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Everything posted by beecee

  1. Me too...too old that is to assess validity. So I read plenty of reputable stuff from reputable scientists, who many times disagree over certain details. Then not being one to fall for conspiracy nonsense or ad hoc alternatives from unqualified people, yes, then I certainly trust the hypotheticals that have become mainstream theories. Perhaps if you were able to recognise that all current mainstream theories were at one time hypothetical, and that even those near certain are continually undergoing tests and knowledge in their precision aspects, you would not be so quick to dismiss the BB in favour of something that has been dismissed and for which we have no evidence for. Best of luck with Nexus anyway.
  2. Depending on the size of the BH and the increase in gravitational potential or critical spacetime curvature. eg; Falling into the SMBH at the core of the Milky Way, would see no real adverse effect until well past the EH and on towards the singularity. Whereas as stellar size BH could see spaghettification occur even before the EH was crossed. The differences in tidal gravity from your head and your feet if falling in feet first would see spagettification in the latter case. In fact as far as I know, the tidal gravitational effects and spaghetiffication would see a mass ripped apart and broken down into its most basic fundamental particles as the singularity is approached...even the strong nuclear binding force is overcome. Some far more detailed answers here.... https://www.quora.com/What-happens-to-strong-forces-when-inside-a-black-hole
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=george+pell+sentence&oq=george+pell+sentence&aqs=chrome..69i57.7079j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 George Pell sentencing LIVE: Cardinal receives six years in prison: George Pell has been sentenced to six years' jail, with a non-parole period of three years and eight months.
  4. Not sure how relevant it is or whether the subject for another thread, but as a star exhausts its available fuel and collapses, we get White Dwarfs held up by Electron degeneracy pressure, but virtually cheek to cheek with the protons in the nucleus. Further collapse sees electrons [and I hope this is the right description] forced to join with protons and forming neutrons, which is held up against further collapse by Neutron degeneracy pressure. When this final hurdle is overcome by gravitational collapse we then have aour BH's
  5. Important point in actual fact. It is what destroys you as a recognised human being when near the EH, or across it into the BH itself. The pull on your feet far exceeds the pull on your head for instance, hence the terminology of spaghettification as you are stretched asunder..
  6. Bingo!
  7. Just my thoughts based on the ERB conjecture. WH's certainly are highly speculative if possible at all. There are arguments with regards to them actually defying the second law of thermodynamics. BH's of course are certainly not speculative at this time, particularly with the aLIGO gravitational waves discoveries and the many other pieces of evidence pointing to their existence. Debate certainly continues on the nature of the EH, but that does not detract from the BH formation. In reality to deny the existence of BH's, something far more mysterious and sinister would need to be resurrected to explain the effects we see.
  8. I first came across the terminology of the "arrow of time" in Stephen Hawking's book, "A Brief History of Time" In it he describes the thermodynamic arrow of time, that is entropy increasing with time, and the asymmetrical nature of time, the cosmological arrow of time, or the direction of the expansion of the universe, and the Psychological arrow of time, or the flow of time from the past to the future. From memory [long time since I read the book] he speaks of the possibility of the universe recollapsing [or the reversal of the cosmological arrow] yet the flow from past to future continues in that one direction. In essence, while time is variable, it is also asymmetric or one directional.
  9. While the equations of GR certainly predict wormholes, we have yet to find one and don't really expect to anytime soon. I imagine a wormhole possibly being formed where the density of mass turns spacetime inside out in what we now call the singularity. But I would guess that this would mean a BH at one end, and a WH at the other. I found the following.....https://www.space.com/20881-wormholes.html https://resonance.is/artistic-interpretation-einstein-rosen-bridge-theory/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wormhole
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler's_rise_to_power advocating of course virulent anti-Semitism. Taking that in association with the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923 and the later release of his book Mein Kampf and the fact that the Nazis became the largest political party in Germany. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_theory_of_relativity
  11. "c" is decreased actually, as light/photons pass through any medium that is not a vacuum. Isn't that much simpler? The rest of your unsupported hypothetical depends on the "ifs" and "coulds" as highlighted. Have you ever had the appropriate license? Not sure what you mean by hollow, but in reality, and according to the tried and tested GR, ignoring any matter/energy crossing the EH, a BH would be the perfect vacuum, with the mass at the center squashed below the Planck/Quantum level. And of course speaking of density of any BH is illogical at best.
