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Everything posted by studiot
Create visible light from magnetic field or antenna
studiot replied to fredreload's topic in Speculations
Cuz they locked just about all my topics = =, and i got a -10 rep I am scared of the members Nonsense. You have yet to even acknowledge, let alone to reply to, posts 3 and 4 in this thread by other members. I have no idea where you negative reps came from, but almost all I see after these two posts seems to me to be irrelevent to your proposed photon machine. -
Create visible light from magnetic field or antenna
studiot replied to fredreload's topic in Speculations
I left off further consideration of your topic when you preferred to enter a spat with the mods rather than discuss the posts of other members, such as myself in particular. -
Question related to Bxl's observatory instrument
studiot replied to michel123456's topic in Earth Science
I found some history. The main astronomic activity around 1880 - 1900 appears to have been in solar spectroscopy. They nearly (but did not pursue it) discover the Zeeman effect. This article has some possibly useful references at the end. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1995ASPC...81....3S -
Question related to Bxl's observatory instrument
studiot replied to michel123456's topic in Earth Science
Like the suggestion, but looking at the photograph the domes are all off the axis of the linear structure. I'm not sure what use the linear structure would be to targetting either. There is a similar linear structure still there at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, outside Flamsteed House, but it is just a covered way. There are no such structures at the Observatories in Edinburgh or Dundee. Michel I have not good ideas, but I have a suggestion. The observatory has a 'contact us' tab on their website. Why not ask them by email? Note your picture refers to the new site after the relocation in the 1880s, the original observatory was elsewhere. Google has a picture of this, different from yours. -
OK so I will try to pick up all three of your threads here, but others will probably answer as well. There are many IT savvy people here. Digital computers (there are other sorts but I won't go into them here) have what is called a central processing unit or CPU. Inside the CPU there are a number of memory cells called registers. These registers are organised on blocks of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or even 128 cells. A CPU will have several such registers. These registers are the most important part of the computer as all the data and program instructions pass through these registers. Most of the work of the computer consists of moving these blocks of data about, loading them into a register, performing some instruction on them, and putting them in the 'computer memory. They are constantly flowing through the CPU. The blocks can come from various sources such as the keyboard. The keyboard contains its own temporary register for holding the block while the data is transferred to the CPU. So let us assume the user has pressed the letter A and the CPU transfers this to its own register. The keyboard register is then cleared ready for the next keypress to await reading. Meanwhile the CPU is following whatever instruction it is given to do when presented with an A. This may be to place the A in short term memory to await the next letter or it may be to place the A where it will be displayed on the screen as an A by the screen circuitry, or even both. Now there are several types of memory. First we distinguish volatile and non volatile memory. Data in volatile memory disappears when the computer is switched off, or is replaced by other data. Data in non volatile memory remains after switchoff. Volatile memory comprises the registers and RAM memory. A computer has a lot of RAM memory as this is its working space and using it is much faster than hard drive technology. Ram memory is also called read-write memory as the computer can both read the data in the memory block and write differnt data there. This also applies to hard drive and older tape technology. The alternative is non volatile memory. The solid state version is called ROM or read only memory. Hard drives are also non volatile. More recently solid state RAM (SSRAM) has become available. However I will leave discussion of that to a later post as economics (cost) plays a big part in the selection of memory. The ROM holds the program that controls the computer and tells it what to do when presented with the A. I will stop there for now, that is enough to start chewing on. Come back and reply when you are ready, don't waste your last post today on it.
Is this homework?
