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Everything posted by studiot

  1. Our experience is the same for carrots. Even commercially produced carrots seem to loose texture and flavour, though I am not sure that variety doesn't play a part in the lack of flavour. Wahsing is not part of blanching. That is simply immersing in boiling water or a steam blast and draining/drying. My aunt used to have a centrifugal (handraulic) spinner for the draining/drying part.. Washing is recommended, particularly with shop bought carrots since they scrub them in some chemical which kills germs but blackens the carrots within a few days if left in the air. We find that home freezing cannot sustain the range of freezing techniques and products available to commercial growers, who dip things in liquid nitrogen for example. So we use our freezer differently. Sometimes we just want to suspend deterioration for a few days to a week so leftovers go straight into the freezer for this time and this works just fine so that we don't have to eat the same things several days on the trot. Also we try to store stuff that freezes well (or is prefrozen) or cheap at certain times or unavailable at certain times eg Christmas mince pies. I see no point freezing potatoes or cabbage. They store pretty well in the garden are generally available all year round and take up a lot of space.
  2. Yes I agree, good point. +1 There is a lot of wooly thinking in this thread because we actually need to admit that we really don't know the answers here. But we should also state that Science is still investigating and has no definitive opinion as yet.
  3. Perhaps so, but that does not invalidate my point. I expect there will always be a residual few who wish to cling to unsupported belief systems. Please answer my point directly. Particularly as you say you wish to discuss , and that is the purpose of this webforum. The perhaps we can address some of your other claims, particularly those highly selective ones about the contents of the Bible.
  4. Well I am disputing that you can actually press down on your scales with a force greater than your own weight, without pushing against another (relatively immovable) object. So try it next time you visit a clinic or ask a neighbour. When you jump or rise slowly you are configuring your body as a see-saw or medieval catapault so that you can get necessary leverage to multiply the force on one side of the fulcrum. Note again that the reading on my bathroom scale drops when I stand on tiptoe. The value of this drop depends how fast or gently I stand up. So if I stand gently on the scale and wait till the dial settles at 70kg, then stand up very quickly it drops very rapidly to about 18 kg then returns to 70kg. The faster I stand the greater the drop. If I stand very slowly and gently the scale barely flickers below 70kg. At no time does it exceed 70kg. - the static value. It really needs a video, I will try to obtain one and get help to post it here. I don't think still photography will work here. But you really should conduct the experiment for yourself and see what happens.
  5. Just because you would like it to be true doesn't validate this statement. In fact quite the reverse situation is true. The peak of scientific effort being directed towards revealing details of a 'designer' occurred between 100 and 300 years ago and has been declining ever since. Today it is probably at an all time low point.
  6. We have a thread on comparing electric to heat engine powered vehicles, but this and a recent discussion elsewhere inspired me to consider passenger cabin heating in electric vehicles. IC engines have the advantage of a readily available heat source. Does anyone have any data or experience of how an electric car is heated and how much energy this takes ?
  7. Have you ever tried this ? Would you like me to post some photographs of what happens when I stand on my domestic bathroom scales and press up to stand on tiptoe ? The reading is rapidly disturbed by many kilogrammes. Downwards (towards much lower reading) Then the scale spins more slowly back to the same reading it was before I moved. This effect does not noticeably happen on a commercial weighing machine for sacks of sand, flour or whatever or on a weighbridge. This is because the flimsy domestic machine is based on a cantilever which substantially changes deflection further when you redistribute the load, before some compensation mechanism (if any) kicks in. This is why the manufacturer's instructions say to stand quietly and squarely in the middle on both feet with both flat to obtain a correct reading.
  8. Can we ? Where is it proved that the origin of space (assumng there is such a point) coincides with the origin of time ?
  9. But these are not whole numbers. Do you understand this mathematical notation 3 x 108 metres per second ? Do you think this means exactly 300,000,000 m/s ? Of course it doesn't. But mostly we work using numbers between 1 and 100 or 1 and 10 and multiply by a power of 10. That is accurate enough for many purposes. It was also the subject of my last post ( Avogadro's number 6 x 1023) which I certainly don't want to write out or even know to 23 digits.
  10. Old saying "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched." I have one broody hen sitting on four eggs. How many chickens have I got ? When counting we can generally agree if 1) The numbers are small eg I have 5 apples in this bag. 2) The objects being counted are well defined (eg 5 apples) 3) The counts are not averaged. So 1) Large numbers. I doubt that anyone has ever enumerated all 23 digits of Avogadro's number, although it is an exact number . 2) How many rivers are there in the United states ? It depends on your definition of river? 3) Many objects eg insect populations are measured by counting per square cm for lots of square centimetres and averaging. This will not in general result in a whole number. Sensei's example of a geiger counter is also an averaged result.
  11. Counting is often (but not always) an exact science. Don't forget the counting numbers. +1
  12. So you 100% agree with me . . ... . I can't tell what you mean by 100%, but yes I agree that Science is built on perceived data. But I did not claim that is the whole story, whoever. Science is much more than that. Science is also about the systematic recording, collating and organising that data and comparing it with previously perceived recorded, collated and organised data, and also using it to suggest new interactions. This may well be the reason Science proceeds in bursts of activity, followed by periods of 'filling in' and structural optimisation. It is also the reason formal treatise textbooks like Euclid etc are more difficult than tests written for instruction.
  13. studiot