  12. "c" is never increased and of course the "tidal gravitational effects" are strongest as one approaches the center of the BH. At the Photon Sphere is where light/photons can orbit, and the escape velocity will reach "c' at the EH. We have no evidence whatsoever of being in a BH, and while the big bounce is highly unlikely, the BB is overwhelmingly supported by many facets of observational data. The rest is just made up from where I sit.
  13. Not really. Time travel is theoretically possible into the future, and relativity does not forbid that. Parallel universes, if they exist, are I believe causally disconnected from our spacetime so I don't see any relationship.
  14. As Strange has said, we travel through time, all the time. But I'm imagining that you are speaking of noticable time travel? As yet, since we can only travel at sub relativistic speeds, the effects of time dilation is insignificant. But perhaps one day as technology advances, we maybe able to reach relativistic speeds where the effects are noticable. Here is a chart that may give you a better idea of how dilation effects happen with regards to speed. Taking that to extreme lengths, if I took off in a spaceship at 99.999% c, and maintained that speed returning to Earth 12 months later, while I have aged 12 months according to my biological and mechanical clocks, the Earth I return to would be about 223 years in the future. Time travel to the past is thought to be impossible.
  15. Nonsense. Mainstream scientific theories become mainstream because they have passed all tests and have continuing evidence to support them and literally have "run the gauntlet" so to speak. And as success of theories are maintained over time, they gain in certainty as I listed previously. I noticed somewhere you queried how the speed of light in a vacuum can be verified. Of course space is not a perfect vacuum but pretty damn close, and of course such speeds are measured in the Lab via lasers. Again other then some rhetoric and an attempted biased History lesson, you offer know evidence to support your baseless claims. Yep, in Nazi Germany and the anti Jew racism that existed, and probably under threat and pressure. As certain as any scientific theory until it is falsified as per the scientific method. If you have any evidence to dispute your claims, then you need to write up a a paper for professional peer review. But I believe you would be pissing into the wind, when one looks at the evidence and experimental results supporting the mainstream model. I believe that has been sufficiently rebuked and found wanting on many fronts. DE is something related to spacetime itself and acts against the gravity of the overall mass/energy density of the universe.....hence the observed acceleration, as DE remains a constant acting over all spacetime, while the mass/energy density is getting less...which also obviously poo poos any Steady State notion.
  16. Please excuse me for ignoring much of your rhetorical ramblings and while you still fail in supplying any evidence for your hypothetical claims. While all theories certainly start off as hypotheticals, via experiments and observations, and subsequent gathering of evidence, those hypotheticals become theories, the top accolade other then scientific laws. Those same theories being constantly tested over time, gain in certainty as they continue to pass those tests, as well as making continued successful predictions, such as GR for example and the discovery of gravitational waves. Others of course are invalidated and fall by the wayside, while others such as Newtonian mechanics while correct, is limited to non relativistic effects here on Earth. That's part and parcel of the scientific method. I also find it rather difficult that so many newbies with alternative propositions, fail to follow the clearly laid out rules and post in the mainstream sciences, while ignoring the speculation section. Perhaps its an ego thing? No pot or kettle at all. I'm simply pointing out, [1] that you have posted in the wrong section, and [2] you supply no evidence for your hypotheticals. Now I would go back to square one and do some of your own spring cleaning then come back and see how you fare. What truth are you on about? And why bring some mythical being into a hypothetical science claim? Science seeks knowledge, and will continue to seek to improve and add to that knowledge as our technology allows. As I said previously, many scientific theories are now as close to certainty as we wish...the theory of evolution of life is the prime example...Others are close behind, such as SR, GR and the BB. PS: Please take some time to learn how to use the quote function...it makes things far easier to read.
  17. Why do so many newbies with obvious hypotheticals, as opposed to tried and tested mainstream models, have so much trouble discerning the difference? Proposals without evidence are a dime a dozen. What evidence, observational or experimental, do you have to support your hypothetical claim against the tried and tested mainstream theory/model?
