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Everything posted by studiot

  1. Indeed so. Especially if it is misused. What do you think a 'quantum space' and a 'quantum particle' might be ? Are they real or imaginary ? Don't you think that 'quantum' is being overused ?
  2. They certainly are for ingredients. Perhaps I did not make the distinctionbetween ingredients and chemical analyses clear. As I said you are not required to declare the amount of say protein where there is a statutory minimum or a statutory addition.
  3. It's true that in the past the religous establishments sponsored and promoted the best of human arts in pretty well all artistic fields, writing, painting, architecture, sculpture, drama....etc. They still do so today but less prominently. +1
  4. The microwave equivalent of a laser is called a maser. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maser
  5. Why are these two statements not in direct opposition ? First you say time is only something which is measured by clocks. then you say it is something which can't be observed, which of course measuring is ? Note I haven't agreed with your opening gambit that the definition you attribute to Physics is correct. Instead I have supplied a definition which more fully, though not necessarily completely, describes the functions and properties of time. Actually I think you will find that Physics (do I know him?) says that time difference is what is measured by clocks, not time itself. There are, in fact, many such quantities that appear twice in the register, once as a difference and once as the quantity itself. Voltage is a classic one, height is another. Failure to make the distinction is the source of much misunderstanding.
  6. Thanks for the informative reply. +1
  7. The rules are quite complicated, as you might guess. Simply put, the basice rule is that every ingredient, except water, must be listed in order of %age composition. So if it's in there, it must be stated. I don't think actual values need be stated, but I would not think much for the reputation of a producer that wouldn't do this. However something described as say beef stew must have more beef in it than anything else ie beef must be the largest single ingredient. The complication comes where there are statutory regulations requiring the inclusion of a certain substance eg B vitamins in bread. Or the regulations may require a minimum content as in pork sausages. In these cases our good government assumes that everybody knows all the regulations, therefore there is no need to print them. So if your 11.1g of non sugar and some of it it was not starch they would have to tell you what it was since edible food ingredients don't contain other carbohydrates, such as the aldehydes chenbeier listed. Do you have reason to believe there is something nasty in it ?
  8. Do you know what you are doing Or are you just creating a smokescreen to avoid penetrating comment? You have not linked anything to my post as you have only posted once (plus of course the quote I have just made) following my post and that single post of yours carries no reference whatsoever to anything I said. Must I wave the rules at you and complain that you refuse to discuss your outrageous proposition that time does not exist ?
  9. In the UK they would have to tell you, though many EU and other foreign suppliers have been allowed to get away with inadequate food labelling in recent times. If you are interested in what is in food and what sensible explanations of the terminology here are two books I recommend. 1) The current version of The Manual of Nutrition, published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) Lists official tables of contents/ingredients per 100g and per Kcal and provides a few pages of text explaining technical terms. 2) What Are you Eating ? The food fact file by Isabel Skypala Again UK practice, but the tables are much more comprehensive and includes many branded products. Isabella is a dietician and, as might be expected, offers more detailed advice in comparing.
  10. What a pointless diversion from your topic. Physics and other Sciences observe a myriad of phenomena in the real world and use mathematics to describe them and that same mathmatics to predict the future course of these phenomena. That mathematics uses a common parameter variable we call time. Now how about addressing the comments of myself and all those other members who bothered to read your thread ?
