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Everything posted by studiot

  1. How does that avoid two sets of windings? I can't see you making a 1kw generator with permanent magnets.
  2. Thank you for the thoughts about the effect of 'aroma' on perceived taste, SJ. +1 I believe there is something about that in Atkins book 'Molecules' (highly recommended if you haven't seen it) Thank you for the link John Cuthber. I see the sweeter fruit you link to comes from the tropic. I did lump tropical and subtropical together. Yes I expect you can fiddle the overlap figures any way you like and probably proove that the cooking apples on my Bramley tree are sweeter than the Pearmains next to them. But I know what 99.9% of the population would choose as an 'eating apple'. Yes many melons are pretty insipid, but this year, Tesco has had some half decent water melons as sweet as any I have had in Turkey or the Middle East or South Africa. I agree that you have found one class of sub tropical fruit - citrous - lemons, limes, grapefuit etc that are less sweet. But this is not a game of matching the best agains the worst. As far as I know there is no temperate fruit that comes anywhere near the fig - just look at the figures in Sensei's link
  3. All of this is stated as fact when indeed it is just speculation, much of which runs counter to the available experimental evidence. In particular the science of seismology which offers over a hundred years of reading by now puts limitations on the nature of the core and has lead to the two part model we have today. That Aurora book I mentioned offers a much more convincing thermo-magnetic generator in the core than any I have seen before. The Russian member (Fermer) might like to learn that it relies heavily on his pet Coriolis effect. Finally you say that your calculations match those of Newtonian mechanics. Using Newton, we can deduce a mass for the Earth from its interaction with the rest of the Solar system. The mantle and crust plus any sort of light plasma do not contain enough mass to meet this requirement. The core has to be very 'heavy'. I do not see a response to my request for your estimate of the temperature required for the core material to reach the plasma state. Gaseous iron is only just getting nicely warm by your temperatures.
  4. Except that I started with a list of some very substantial flowering trees. It's true i introduced some smaller plants but only as an afterthought. Further I was thinking of the west country 'Devon Banks', when I mentioned the bluebells etc. These are exposed to the sun all year round, and not normally wooded. I can't square the need to get the flowers over and done with before the leaves, because of the sunshine theory either. Hydrangeas, for instance do poorly in full sun unless they are a special type.
  5. DC from generator is not like DC from a battery. DC generators also have a commutator to swith the polarity. No stator windings?
  6. AC motors and generators are used in preference to DC in vehicles, boats and aircraft because they are smaller and lighter than the equivalent DC version. This characteristic is inversely propostional to the frequency of generation with DC = 0 and the weight/size decreasing as frequency increases (aircraft use 400 cycles) Ac also allows for polyphase equipment.
  7. Thanks for the replies. Perhaps you have tto much sun or the wrong soil? I note the difference is not confined to garden plants or shrubs eg hedgerow bluebells, primroses etc seem to be over very quickly, but rose bay willow herb seems to last for ever, once it comes in late summer.
  8. Thank you to those who have pointed out the distinction between sugar content and sweetness. I am more concerned with observed (therefore subjective) sweetness. I would also like to observe there is considerable difference in sweetness within some categories eg cooking apples v eating apples. This may be due to string junky's highly pertinent comment that fruit also contains fruit acid. But maybe you are misunderstanding my observation. I don't suggest that all tropical fruits are sweeter than all temeprate ones or that there is not a range of sweetness within either category. In fact there is probably a fair measure of overlap and a plot would look something like this.
  9. You seem to be moving from fact towards fancy. What evidence do you have for direct conduits from the centre to the poles of the earth (or the Sun for that matter) ? I think there is lots of evidence against this proposal. The Sun is largely plasma formed of the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. The Earth's core is made of quite different material that lies around the bottom (or top depending upon which way you orient it) of the packing fraction curve. Have you considered the temperatures necessary to turn these into plasma? Mentioning the Aurorae I have been reading a new in 2018 book by a lady plasma physicist who has made the study of the aurorae her life's work. I'm sure you would find source of insight in the technical bits. Aurora Melanie Windridge William Collins 2018
  10. Interesting detail in the link Thanks +1
  11. Ask swansont, he split the thread.
  12. You will find much of this work already carried out in Thermodynamics of the Earth and Planets Alberto Douce Cambridge University Press 2011 Your diagram, for instance looks like the one of page 75. He treats equations of solid state in chapter 8 pages 386 to 419 and Melting in planetary bodies chapter 10 pages 477 to 521 Comparative figure for most of the planets are worked out.
  13. You would need to go back to the original OP in 2002 for an answer to that.
  14. The fruit of the blackthorn needs to be once frosted to be ripe (a bit like brussel sprouts).
  15. Do they shop in Tesco?
  16. Of course we want torque, and I have already offered my route to it. Seeing this again, I realise I also owe you an apology since I have confused you with a different member I called Dima.
  17. Well both I think, but I am perfectly willing to hear from those who know more. As far as I know there are no naturally occurring 'supersweet' compounds, and I thought fructose was the main fruit sugar. I also meant to mention that to my taste maize (sweet corn) is sweeter than oats, rye, wheat or barley.
  18. So why do you think I wrote this? How many more times do I have to say I didn't so use it. The explanation was very very clearly directed at the "question why are there slots?"
  19. I have noticed that fruits native to tropical or sub tropical regions ( eg figs, dates, melons, peaches, bananas ) are generally much sweeter than fruits from temperate regions (eg apples, pears, gooseberries, blackberries...) Can anyone suggest good reasons for this? 1) is there any evolutionary advantage? 2) Is it simply the extra sunshine?
  20. Are there really no botanists on this site? Bump!
  21. Sounds like a lot of speculation and assumption on your part to re-open a 16 year old thread. Have you no hard facts, with verification, to add?
  22. Even with lasers the first fringe is the strongest so unless you have good reason to use a different one yes n = 1. How is this homework?
  23. n is indeed an integer (any would be a tad ambitious) Your equation suggests you are using 'the fringe method' for measuring hair width? Here you get the light wave to be reflected back from the bottom of two glass plates (with the hair between propping one up at an angle) so that it interferes with itself, producing a pattern of dark and light 'fringes' n refers to the fringes so n = 1 would be the first one and so on counting from the centre. Obviously each finge will be displaced by a greater amount corresponding to n = 1,2,3..... but your chances of seeing 'any number' of fringes is low.
  24. studiot

    The New Guy

    You may wish to look at a thread I started in what I consider the proper place - Medical Science Here I have tried to take my own advice about starting a topic.
  25. Coincidentally to a new starter here, I found this new report on the BBC A brief history of psychedelic research https://www.bbc.com/ideas/videos/a-brief-history-of-psychedelic-research/p06hcd5z So the question for debate is Do these compounds have a future in Western Medicine?
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