  18. Like Stringy, I'm rather perturbed at the way you have taken the relative passage out of context. How would you handle the problem with ignorant anti vaxxers? While the majority of parents adhere to the warnings and advice of medical authorities etc, the few blockheads that don't accept the evidence are making the most noise it seems and are actively spreading their evil ignorant, and erroneous claims through social media. Idoitic lying claims like health professionals are lying etc. Any death from diseases the likes of measles for instance is a life gone totally unnecessarily. If such a death/s can be traced back to an unvaccinated person, perhaps we need look at charging that person. What do you think of that? Vaccinations must be compulsory to protect the innocent.
  19. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-dark.html Finding dark matter in the dark: March 7, 2019 by Dr Daryl Holland, University of Melbourne: Dark matter is the mysterious material that holds the Universe together, yet no one has seen it; or heard, smelled, tasted or touched it either. But that may soon change, and a laboratory 1000 metres below the ground in the Stawell gold mine halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide could be the epicentre of this discovery. Physicists have had a good run recently at detecting the seemingly undetectable. First there was the Higg's Boson, confirmed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012, nearly 50 years after it existence was first proposed. Then in 2015 the LIGO detectors found gravitational waves, a century after Einstein predicted them. Both discoveries were rewarded with Nobel Prizes. If all goes to plan, in the next few years dark matter will move from the realm of the hypothetical to the observable, opening a new era in experimental physics, and a major step towards a fundamental theory of nature. Professor Elisabetta Barberio is leading the Australian effort to detect dark matter, as the Director of the Centre for Dark Matter Particle Physics. The University of Melbourne physicist says Australia is uniquely positioned to confirm the existence of dark matter. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-03-dark.html#jCp <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I certainly like the reasoning and logic behind this attempt. extract: "In June the Earth is travelling around the galaxy at about 260 km per second, whereas in December it is more like 200 km per second. Therefore we would expect the Earth to be hit by more dark matter in June than in December. And this is what the Gran Sasso team observes in their data." "To remove this potential error, we need to repeat the experiments in the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are flipped. If we see a seasonal pattern, with a peak in summer and a minimum in winter, then the data from Italy needs to be rethought. If we see the same annual pattern, however, with a peak in June and a minimum in December, this could be the evidence that finally confirms the existence of dark matter."
  20. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-hubble-gaia-accurately-milky.html Hubble and Gaia accurately weigh the Milky Way: March 7, 2019, ESA/Hubble Information Centre: In a striking example of multi-mission astronomy, measurements from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the ESA Gaia mission have been combined to improve the estimate of the mass of our home galaxy the Milky Way: 1.5 trillion solar masses. The mass of the Milky Way is one of the most fundamental measurements astronomers can make about our galactic home. However, despite decades of intense effort, even the best available estimates of the Milky Way's mass disagree wildly. Now, by combining new data from the European Space Agency (ESA) Gaia mission with observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found that the Milky Way weighs in at about 1.5 trillion solar masses within a radius of 129 000 light-years from the galactic centre. Previous estimates of the mass of the Milky way ranged from 500 billion to 3 trillion times the mass of the Sun. This huge uncertainty arose primarily from the different methods used for measuring the distribution of dark matter—which makes up about 90% of the mass of the galaxy. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-03-hubble-gaia-accurately-milky.html#jCp THE PAPER: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2018arXiv180411348W Evidence for an Intermediate-Mass Milky Way from Gaia DR2 Halo Globular Cluster Motions: Abstract: We estimate the mass of the Milky Way (MW) within 21.1 kpc using the kinematics of halo globular clusters (GCs) determined by Gaia. The second Gaia data release (DR2) contained a catalogue of absolute proper motions (PMs) for a set of Galactic GCs and satellite galaxies measured using Gaia DR2 data. We select from the catalogue only halo GCs, identifying a total of 34 GCs spanning 2.0<r<21.12.0<r<21.1 kpc, and use their 3D kinematics to estimate the anisotropy over this range to be β=0.46+0.15−0.19β=0.46−0.19+0.15, in good agreement, though slightly lower than, a recent estimate for a sample of halo GCs using HST PM measurements further out in the halo. We then use the Gaia kinematics to estimate the mass of the MW inside the outermost GC to be M(<21.1kpc)=0.21+0.04−0.031012M⊙M(<21.1kpc)=0.21−0.03+0.041012M⊙, which corresponds to a circular velocity of vcirc(21.1kpc)=206+19−16vcirc(21.1kpc)=206−16+19 km/s. The implied virial mass is Mvirial=1.28+0.97−0.481012M⊙Mvirial=1.28−0.48+0.971012M⊙. The error bars encompass the uncertainties on the anisotropy and on the density profile of the MW dark halo, and the scatter inherent in the mass estimator we use. We get improved estimates when we combine the Gaia and HST samples to provide kinematics for 46 GCs out to 39.5 kpc: β=0.52+0.11−0.14β=0.52−0.14+0.11, M(<39.5kpc)=0.42+0.07−0.061012M⊙M(<39.5kpc)=0.42−0.06+0.071012M⊙, and Mvirial=1.54+0.75−0.441012M⊙Mvirial=1.54−0.44+0.751012M⊙. We show that these results are robust to potential substructure in the halo GC distribution. While a wide range of MW virial masses have been advocated in the literature, from below 1012M⊙1012M⊙ to above 2×1012M⊙2×1012M⊙, these new data imply that an intermediate mass is most likely.