    Markus especially for you https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-56427251
  14. Well yes, this is where the Ancient Greeks went wrong. Science studies whatever you can interact with. If you can't interact with it is there any point studying it since it can never affect you, by definition. Abstractions are useful if applied to sunsequent interactions, otherwise they are just guesswork and dreaming. And yes there are some very beautiful dreams about, but I prefer to carefully distinguish between the pure fiction of what I can imagine might be and whatever my interactions suggest reality might be.
  15. Thank you again for more useful information +1. It may be worth noting that no one outside the contract process knows exactly what went on and what short cuts, if any, were taken by various organisations. The US seems to have had a robust approach (even under Trump) which echoes the UK one of spreading the risk over many types of vaccine. I don't know how many here have participated in government procurement programmes on either side of the 'contract', but the UK government is currently being criticised for over short cutting the normal rules. I think the EU was a great deal more circumspect about this. I have personal experience of writing and administering contracts under both UK and EU rules and can confirm that there are many 'stages' to go through before commitment and even then the client can often pull out after this. Was it the EU politicians or the unelected beaurocrats ?
  16. This thread is somehow about the difference between time itself and the human perception of it. I would question the thesis that human time perception is incapable of investigation by Science. In support I offer the following. Human time perception is governed by the rate of (chemical) processes within the body. We know that if all is tranquil about us so that we are bored and soporific, time seems to 'drag'. ie run slowly. If suddenly something happens to alert us, stimulating chemicals are dumped into our system and time seems to speed up. Whatever else the human may be, it includes a body which is a bag of multiple chemical reactions proceeding at once and interlinking. Such a system is not unknown is Chemistry - though of course we cannot at present compass anything as complex as a human - and each reaction has its own natural rate constant, some combination of these will be dominant according to ordinary chemical kinetics.
  17. You need to factor in the rest of my post that you referred to. Thank you also for your replies (Zapatos beat you to it) Here is an interesting article from the BBC covid correspondent on the nonsense about vaccine side effects.
  18. That surely is up to the citizens and consituent governments of the EU, who notably did not pull together during 2020, setting up physical borders between each other. In the UK the inquest into who messed up what and when has already started we will see if that is a whitewash or not but serious accusations by influential people have been made. As to the vaccine companies; note the difference between intent to order UK "we will pay for them whether they work or not" EU "we will only order and pay when they are proven to work." Up to Jan1st 2021 they had not placed any firm orders. How can any firm in any business guarantee to supply "whatever the client, in any quantity they want, with as little notice as the client sees fit to give" ? The best they can do is to say "we will do our best at the time madam", which is what they did actually say. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/12/us-tops-100-million-covid-vaccine-doses-administered-13percent-of-adults-now-fully-vaccinated.html Thank you, they are getting on pretty fast then. As swansont said Where did they come from ?
  19. My own reading of the situation is somewhat different. I think that the EU leadership is manufacturing a dispute where none should exist to try to divert attention from their own abysmal failings. The UK placed firm orders at least three months before the end of 2020 and announced 'intent to buy orders three months before that'. The EU still had not placed firm orders at the beginning of January 2021, and indeed could not do so because it has still not licenced the vaccine.
  20. That sounds a lot, citation required please. How is this number consistent with the fact we are just in week 10/11 of vaccinations ? By comparison the UK should just exceed 25 million vaccinations today.
  21. So you are studying applications of partial differential equations. So what have you done so far ? What happens if you substitute for v and v' in the density equation ? Do you understand that the 'flux' q, will be the integral of the density over some region defined by x and t ?
  22. studiot


    Thank you Markus, for yet another big word. +1 Hiatus means pause or interruption not permanent cessation so I am pleased you have found something worthwhile to move onto and add to you list of accomplishments. I look forward to welcoming you back someday. 🙂
  23. A radical view might be that it is amazing how long a time the covid vaccine took, not how short a time. Think back to the spring of 2020. Political leaders in the UK, America and Europe were all promising (hoping for) a vaccine ' in use by the autumn and before the 20/21 winter'. It was only the scientists who were saying "we would be lucky to have a working vaccine by 2021" Now we have the press and media whipping up antagonism to the Asta vaccine, using any excuse generated. Specifically those by the same crank lobbies that seem to oppose any modern medicine. They have too much media exposure. The media loves a controversy. Congratulatory reports are few and far between, over too quickly and soon forgotton in the welter of bad news.
  24. I should also add that these books were selected as beings suitable for self study and for those who are not following a formal course.
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