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Cookies nonsense and other changes
studiot replied to studiot's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
The solution is not to a problem created by programmers. The solution is different programming entirely. (Perhaps different systems analysis) -
Cookies nonsense and other changes
studiot replied to studiot's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
I know the sort of thing cookies are legitimately used for, and I thank you for the useful information about how some can misuse them. But I disagree that it is impossible to do without them. Everybody screamed 'we can't do without Lead tatra Ethyl' and we can't make our cars more fuel efficient and cleaner burning and so on, when the regulations were introduced. Whadda ya know? We are now driving cars that conform. -
Thank you for that clarification. However it seems the OP is not interested in the detail offered so I will bow out.
The Black Knight is the one we must not mention by name, Mr Potter.
Unless you sent the signal by faster than light pigeon. I don't understand why this question is in mainstream Physics, not speculations but I will offer some thoughts. Why bla bla bla? Did you not want a serious answer ? The apparent mass becomes asymptotic to infinity at a relative speed equal to that of light. (ask if you didn't understand this statement) Think about this situation: Water is flowing in an open channel, say a river or concrete channel outflow from a reservoir. The steeper the slope of that channel bed, the faster the water flows. Now the total energy of that water is comprised of the kinetic energy due to its velocity and the pressure energy due to its depth from the water surface to the channel bed. If you add up the kinetic and pressure energy of the water you obtain the total mechancial energy of that water. Dividing by mass or volume gives the specific energy per cubic metre or kilogram. The specific energy becomes asymptiotic to infinity at a certain value of specific energy. This situation is unsustainable so the flowing water adjusts to the situation with what is known as a hydraulic jump. A hydraulic jump is an abrupt change in the depth of the flowing water. This is a real phenomenon observed in some rivers and used in artificial situations like dam outfalls.
Hello, you need the magnetic field of a flat spiral coil. How is your maths? Here is another experiment to read up on. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/jbsmse/v33n3/a08v33n3.pdf also look here https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=9wdLXLrGAeiqgweBs6XYDg&q=magnetic+field+of+spiral+coil&btnK=Google+Search&oq=magnetic+field+of+spiral+coil&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l7j0i22i30l3.582.6892..7312...0.0..0.764.6500.1j7j1j4j2j4j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.pb6xLpWwWeA Note this should be in the homework help section. Tell us how you get on.
Cookies nonsense and other changes
studiot replied to studiot's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
Yes +1 Which is why I suggested banning cookies altogether. But cookies have benefits? There is precedent for this. Lead tatraethyl, DDT and other things brought benefits certainly. But they are now still banned because of their downsides. Strange, do you trust your Bank's IT department after all the recent scandals ? -
Completely right. +1 for encouragement. More later.
I haven't much time now so I will just answer this one and offer some encouragement. These lines are part of the same sentence so the question mark goes at the end. Perhaps I should have put better punctuation. Sorry. Try this What is the meaning (ie how do you interpret) of the statement: "Event A has a probability of 1"? I think you have a better thought capacity than you give yourself credit for, even in maths. You just need to find what others have done before you. :)
Thank you. So if the set of outcomes is infinite and the set of all events, A (to give them a name) are both infinite do they have the same 'amount' (to use your words) of members? An unknown quantity is not necessarily a variable in my book. It may be a fixed invariant. This is the difference between equality and identity in mathematics. A hidden variable may be known but never explicitly calculated eg in the pharmaceutical process of 'alligation' . There are also many examples in maths at all levels where an intermediate result has to be calculated to obtain a desired end result. In both cases the 'hidden' variable can be recovered and calculated if desired. The hidden variables interpretation Strange is discussion is a horse of a different colour entirely. Read carefully what he said about them and ask questions, rather than make inappropriate pronouncements about them.
No offence meant but how are these compatible ? Particularly when you misuse particular mathematical terms with very specific meanings (I think without realising it). For instance. Similarity is such a specific word in mathematics and it does not mean what you have stated there. Here at ScienceForums there are plenty of members who can help you understand these and I strongly suggest you listen to them as they can be very friendly. I started with the word probability and you are also participating in the thread entitled interpretations of QM. Note the word interpretations. Why do you think we have these? Here is a simple (or is it) question about probability. What is the meaning (ie how do you interpret) the statement Event A has a probability of 1? I will warn you it is not as straightforward as it seems.
I have no idea what you mean, but I do know that probability and its mathematics does not work like that. Unknown quantities, which may be unknown simply because we have not yet bothered to measure them and hidden variables are not the same thing either. It would be good if we could all work from the same set of definitions of words. We used to have a goat here called Nimrod, who changed his name. I had thought you were perhaps the new name for this member, but apologies as I seem to be wrong about that.
You should measure the water accurately as well. For rice to accompany savour dishes add between 1.8 and 2.0 times the volume of the dry rice grains. For rice pudding add up to 2.4 times the volume of milk, depending upon desired final consistency.
Mathematics ends in contradiction-an integer=a non-integer
studiot replied to anne242's topic in Speculations
I asked you to define finite and since you have not done this I am reporting this trhead for closure. For your information, it does not make any difference whether zero point nine recurring terminates or not. The number is still finite by conventional definitions. Finite refers to the absolute value of the number not the quantity of digits after the decimal point needed to express it. The absolute value of zero decimal point followed by an infinity of nines is 1 -
I just love that quote of Schwartzschild 's Simple exact solutions. What could be better?
Perhaps, but mine is a better story. He shouldn't. According to my supplied instructions (courtesy Toshiba) you add 50% extra cooking time for each doubling of a portion. Or perhaps that was for one of their nuclear reactors. I'm not sure now. I mix them up with microwaves all the time. :)
High precision, that's a laugh. You weigh the potato in the cool greengrocery area of the supermarket and then take the potato to the overheated till area, where some of the mositure in the tuber evaporates, changing its weight. :)
A background note on this. Mordred (No offence and no suprise) is fond of quoting the Physics definitions he uses every day for some mathematical terms. Metric is one. Mathematically, Euclidian space has more than one available metric and results depend upon which one you choose. So Pythagoras is not the only one.
A very reasonable question that confuses many. +1 If A system, whether simple or complicated, can be considered to exist in one or many 'states', each state is called a bit or piece of information. Now these states may be abstract and non physical such as the number of different spot patterns that can appear on the face of a rolled die (6) Or they may be concrete and physical for instance the number of energy levels available to a single particle in a particular atom. For the sake of the discussion let us say this is also 6. Then either system can be used to represent 6 different things or pieces of information at most. It is the mathematical statistics of these levels that leads to another property called entropy and the connection between information entropy in computers and thermodynamics. Does this help?
Thanks. Did you note, from my attachment, that the uncertainty principle also occurs in classical mechanics?
Thank you for the upvote, whoever. Some additional comment or question would have been nice. So here is one. In a truly infinite series of trials, how many times will a specific event occur, given that the event has a non zero probability, however small ?
More like the goat is tussling with the mathematical theory of probability. Many (if not most) processes are not single step, they are multistep or multistage. Thus we should consider combined probabilities Note 'probabilities' is a more precise and mathematically tractable term than possibilities. Something like this needs to be considered.
As always in such considerations it is the null or zero case that provides the twist in the tail. Consider one ball, of mass M, and colour C1, just sitting there. At some point the colour changes to C2, , due to some suitable external event, such that there is no change of mass. We can indeed compare measures of the event by using time. How mathematically is the change of time related to the mass M?