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Everything posted by studiot

  1. What do you mean by the latitude of the centre of the circle?
  2. Isn't this fun? I think detailed presentation of the vectors that make up the attraction felt at the Earth's surface are off topic here. I will happily start a new thread to present them if you like.
  3. Are you reading my text? and did you bother with the lecture I appended? It was aimed at non Chemistry first year students.
  4. Then we need to start from the beginning. First about this question Pretty well all sodium compounds are soluble to very soluble. A precipitate will only form if (one of) the products of the reaction are insoluble. You only learn this sort of information by experience. So there is no reason not to look it up. Just ask Google if sodium acetate is soluble. This will give you practice and some chemical background lnowledge and gain you familiarity with chemical terms etc. Next about pH. Chemistry is a mathematical subject so you need some facility in basic maths. One of the equations I wrote was pX = - logX X stands for anything we want to calculate with and its p value is given by the negative logarithm. Don't worry what or why p value yet So the p value of the hydrogen ion concentration is written pH and another of my equations show that pH = -log[H+] The square brackets are used to show we mean the concentration in mols/litre The big question is Do you know what logarithms and antilogarithms are or should I explain them? You can also take the p value of other things eg the hydroxyl ion concentration and tha acidity constant Ka We are heading towards the equation you want which is pH = pKa + log [salt]/[acid] So you see it is vital you understand the necessary maths. Look here about pH https://www.materialstoday.com/materials-chemistry/comment/caustic-wit-acid-tongues-mind-your-ps-and-qs/
  5. In the case of a travelling object you can point to something definite to assign the additional mass to. In some cases (such as fields - used in the physics sense) you have to assign it to the system as a whole.
  6. Describing the H-H equation and its use was the main point of the lecture I posted.
  7. In the latter part of the 20th century we have been pumping water back into strata to increase oil/gas extraction yields amongst other things. So now we have a few decades of data on the effects of this pumping. With you background investigating the effects of this change from oil in the stata to water might provide a suitable subject. But also with your background, please remember to put in as well as take out. So I look forward to your helpful participation at SF in the future.
  8. Hope ypu like it. Remember to come back here to SF and ask questions as you proceed.
  9. As I understand it, they always manifest themselves as an additional mass, just as plain old kinetic energy increases the mass of the travelling object.
  10. On the Earth, yes. But don't forget Beecee's very valid note about Lagrange points. This has got me thinking about manifold warping, saddle and other points to see if I could construct a warping that had neighbouring points with normal going in opposite directions. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that Nature is perverse enough for this.
  11. In what way?
  12. Neither. It's too late to draw diagrams tonight, but if you stood in Cambridge like Cavendish, and measured gravity you would have to include for a force normal to the axis of rotation, not directed towards the centre of mass. This is why it varies with latitude. Your measured UP would be the vector sum of this force and the force directed normal to the geoid as you say.
  13. How many times, Butch? do we have to tell you that without mass there is no gravitational perturbation. Mass is the cause not the effect and we do no know of any other cause.
  14. Lagrange points are a big issue for Steve's direction theory, as is anywhere where the vector sum is zero. The point I was making is that the surface normal and the direction of gravity are not generally parallel. There are two reasons for this, one is that the Earth is not a perfect sphere. The other is the rotation of the Earth, so that even if the Earth were a perfect sphere, the normal and gravity would still not be parallel. The difference varies with latitude.
  15. Moreover, as I have already noted, Gravity is only parallel to these normals at the poles and equator.
  16. OK so your comment is a result of personal preference. I agree that question has become wooly since the advent of sub atomic physics: before it was well defined. I would also like to point out that when posing the question the OP was hoping to propose some sort of quantum hierarchy. But thank you for answering. I was hoping for
  17. Why not ?
  18. Of course we do. It is all standing on a giant tortoise. Moderators, why can't we have a proper winking smiley please?
  19. OK, I'm trying to find out what you know here about the subject in hand. Next question. You have shown a reaction going to completion. Does sodium acetate precipitate out? If not what does actually happen? Do you know what Data: Ka = 1,80 × 10-5 means? Attached is a zipped powerpoint of a first year UK university lecture on the subject that may help with the background. Have you done any reaction kinetics? Are you familiar with the following equations pH = -log[H+] pOH = -log[OH-] -log[H+]-log[OH-] = -14 pH+pOH = 14 = pK pX = -logX Note some modern authors like to use [H3O+] or even more complicated formulae for [H+]. But this does not add anything but more writing to a calculation. Attached is a zipped powerpoint of a UK University first year lecture about the subject that may help. pHarch.zip
  20. So what is your equation? and have you read this?
  21. Well since you obviously know the chemical formulae of the reactants, surely you can do part (a) ? You need to tell us something of your thoughts, as well as the question.
  22. Even on the surface of this Earth, this is not true. Any geodesist will tell you about the varaition of inclination of a pendulum bob with latitude. Further complications come with lanearby large mountains. That is how Everest was discovered by western surveyors.
  23. How to treat autistic workers effectively. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-46538125
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