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Everything posted by beecee

  1. https://phys.org/news/2021-11-russia-satellite-destruction-iss-greater.html Russia satellite destruction put ISS at greater risk: ESA official: Russia's destruction of one of its own satellites generated a cloud of debris near the International Space Station (ISS) and its seven-strong crew. For Didier Schmitt, a senior figure at the European Space Agency (ESA), Moscow's action increased the risk of a collision in space. Question: Was this a close call for the seven astronauts—four US, two Russians and a German - aboard the ISS? Answer: "It's difficult to say with hindsight. But what we know is that from now on, according to our sources, the risk of collision could be five times greater in the weeks, even the months ahead. "The new debris is moving in the same orbit as the Station, which is to around 400 kilometres in altitude, at more than 8 kilometres a second. That's seven to eight times faster than a rifle bullet! So to avoid them you have to predict a long time in advance: you can raise or lower the ISS a little. "But to do that, you need a precise cartography of the objects in question, which is not the case because it's all new. We are a bit blind. It is much to soon to decide whether or not to readjust the Station's orbit—that could make things even worse. The US radars are in the process of doing the calculations to know." more at link.......................
  2. Just trying to be helpful and thought you might be big enough to accept your error.
  3. Why is it so difficult for you to understand that one is a victim and the other an evil monster that must be locked away from society.eg: the case in point, Hitler, Idi Amin and many many more. Most, including the monster that raped the little girl have had their chance at redemption and rehabilitation. Why is it so difficult for you to admit that? Don't answer that, it is obvious and I have given the answer previously....sad and disturbing though it maybe. Protecting the perpetrator from persecution is grossly wrong and again a disturbing defining of a situation by yourself. We are, [the vast majority of western society] protecting the vicitm and society, and administering justice. It's that simple, and while not perfect, it is imperitive. Our justice system should always be the vehicle that, (1) punishing and deterring the wrongdoer, (2) Protecting the victim and society, and (3) attempts at rehabilitation of the criminal. The focus always needs to be on the vicitm and potential victims. That's one small step for mankind.
  4. Not bad, other then "mastery over the natural world" You really mean "understanding of the natural world" Two points here that need modification....."mastery over the supernatural"which really should be "mastery over Imagination and myth" and of course the highlighted part... Or to fairies at the bottom of your garden.
  5. The Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands[1][2] (HIMI[3]) is an Australian external territory comprising a volcanic group of mostly barren Antarctic islands, about two-thirds of the way from Madagascar to Antarctica. The group's overall size is 372 km2 (144 sq mi) in area and it has 101.9 km (63 mi) of coastline. Discovered in the mid-19th century, the islands have been an Australian territory since 1947 and contain the country's two active volcanoes. The summit of one, Mawson Peak, is higher than any mountain on the Australian mainland. The islands lie on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean. The islands are among the most remote places on Earth: They are located about 4,099 km (2,547 mi) southwest of Perth,[4] 3,845 km (2,389 mi) southwest of Cape Leeuwin, Australia, 4,200 km (2,600 mi) southeast of South Africa, 3,830 km (2,380 mi) southeast of Madagascar, 1,630 km (1,010 mi) north of Antarctica, and 450 km (280 mi) southeast of the Kerguelen Islands.[5] The islands are currently uninhabited. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands
  6. Vaccination rates are going incredible well in Australia at this time...NSW is now at 91% fully vaxxed, and other states are fast approaching that, and the average over all of Australia is now reached the 70% double vaxxed...Borders are opening up and restrictions generally relaxed. Yet as usual we still have that loud noisy minority screaming their tonsils out claiming it is against their rights and freedoms. Perhaps if we stick them all on the remote Herd/McDonald Islands and let them sort it out...On second thought that prisitine environment would then suffer. gives self an uppercut!! Still, thankfully, many sections of the workforce, as it gets back to normal, is only accepting fully vaxxed employees, and the same is applying to entry to most clubs and pubs.