Can someone who understands Infrasound explain it to me?
studiot replied to SidneyJones13's topic in The Lounge
Firstly this has nothing to do with Earth Science, and you will get a wider response in a more popular section of this forum. Take heart, I am glad to see your neighbour is the cooperative sort. First question has she simply got the bass turned right up without knowing it? Then, can you find out where and how her speakers are mounted? It is possible that the mounting is coupling to the fabric of the building either the walls or floors making the effect worse in your rooms. Decoupling may be the answer. If they are on the floor, standing them on a decoupling material (a section of rubber mat cut out of a cow mat is ideal and cheap) can do the trick. If they are wall mounted then some antivibration blocks may be called for. -
You said the field was perpendicular. It’s not. No amount of tap-dancing changes this. I think Mitko has something of a point here, and perhaps there is also a language translation effect. Mitko, these circles (disks might be a better word) are locally perpendicular to a long straight wire. I read your words and think you are are referring to a 'long straight wire' Most wires are not straight (for the most part). This is why the definition, taught at basic level, refers to a 'long straight wire'. Teachers are (or should be) careful with the language they use so the students do not take away more than the teacher really meant. Think about the field inside (and outside) a solenoid. This is not generally perpendicular to the winding wire of a solenoid. But this is a detail, we should not get sidetracked by details. There are fundamental issues with your hypothesis. I would prefer to concentrate on these. Firstly there are different types of electric current. You have identified only one of them, notably direct current in wires. Secondly even for the restriction to direct currents, most of these in this world are not carried by electrons. Most direct currents are the result of chemical action and are carried by ions, either organic or inorganic. Rusting is a galvanic process as are most of the processes in your own body. Very few of these currents have an associated magnetic effect. Thirdly there are several 'models' of electric current in use. None are perfect; some are downright false or fictitious but still used because they give the right answer to certain questions. For example the Maxwell mesh currents. There are also effects to which we still have no satisfactory answer. Such as the 'anomalous Hall Effect'. To help this thread I suggest the following thought or real experiment as in the diagram. You have a pair of horizontal large copper plates, separated by a small distance of say 10 - 20 mm. Connected to each is a wire. I am using wires because it is simpler to say there is an electric current in a wire. The wires can be wiggly or straight, it doesn't matter to this experiment. The bottom wire runs to a copper rod buried deeply in moist earth. The bottom wire is also connected to the second terminal of the battery. The top wire runs to one terminal of a battery, via an on/off switch. Both wires include a fast acting current meter (galvanometer) - the old fashioned centre zero is best as it also indicates current direction. You have a high speed camera to record and play back on slow the events so you can see what happens when you open or close the switch. So my question is: "How does your hypothesis explain what happens 1) Before you lcose the switch - when the switch is open? 2) What happens when you close the switch? 3) What happens when you reverse the battery and repeat the proceedure?"
Create visible light from magnetic field or antenna
studiot replied to fredreload's topic in Speculations
The Kerr effect is fast enough to be used to measure the speed of (visible) light. You might be able to reverse engineer one of the magneto-optical effect, such as the Surface Kerr Effect, (SMOKE) to achieve your objective. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magneto-optic_Kerr_effect -
These are good, well posed questions that deserve well posed answers. In order for us to pitch a reply at the appropriate level please answer the following question. If we plot a circle on graph paper the relationship between the x axis and the y axis is given by the equation x2 + y2 = r2, where r is the (constant) radius of the circle. Do you understand this statement?
Given the information Dr Swanson has given you the best possible answer, but it is very short. +1 A little more context would elicit a fuller and hopefully better answer.
I actually answered one of your questions with some factual information to which you could have responded but chose not to. How can this be a threat?
I would appreciate a response to my post before the moderators close this thread. If you do not know then you have done the right thing by asking. Apart from the greater flexibility of stranded wire which affects the manual handling, stranded wire has a substantially larger surface area to volume ratio. And surface area is known to be important transmission of electric current. This is as predicted by conventional theory and borne out by experimental observation.