  21. Of course they should. A general education program supported by Medical professionals, as to the proven benefits of vaccinations and the baseless nutty conspiracy scare tactics by the anti vaxers should be spread across the airwaves. Sadly, many people are prone to mythical and conspiracy nonsense, that oppose mainstream, in reality for reason of opposition, for opposition sake, then any real genuine fear. The better option is hit them in the hip-pocket. In my country government welfare operates on a "no jab, no pay" plan, plus of course those children [other then for certified medical conditions or reasons] that are not vaccinated are barred from kindergarten and care centers.
  22. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-ion-aces-quantum-scrambling.html Can entangled qubits be used to probe black holes? March 6, 2019, University of California - Berkeley Physicists have used a seven-qubit quantum computer to simulate the scrambling of information inside a black hole, heralding a future in which entangled quantum bits might be used to probe the mysterious interiors of these bizarre objects. Scrambling is what happens when matter disappears inside a black hole. The information attached to that matter—the identities of all its constituents, down to the energy and momentum of its most elementary particles—is chaotically mixed with all the other matter and information inside, seemingly making it impossible to retrieve. This leads to a so-called "black hole information paradox," since quantum mechanics says that information is never lost, even when that information disappears inside a black hole. So, while some physicists claim that information falling through the event horizon of a black hole is lost forever, others argue that this information can be reconstructed, but only after waiting an inordinate amount of time—until the black hole has shrunk to nearly half its original size. Black holes shrink because they emit Hawking radiation, which is caused by quantum mechanical fluctuations at the very edge of the black hole and is named after the late physicist Stephen Hawking. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-03-ion-aces-quantum-scrambling.html#jCp the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-0952-6 Verified quantum information scrambling: Abstract: Quantum scrambling is the dispersal of local information into many-body quantum entanglements and correlations distributed throughout an entire system. This concept accompanies the dynamics of thermalization in closed quantum systems, and has recently emerged as a powerful tool for characterizing chaos in black holes1,2,3,4. However, the direct experimental measurement of quantum scrambling is difficult, owing to the exponential complexity of ergodic many-body entangled states. One way to characterize quantum scrambling is to measure an out-of-time-ordered correlation function (OTOC); however, because scrambling leads to their decay, OTOCs do not generally discriminate between quantum scrambling and ordinary decoherence. Here we implement a quantum circuit that provides a positive test for the scrambling features of a given unitary process5,6. This approach conditionally teleports a quantum state through the circuit, providing an unambiguous test for whether scrambling has occurred, while simultaneously measuring an OTOC. We engineer quantum scrambling processes through a tunable three-qubit unitary operation as part of a seven-qubit circuit on an ion trap quantum computer. Measured teleportation fidelities are typically about 80 per cent, and enable us to experimentally bound the scrambling-induced decay of the corresponding OTOC measurement.
  23. Hope the news continues to be bright on that front. Me? had an extraction with some problems due to extensive roots, which needed to gum to be cut and stitches after removal. Rest of the news good. I try to be, but am at times stuck in a time warp with my fifities/sixties musical tastes, or so my Son tells me!
  24. The only doubt is concerning the "nature" of the EH, and quantum effects. That does not invalidate the BH and the effects we see, and of course the recent discoveries of gravitational radiation emerging from bionary BH collisions.
  25. Tidying that hurried response up some, the distant observer, never sees the poor soul cross the horizon.
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