  7. https://phys.org/news/2021-11-aliens-oumuamua-wasnt-nitrogen-iceberg.html Not saying it was aliens, but 'Oumuamua probably wasn't a nitrogen iceberg: On October 19, 2017, astronomers made the first-ever detection of an interstellar object (ISO) passing through our solar system. Designated 1I/2017 U1 ′Oumuamua, this object confounded astronomers who could not determine if it was an interstellar comet or an asteroid. After four years and many theories (including the controversial "ET solar sail" hypothesis), the astronomical community appeared to land on an explanation that satisfied all the observations. The "nitrogen iceberg" theory stated that "Oumuamua was likely debris from a Pluto-like planet in another stellar system. In their latest study, titled "The Mass Budget Necessary to Explain "Oumuamua as a Nitrogen Iceberg," Amir Siraj and Prof. Avi Loeb (who proposed the ET solar sail hypothesis) offered an official counter-argument to this theory. According to their new paper, there is an extreme shortage of exo-Plutos in the galaxy to explain the detection of a nitrogen iceberg. In the paper where he broached the possibility, Loeb indicated that "Oumuamua's unusual character and behavior were consistent with a solar sail. This included the highly-reflective nature of the object and its profile, which appeared to be either cigar-shaped or pancake-like. More importantly, its sudden acceleration and deviation from its expected orbit appeared to be the result of radiation pressure, which is precisely how solar sails achieve propulsion. There was also the way it entered our solar system, which allowed it to make a flyby of Earth after passing closest to our sun (perihelion). In other words, its orbital dynamics allowed it to get a close look at the only habitable planet in our solar system, which is precisely what one might expect of an interstellar probe. These arguments were detailed further in Loeb's book, "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth." At the time of the book's writing, all attempts to explain "Oumuamua in terms of natural phenomena fell short. Basically, there was no single explanation that could account for its brightness, profile and acceleration while acknowledging that there was no evidence of outgassing. In addition, the sudden acceleration could not be attributed to gravitational forces since these should have been slowing "Oumuamua down at the time. more at link....................... the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.14032.pdf The Mass Budget Necessary to Explain ‘Oumuamua as a Nitrogen Iceberg: ABSTRACT: Recently, a nitrogen iceberg was proposed as a possible origin for the first interstellar object, 1I/2017 U1, also known as ‘Oumuamua. Here, we show that the mass budget in exo-Pluto planets necessary to explain the detection of ‘Oumuamua as a nitrogen iceberg chipped off from a planetary surface requires a mass of heavy elements exceeding the total quantity locked in stars with 95% confidence, making the scenario untenable because only a small fraction of the mass in stars ends in exo-Plutos
  8. https://phys.org/news/2021-11-space-junk-station-astronauts-docked.html Space junk sends station astronauts into docked capsules: Space junk threatened the seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station on Monday and forced them to seek shelter in their docked capsules. The U.S. Space Command said it was tracking a field of orbiting debris, the apparent result of some type of satellite break-up. The astronauts retreated into their docked capsules early Monday, after being told of the last-minute threat. Mission Control had them close the hatches between the space station compartments again later in the day, as a safety precaution. "We are actively working to characterize the debris field and will continue to ensure all space-faring nations have the information necessary to maneuver satellites if impacted," the Space Command said in a statement. NASA officials did not provide any immediate comment. more at link..............
  9. Cosmological redshift. While I understand that this happens due to the expansion of intervening space, I'm still not really knowledgable enough to understand how they ascertain cosmological redshift from gravitational and/or Doppler redshift. What tidbits I do understand is that gravitational redshift cancels itself out with falling into and climbing out of a gravitational well, so that leaves us with Doppler. In other words when viewing a distant galaxy, we can have the cosmological redshift due to space expansion, and also the Doppler red (or blue) shift due to the motion of the individual stars.
  10. Never been cruel to any animal, ever...just doing what is best, with plenty of TLC....
  11. The focus always needs to be on the vicitm and potential victims .
  12. Gene Kelly as the scientist in the starring role...better than the recent remake imho. The first real movie to scare the daylights out of me, was "The Thing" from another world...I was around 7 or 8 years old. James Arness was the thing, his first (questionable) acting role. We too had the saturday arvo movie ritual, 11 pence admission, (before decimalisation) News of the World, a serial in 15 minute increments ( my favourite Superman with George Reeves) 2 movies and a cartoon...start at 1300hrs, finish at 1645hrs or 1700hrs.....trying to catch some sheila's eye, rolling Jaffas down the aisle, letting off stink bombs (on the odd occasion) and getting thrown out once or twice!!🤣 In between watching the odd good movie...ahhh, memories. The Blob was another with Steve McQueen that I enjoyed, but being older, didn't do the job on me that The Thing did.
  13. I would love to see a blockbuster type movie made on the progress of atomic science of the 20th 21st centuries, from the likes of Rhuterford, Bequeral, Roentgen, Curie, Szillard, Meitner to the Bohr's Einstein's and company...the discovery of radioactivity, X-Rays, the Fission bomb etc It would be based on probably the best book I have ever read..."The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes. Just have finished watching all of "For All Mankind"...quite enjoyed it, as with Interstellar and Gravity. Still nothing (at least for me) has reached the greatest sci/fi movie of all time, "2001: A Space Oddysey" and the pretty good sequel, 2010: The Year we made Contact" There actually has been one made, entitled "Day One" It was in B/W pretty good, but I believe something still more substantial should be made.