  11. I hope you noticed that the %ages do not add to 100% ! This is because suppliers in the UK are not required state explicitly the water content of foodstuffs. Also the carbohydrate is often split into sugar and starch, with only one declared, so we have Starch = Total carbs 27.2 - Sugars = (27.2 -16.1 ) g Your list also includes a lot of 'fibre'. Now fibre covers a number of substances, some edible, some inedible. Of that fibre most foods have fibre as "non starch polysaccharides" or NSPs. NSPs are chemically also carbohydrates, some of which are edible (eg pectins) some are not (eg cellulose). But some foods, and I think coconuts come into this category, have fibres material that are not strictly carbohydrates So there is this category Fibre which crosses over with the Carbohydrates category. So your lineup is Fat 11.3 Sugars 16.1 Starch 11.1 Fibre 36.5 Protein 15.8 Minerals 02.6 Total 93.4 So the remaining 6.6% must be water. You might like to compare this with standard bread flour which is kept to 14% North Dakota State University has an analysis unit who might have also done coconut flour https://www.ndsu.edu/faculty/simsek/wheat/flour.html If you are interested you might like to email them. So there are no 'missing' carbohydrates in your coconut flour, though some definitely are included under the fibre heading, not the carbohydrate heading. Please also note that if you do a web search to look for water content of foodstuff, using 'moisture' is a better search word than 'water' as 'water' will return mostly recipe information of how much to add in cooking.
  12. I will try to find a fully explained example for you and also look at yours. Meanwhile a photo or scan of the full data on the packet would be helpful please. Edit I also note my formula for carbohydrates got mangled It should of course be (C.H2O)n where is is usually counted as being greater than 4 and represents un unspecific multiple. Sorry about that.
  13. No it's now ancient history. Check the OP date.
  14. Indeed it does, all the way round. Because if it doesn't there would be an accumulation of charge somewhere. Now consider this. Consider a submarine's battery (since bufofrog likes naval examples) Say 12 feet between the negative and positive terminals. So I connect a one inch test resistor between the terminals. Conventional current flows from negative to positive in 8.5% of the circuit and from positive to negative in 91.5%.
  15. Your 2021 UNESCO map seems pretty similar to the one I posted, just a tad more colourful. It certainly bears out all my comments. I fail to see the relevence of any of this to any part of this thread. Please stay on (your own) topic.
  16. My apologies to Olorin I see I have called you Mitko by mistake. Mitko is another member posting a thread about an entirely different subject.
  17. The old software acted like that as well. I did found out quite recently that if you leave a page with stuff, perhaps but not necessarily including quotes, in the input editor and go to another page of the same thread The editor clears but hides your stuff. So you must first click in the editor box, before you do anything else on arrival at page 3, from say page 5, to pick up another point. It can get quite tricky to assemble answers this way and is very easy to loose a substantial amount of input work. I also note that if you change page with the quote function as the first thing in your edit box, the software sometimes chops the first bit out or reassigns the author of the quote. I look back at a recent post, which is made a nonsense by just this effect I did not spot before I hit the reply button. Other forums have some even more unwieldy procedures. So on balance, frustrating as it sometimes is, the SF model is still better than most.
  18. Your summary of standard relativity physics started well. But you then introduced circular arguments a couple of times. If time is merely a human notion then the concept of life span is equally meaningless, voiding your conclusion. Once again if you reject time then you must also reject frequency as a form of time, voiding your alternative proposal.
  19. But I like your smile so excuse accepted.
  20. The term 'Carbohydrates' is strictly (c.H2O)2 in Chemistry. However this creates carbohydrate 'units' which form the basis or backbone of many bio-molecules. These are therefore part pure carbohydrate, part something else. Sugars and so forth are pure carbohydrates, but the bio-molecules are not. So the preparers of the food are giving you the % in terms of bio-molecules and in terms of those parts which are pure carbohydrate.
  21. Therein lies the twist in the tale. which way does current flow in a complete circuit?
  22. I was not arguing with your call for evidence. I was commenting on your attribution of Mitko's words to my poor self.
  23. I think I said there are two electrical sign conventions and one magnetic - which makes 3 in all. Since I posted my reply within a few minutes of Mitko posting his OP, I am disappointed he has not responded.
  24. That is an unevidenced claim. You need evidence for that. I somehow don't think you meant this.
  25. Actually the plus and minus conventions are more subtle than you perhaps imagine. There are actually two binary ( +/- ) sign conventions involved in electricity which have opposing sense, and yet another if magnetic effects are also included. The net result of this opposition of sense is that whichever way round you choose there will always be this difficulty.
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