific methodology, with an obvious political agenda and baggage, which knowingly may conflict with the far more reasonable political stance of the scientific methodology.
  23. beecee


    What are your favourite sports? Mine are Swimming, Rugby League and Cricket. But when the Olympic games come around and the total coverage on TV given it in my country, there are other sports that I get a deep appreciation for...cycling, for one...weightlifting is another. Sailing also has my interest, as well as rowing. I also in my own mind like comparing similar sports, for example, cricket and baseball. At the risk of getting some Americans offside [which I'm always prepared to take ] I see cricket as analogous to a game of chess, while baseball is more akin to a game of draughts. I'm speaking of 5 day test cricket of course, as opposed to the "Mickey mouse" style One day Internationals and 20/20 cricket. Other comparisons I tend to make is Rugby football [League or Union] with Soccer and American Grid Iron football. Having played League and Union in my time, I do have a bias towards them. What's your sport of choice? Which do you enjoy watching the most? What sport/s have you participated in at any level? An Important issue I did not mention is of course the undeniable influence that science has on all sports in general...equipment, training methods, etc. In the Rugby League for example, any player that takes a knock to the head is taken off the field for a HIA [head injury assessment] He then needs to pass certain tests as performed by a Doctor before returning to the field. If he fails those tests as conducted by a doctor, he is not allowed to return to the field of play. This has come about due to scientific findings in American football and the cumalitive effects of head knocks, which was highlighted in the movie "Concussion".
  24. Ahhh, the Netherlands.My favourite entertainer/showman/Violinist/Conductor/Entrepeneur comes from Maastricht in Holland. I'm sure you would know who I mean. Nice OP also, and while I certainly have crossed swords with you on occasion, you have on a couple of those occasions, made me rethink my position also.
  25. I'm essentially saying that perhaps we need to define nothing, and perhaps the quantum foam is as nothing as we can ever get, if it has existed for eternity as is often speculated.. The quantum foam possibly maybe the most fundamental of all fundamentals. Stringy though has answered it pretty well.
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