  14. Our justice system should always be the vehicle that, (1) punishing and deterring the wrongdoer, (2) Protecting the victim and society, and (3) attempts at rehabilitation of the criminal. The focus always needs to be on the vicitm and potential victims . And as I previously mentioned, there has been much concern and anguish in Australia in recent times, with regards to the attempts of rehabilitation of criminals along with the leniency that has beed shown, and having it promptly thrown back into the face of society. In reality, The evil few are fu&%$# it up for those other wrong doers that may or maynot benefit from the efforts of rehabilitiation. And once again, I find comparisons between the main real ife case in question, with regards to this disgusting animal and a little girl that was beaten, raped and probably scarred for life, as really disturbing.
  15. And the fairies at the bottom of your garden...don't forget the fairies! 😉 And constructed all sorts of supernatural and paranormal wonders to explain what was happening around them...among other possible reasons also! I have never did or been to any dog training course, ever...just did what I believed was best along with loads and loads of TLC.
  16. OK, I think I have what you seem to be objecting to.... That's the post in its entirety....and I stand by it as is...no goal post moving, no misunderstanding. In other words I'm saying we have plenty of evidence to support the concept of once you are dead, you are dead, kaput, the end. If you want me to retract that highlightedpart, show me reason/evidence why you believe it is wrong. I agree though re this thread having run its course. While that maybe true, a dog, any breed of dog, properly trained and given plenty of TLC to boot, will not attack unless instructed to, and will hold an intruder at bay. One of my Rotty's was 69 kilos. It's showing in a calm, cool manner, that you are the Alpha male, its actually that simple. Like I have said, never ever had any problem with any of my two Rotty's or the German Shepherd. My present two miniature Dachy's are now warming my feet. It's hard having a good mate pass away. I remember when I needed to take my last Rotty to the vet at 13.5 years old, for an obvious cancer growth on his back leg. I had the choice of getting the leg amputated and him maybe living another 3 months or so, or getting him humanely put down. I still have his ashes stored in a pride of place in our home. I don't really give it too much thought. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some cold hard bastard with no love or sympathy...I just simply accept the reality of the situation.
  17. I'm not casting aspersions on Daisy, I'm casting aspersions on your lack of control of your pet. Dove (as in dived I guess) through a wire door???? That sounds like aggressive behaviour. But hey, that's off topic so go give Daisy a dog biscuit for me and a hug! No I'm not actually sure what statement (in full) you are questioning.
  18. I have had two Rottweilers at different times, and put one on the porch facing the street when I noticed two Religious zealots going house to house. My dog simply gave one almighty bark as a warning. It stopped them in their tracks. The dog never attacked, and would never attack unless I was being assaulted. I would suggest you yourself need training in dog control and obedience classes. Evidence for no one ever coming back from the dead?😲 No I havn't any, other then normal everyday experiences, and the published medical evidence that it hasn't and cannot happen, and that has existed for as long as science has. But hey, if you have anything refuting that (other than 2000 year old myth) then great, let's hear it!
  19. What I said was, "And the evidence shows that once you are dead, you are dead..kaput, the end!" I certainly do not know of any confirmed case of a dead person coming back to life. I'm not real sure that I said that is evidence for the absence of a deity....terms I have used are "what need for any deity with science explaining back to within a small fraction of a second and/or similar.
  20. Yes. On the second part, for me yes, obviously, for science, no not really. I'm taking my lead from you. Well I don't believe we have anyone reported to be dead to have come back to relay where they have been...One 2000 year old rumour, that's about it. I find it reasonable. I mean while science has made the explanation of the universe, back to an incredibly short time pretty reasonable, and reasonable in such a short space of time, ( the 20th/21st century) I believe its reasonably safe to assume that with time, we will be able to answer even more. Sure, its not 100% but I have never said it was. But certainly more appropriate the some non scientific explanation. That answer is pure unadulterated philosophical nonsense at best, and argumentive excuse making at worst!
