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Everything posted by studiot

  1. Gosh patent this quickly, you will become a millionaire. How do you test something to destruction twice? I've put the second photo in a 'spoiler' ; Click on 'reveal contents' to see it. There now I've returned the edit compliment.
  2. The tides in the North Sea form a resonant system of standing waves or sich system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seiche In normal conditions, the nodes or amphidromic points are as in the second diagram. Note the normal tidal heights are up to 2m as I said except in a couple of narrow zones eg Dover Straight. Freak conditions don't count, except as freak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphidromic_point My Russian is moe than a little rusty, I haven't learned any since I was 12. So please can we have the rest in English?
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fart_lighting
  4. I was considering answering this one, BUT The OP was online for a good half hour after swansont gave his answer. Now I see that the OP has been back for a further hour or so. Clearly he doesn't care about the subject to waste more time on an answer. I say waste more because I answered quite a few of his early threads and am still waiting for an answer on all of them.
  5. Haliburton activity was overseas, was it not? I was thinking of much more draconian powers granted to private companies. In the past railway named companies had an act of Parliament in the UK and something similar in the US to aquire people's property, forcibly if necessary. Fracking comes to mind in more recent years.
  6. correction it's always someone's else's fault and they're to blame... Back on topic. Sorry Tim, I don't even know or want to know what antisemitism is, or have anything to do with it. You are correct to say it's all very vague.
  7. Actually some are specific, most are general. In both the UK (including its former territories) and the US the construction of railways, roads and other facilities often apply to a named organisation and allow that organisation to ride roughshod over individual rights and ownerships. This, of course is very big business indeed.
  8. studiot


    I see the programming industry as being in the same stage and displaying the same arrogance towards customers as Henry Ford with his "Any colour so long as it's black" comment. Growth and competition has yet to force them to actually find out what customers really want.
  9. I nearly gave you another +1 ( but then what would I receive ads for ?) for this comment since I am irritated by all ads, even those I have placed myself. Thanks, koti but adblockers have their limitation. When studiot was running as a business I used to help customers filter their Email. Many of them were small hoteliers, who needed the Email for business purposes. Unfortunately filters and adblocks persistently classified the government tourist body for the SouthWest ( a major source of customers) as spam.
  10. Hello Kyle, Let me first say that it is poor practice to add answers as an Edit. If this happened as a result of the stupid forum software I apologise and will direct my ire elsewhere. I looked for an answer but did not notice that you had replied since it is placed a the post preceeding mine until much later. So it apppears as if you had answered my points before I made them. OK so the definition of empirical. This goes back a very long way, to the ancient Greeks and a sect of physicians who "Drew their rules of practice only from experience". These were called empirics. I have emphasised the word only since it is key. This has translated into modern usage as an adjective empirical Note the practical bias is still there. Further note that this is observation v theory. 'Belief' is not included as a valid source. Earlier you noted three pillars This is where I offer my favourite comment that reality or nature is stranger than Man's wildest fiction. So reproducibility? Consider a length of wood or a steel bar. How strong is it? A simple straightforward scientific question, yes? Well suppose I actually want to use that bar and need to know how strong it is. So I test it to destruction. Is that reproducible? OK falsifiability. Here is a photo of a star taken by a Scientist from John Hopkins. The Scientist said that this plus the second photo gave him a Damascene moment about the difference between local and global truth. So testability. Testability implies you have some hypothesis or postulate to test. So how about the postulate "There are unexplainable phenomena in Science, that we can never explain"
  11. I notice several respondants assert that targeted ads save the recipient (target) time, that might be so in some cases. But I am now having to waste my time filtering and deleting at least 50 Emails per day of targeted advertising. Most is this is downright counterproductive since it merely repeats what I have just bought. How many copies of War & Peace does a bear need or want? At Sensei's comment in particular about perfume. Many these days do online shopping and have their supermarket 'weekly run' delivered. They may well include perfume, and presumably know what they ordering. So there is nothing wrong with buying your perfume online per se. However I do object if the supermarket company then harvests the data that I bought something and sees it as an additional income stream thus moving from the business of selling supermarket products to the business of selling supermarket customers to other businesses. Particularly if it does it on the sly without first seeking my express permission.