Yes indeed, Billy. I have used ultrasonic coating thickness meters in the past. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=0pmZXramO-6AjLsP1pqAuA4&q=ultrasonic+coating+thickness+meters&oq=ultrasonic+coating+thickness+meters&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABDNAjoFCAAQgwE6AggASjMIFxIvMGcyMTJnMGcxNzBnMTc0ZzExMGcxMTZnMTE0ZzExNGcxMDhnMTQxZzE2NmcxNzNKHggYEhowZzFnMGcxZzFnMWcxZzFnMWcxZzVnNGcxNVDWCli4UGDaUWgAcAB4AoABkgOIAbojkgELMTEuMTkuMS4yLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi2162btO_oAhVuAGMBHVYNAOcQ4dUDCAg&uact=5
I don't see the point of any of this. I it runs counter to experimental observation. For instance you do not need a conductor to have an electric current. The quotations from the early days of electromagnetism seem to bear no relation to the rest of your post and are historically inaccurate. Oersted made important experimental discoveries about magnetism and some contribution to the connection between magnetism and electricity. Faraday repeated and refined these experiments, correcting some errors made by Oersted and made further important discoveries in both electricity and magnetism and their interrelationship. What is the purpose in posting this?
A new study of water conditions in Western US from 800 to 2018 identifies 40 major droughts of which 4 qualify for the title megadrought. The most severe was 1575 to 1703, showing these last a significant length of time in human terms, importatant as we have been in one since 2000. The droughts are attributed to normal climatic cycles, but a connection to climate change is also discussed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-52312260
A really good bok for your purposes would be Ted Nield's "Supercontinent 10 billion years in the life of our planet." Ted is an expert in the subject, not a journalist. But the book is meant ofr interest amateurs, and you will find his explanations highly understandable. He answers your questions about many things including unbalance. But also critically why Atlantis could not have existed, and many other ideas from the past and today and into the future.
Using geothermal energy is a great way to get energy. Unfortunately for your diagram, the laws of (fluid) mechanics do not allow pumping in the manner described. Above a certain lift head, pumps need to be placed at the bottom of the lift, not the top and need to be what is known as a positive displacement type.
Whether you inflate one balloon or 10 balloons at a time, are you going to answer my question as to how much energy it takes per balloon?
I didn't want to introduce Cartesian Geometry by any particular door, but Euclidian Geometry is not a coordinate Geometry. Euclidian Geometry does require the concept of coordinate independent length as a magnitude and angle as a magnitude. Definitions, 9,10 11, 12 and 15 Axioms 3,4 and 5 Postulates 1,2,3 and 4 all depend upon this. Further in Euclidian Geometry it is not necessary to superpose figures to establish congruence. Using the numeric proporties of the lines and angles as stated suffices. Superposition adds an extra axiom that 'moving' the figure does not distort these magnitudes. This lack of a need for any coordinate system is also implicit in Relativity (enter the Physics) . Another aspect is that constructivism requires a causal ordering for many propositions that flow from the definitions and axioms, this also is preserved in Special Relativity. Finally there is the fact that (as Strange noted) different parts of Physics view time in different ways, I extended that beyond Physics in my first post in this thread. No one seems to have taken that up.
Perhaps we have read different history (of Mathematics) books ? There is no coordinate Geometry in Euclid, that was introduced by Descartes and is therefore also called Cartesian Geometry. But Euclidian Geometry does have a concept of length, you cannot have congruence without it, only similarity (which is also included in Geometry). Much of Euclidian Geometry is about congruence and other measures such as Pythagoras. Indeed the Ancient Greeks who proved that √2 is irrational nearly had a war over it. But you can define Geometry any way you want. You just have to try to persuade others to use your definition if it differs from convention. And of course convention changes (some say develops). The first half of the 20th century was occupied by those who wnated to show that all Geometry is algebraic in nature. On the other hand the Ancient Greeks were more constructivist in that they even had a definition of what you could use to 'construct' a figure. But they could not construct a Mobius strip with their methods. So if I want to use the full range of angles or linear (or area or volume) measures I am forced to accept irrational (and other) numbers.
But 2pi is irrational. So 1 radian is also irrational. Your thesis was you can do geometry with only rational numbers. But you can't if you have to make a fraction with an irrational one.
So what is in the balloon before the pressurised air is injected? If you say nothing, it is just floppy, then a considerable amount of energy is expended expanding the volume from nothing to 16.66 cuft against the pressure of the water at that depth. How have you allowed for this?