  21. Repeating my first "modified"reply in this thread, rather than the philosophical claptrap being pushed by one or two...... I actually reject being labeled an Atheist or anything else for that matter, other then recognising that science explains most of the universe and life around us, and continues to explain more and more. What need do we have for any deity when science can reasonably explain as far back as t+10-35th seconds? The problem as I see it, is that the universe is a cold, dark non caring product of evolution. And the evidence shows that once you are dead, you are dead..kaput, the end! Many humans do not like that answer and it sends a shiver up and down their spine. I'm aligned with Carl Sagan and his answer in the following 2 minute video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EQDhtVl_50 specifically the part where he says, "If the general picture of the universe of a BB followed by an expanding universe is correct, what happened before that? Was the universe devoid of all matter and then suddenly the matter was created? How did that happen? In manny cultures the customary answers are that a god or gods created the universe out of nothing. But if we wish to persue this question courageously, we must of course ask the next question, where did god come from? If we decide this is an unanswerable question, then why not conclude that the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or if we say that God always existed, why not save a step, and say that the Universe always existed. There's no need for a creation, the universe always existed. These are not easy questions, cosmology brings us face to face with the deepest mysteries and questions which were once treated only by religion and myth." As an amateur non scientist, who has grown [to late in his life sadly to really do anything constructive about it] to realise the beauty of science and its methodology, I understand that science does not have all the answers as yet, and probably never will, but I also understand that it has pushed back the need for any supernatural and paranormal explanation of the universe to near oblivion. In essence I don't even think about any atheisitic or agnosticism consequences of what I have learnt from forums such as this, and the logic of the scientific methodology and the answers that prevail according to the evidence, I have also had one or two baggage laden individuals, claiming that my adherence to science and its methodology is a religious like belief, specifically of course when that science debunks the more mythical reasons that they may or may not hold. Science and its methodology to me is simply a refinement of everyday thinking, atheistic, agnosticism or whatever label some may chose to put on that.
  22. Have fun my philosophical friend.
  23. It's a metaphor obviously and as you well know. Shame you keep on with your obtuseness. Nothing much else to offer? He is not sick or disabled. Although the poor fellow ( god bless his cotton picking little soul) does have liver cancer according to reports. Whether or not he is/was mentally ill is secondary in my opinion, and of course the opinion of most reasonable folk. I dare most certainly. And find your comparisons between this disgusting animal and a little girl as really disturbing, and probably something you need to see someone about. It also appears that you are so obligated, and/or disturbed in supporting this violent poor excuse for a man, over the pain, suffering, and damage caused to the little girl, I am leaving you to your own folly, and sorry I started once again to debate such an open and shut case with you. Thankfully justice was done in this case, and thankfully, the criminal will languish behind bars for the rest of his natural life. Yes, that's obviously a very salient point, and one I made earlier with regards to psychiatrists and psychologists in general, and which no one commented on. Of course! But irrespective we still will always put the animal down. As I believe I have told you previously, whenever we see cases of dogs attacking people, the first thing that should be looked at is the owner, and the possibility of charging the owner with wilful neglect. Some people should never be allowed to own a dog, or any animal at all. Our justice system should always be the vehicle that, (1) punishing and deterring the wrongdoer, (2) Protecting the victim and society, and (3) attempts at rehabilitation of the criminal. The various means available for rehabilitation are many and most western societies use them...suspended sentences, parole, house arrest, ankle bracelets, and community services. Sometimes they work, other times they don't. A recent example of a drug trafficker that was on bail with an ankle bracelet that decided he would take advantage of the system and then proceeded to cut it off and absconded, but recently caught a couple of weeks later at the QLand/NSW border in a container on a truck....the story...https://7news.com.au/news/crime/minister-fury-over-nsw-drug-accused-escape-c-4344268 and the details of his capture.....https://www.9news.com.au/national/how-alleged-drug-smuggler-mostafa-baluch-was-caught-in-mercedes-benz/38a72158-7462-4422-8762-6c727682c96e So, I suppose the question that should be asked is, (1) Should he be let out on bail again? (2) Should any more leniency be shown to him? Let's get this one quite clear. This bloke is probably a murderer. We do not know how many young people were directly affected by his crime/s. In other countries much stricter and much more severe punishments are administered. Case in point: A few years ago, two Aussies were executed by firing squad for drug smuggling in Indonesia, despite much campaigning in Australia to have their death sentences commuted. Yes, and they both certainly had my sympathy, but by the same token, they knew the results of their crime if they got caught...https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-29/andrew-chan-and-myuran-sukumaran-executed/6426654 Quite severe when compared to Australia's justice system and the obvious focus on rehabilitation and sympathy for the criminals in our country, and which many people are now questioning with the growing numbers of criminals taking advantage of the system.
  24. We are all animals. We are not all criminals. Most of us can be reached...the hardened animal/criminal most times cannot. Level, scale or duration, sometimes all extreme, and yet most individuals handle it. Whatever pain ritual or parading such a criminal as the bloke being discussed will go through, pales into insignificance to that poor little girl. You do remember her, yes? My concern is for the victim. ???He was on parole. Animals act instintively. They are supposedly, and generally not as advanced as us. Shame you are unable to address the issue at hand, instead of like dimreeper, covering your philosophical backside. The perpetrator's "suffering" is not the prime concern. The victim's is. That's good. I don't have any particular barrow to push.
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