  12. You may have noticed I have been away on holiday.I went down last evening to observe progress and took some more photos. The investigation has not yet revealed the cause. During the last couple of weeks, they have completed the cofferdam and knocked a small hole into the crack. What can be seen is that the weir and the sound section of wall is sat on a concrete bench, now dry in the first new picture, taken across the river. The failed section is at the back and left of the picture. No movement is evident in this part of the structure. The end of this bench is shown in the new closeup of the failure. This also shows that coursing lines of the failed section suggest it has rotated anticlockwise relative to the section on the bench, which has horizontal coursing. However the coursing in the triangular counterfort section of wall is still horizontal. The wall is constructed from blue lias blocks. A few of these that have been broken out are lying in the bench, not shown in the picture. The lias appears sound. Removal of the blocks makes the crack appear wider (perhaps it has also been cleaned out). The removed blocks came from the upper part of the wall, so I'm not sure what information was gained there as there is no subsidence behind the wall. There is no evidence of investigation in the river bed yet.
  13. Your people have clearly never eaten welshcakes, or read the William books.
  14. It's good to see two members having such a cooperative discussion about a subject. Here is a current discussion by someone else about much the same problems with latex that may help both of you. https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/115767-test/
  15. There are too many steps missing from both your and his arguments. I suppose you should start by agreeing what empirical means. Then everything that does not satisfy the agreed definition is non empirical. So what do you think it means? In particular do you consider empirical or non empirical measurable? Looking at the way you are using the word I have a different concept. Further I have no problem with both non empirical and empirical methods and data in Science.
  16. I'm suprised we haven't had any discussion about the Genoa bridge collapse. This is the first vid I've seen of the actual collapse. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-45250808/italy-bridge-collapse-cctv-shows-moment-disaster-struck Does anyone know if the bridge deck was of segmental construction?
  17. Some references http://www.innovation4malaria.org/matibabu.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-44481723 https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/dec/27/magnets-light-beams-end-blood-tests-malaria-uganda-sub-saharan-africa http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2071-29362017000100023 http://pctechmag.com/2015/07/matibabu-malaria-diagnosis-app-wins-funding-from-museveni-at-mozilla-festival-east-africa/ May be difficult to open
  18. Largely an ornamental fence then? I note your neighbour has a paved path. I suggest you sketch out a plan for the garden so you can include suitable gate/archways and the provision for future paths etc. Paths are essential in a garden, it is to easy to create all planting and find you have no access, especially in wet weather.
  19. "The Field" in QFT is not (just) and EM field as far as I am aware. Geordief specifically asked about EM fields and reinforced this just now. EM fields are essentially classical in nature, whether he realises this or not.
  20. No Japanese Knotweed or Himalyan Balsam or cannabis. You might be sued if you planted something too thorny against a public highway and let it grow over causing someone to suffer. You might also be sued if you planted something poisonous and allowed people or animals access. Most common sense and common courtesy really.
  21. I think you have a choice. So how about concentrating more on those who are simply trying to help rather than contradict, as oppose to the other way round? Please let me know if I interpreted your idea correctly?
  22. That is true. Sort of. Remember that two (or more) EM fields add together at every point to create only one resultant at that point. IOW there can be only one (resultant) value of the field at any point. So light itself (classically, not photons) 'carries' its own electric field wherever it goes. This means that there is no field at a point before (until) the light arrives there. So if it goes through empty space then that is all (the em field) there is. But if there is a preexisting field then the two fields add to form a 'disturbed' field where the light becomes a disturbance of the em field. Equally the disturbed field can be separated into 'components'. This is what an aerial does. Remember the way that the fields add can be quite complicated.
  23. Never done any pro gardening, but had some sort of garden most of my life. Coming from a rural area we had gardening classes in my primary school, 60 years ago. We actually tackled the project of carving out garden from wilderness. I'm really sorry this went out of fashion and the glorified plant boxes I see in some schools these days is not substitute. But I am convinced that gardens and their contents/design layout etc should have a purpose. So my current house faces due South and gets very (for UK) hot in the summer. Further the downstairs windows are pretty large. So I have two weeping deciduous trees dominating the front - a weeping silver birch and a weeping silver pear. In the summer they shade the front windows from the fiercest of the sun. In the winter they drop their leaves when the light levels are much lower and let more light in.
  24. The title says most of it, here is an inspiring extract Four years ago, Brian and his fellow students at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, came up with this low-cost, reusable device called Matibabu which detects malaria quickly without drawing blood. Although still in prototype stage, the society judges called his malaria testing machine "simply a game changer" in the fight against this deadly disease. Magnets and matiscope "Matibabu" means "treatment" in Swahili, and the machine uses magnets and a custom-made portable device called a matiscope. This shines a red beam of light on to the user's finger, detecting a substance called haemozoin crystals, the by-products of the malaria parasite. The makers believe Matibabu could transform the situation by speeding up testing times since it does not need to draw blood nor use invasive needles that children, in particular, can struggle with. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44484581
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