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Everything posted by studiot

  1. I know you are looking for something more subtle, but sound is a pressure pulse or pulses. If you want permanent then that pulse has to do some damage to the environment, eg shattering glass, being powerful enough to blow the microphone diaphragm , simply shift a pile of sand grains or dust. But if you can accept temporary then you must specify a time scale. For instance if I walk across the grass, I will leave a recognisable trail, but that will fade over time as the grass straightens up. Note fingerprints also do 'damage' as the ridge pattern is pressed into the greases or other soft material. But no, sound will not leave a permanent or semi permanent aura that a psychic or sensitive could return and pick up.
  2. Only if you can get Alexa to do what you tell her.
  3. Did you think to compare any of this twaddle with any known experimental facts? Hypothesis : the photon has mass is enough to condemn it from the start.
  4. Read this book, Professor Beerling presents a genuine geological history of the Earth's atmosphere. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Emerald-Planet-changed-history-Landmark/dp/0199548145
  5. Welcome The last poster ignored the Moderator advice and didn't come back so don't waste your first day's post limit of 5 posts being half hearted about it. Follow the mod's advice and post your thoughts, whatever they are. Can you seriously not even make a start on this question? Do you understand the information given? Can you tell me, for instance how much of the 98g of the salt actually dissolves?
  6. The description 'Properties' hides a multitude of different situations. I I am guessing that by this statement you are distinguishing between properties that are inherent in something and those which are bestowed upon it by external agency. Please confirm this or explain further what you actually mean. For instance So far as we know you it is impossible to remove the property of mass from something. But we can remove or bestow certain types of energy at will.
  7. Yup +1
  8. It should be noted that the general heat capacity, C, is path dependant so your question nedds to supply more information.
  9. Geogebra might help you It's free. https://www.geogebra.org/?lang=en-GB
  10. One of the difficulties is do they mean Cp or Cv? I note the capital C which means the heat capacity for the whole body, not per kilgram, which would be denoted by a small c. Your thermodynamic analysis is not correct, allthough it leads to the correct equation. The State variable you require is the enthalpy, H. [math]\Delta _{400}^{300}H = \int_{T = 400}^{T = 300} {{C_p}} dT[/math] This integration does indeed give you q, the heat transferred by the first law since it does not include any work done. (Can you show this?) Using Cv on the otherhand would also include the work done as it refers to change of internal energy (U or E). In this integration the heat capacity is a function of temperature , so cannot be taken outside the integration as a constant.
  11. Get a hold of this Cambridge University Press book Thermodynamics of the Earth and Planets Albero Patino Douce It contains a wealth of information about the contributions to the energy budget of not only the terrestrial type planets but others (gas giants) as well. In the case of the Earth a major contributor was the process known as differentiation. That is the migration of the heavier material towards the interior, eventually forming the core. Here is an extract with some facts and figures.
  12. Correct. Guillem, Not sure why you are making such heavy weather of it. I said 'Never' surely indicates that there must be separate and distinct forces that only occur during a collision. Not before, not after, during. That is during the short period of time that the colliding objects are in physical contact. Because these forces only occur for short periods of time and are not constant during that time we do not normally work in terms of forces, but use the mechanics of momentum. On the other hand forces of attraction/repulsion act continuously over time (but vary over space as swansont has indicated) and act whether or not the objects are in physical contact. These forces have to be taken into account in the kinetic theory of ionic movement. There are potentially yet more complicated forces available. It is a matter of taste whether you consider the Kinetic Theory to cover only the simplest situation or extend it to Van der Waals, ions in solution, plasmas etc.
  13. Can you check your question? In particular is the equation of state for the heat capacity in terms of temperature in kilojoules per degree K? The equation of state can't be correct as it stands since the RHS has units of (degrees)2 as stated. It may be an English language problem, but there is something wrong with the information as written. If it's any consolation you have your integration arithmetic correct, but that is not the issue.
  14. The forces of collision are never of attraction or repulsion. What made you think they ever could be?
  15. Well since [math]molarconcentration = \frac{{massconcentration}}{{molecularmass}}[/math] and the molecular mass is a constant the form of your graph is OK, but obviously for any result that needs to involve the the molar mass you will need that constant.
  16. Since you haven't told us any of your sources, and I can't imagine why the CIA would be redacting sections of text on the subject, I am going to have to guess as to what you are on about. Assuming this is not a windup surely you know that many theories have a simple version and a more exact one? The 'kinetic theory' is no different, in fact there are a whole graded series of versions introducing more and more effects as they become closer to reality. So the simplest version assumes that the particles 1) Occupy zero volume or negilgable volume in relation to theri container volume. 2 Are only subject to forces of elastic collisions, both between the particles themselves and the particles and their container. These assumptions lead to the ideal gas laws. However neither are true in much of common experience so the gas laws are modified to take the actual volume of the particles into account and also again modified to account for interactions between particles. Van Der Waal's equation is one such. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Kinetic/waal.html
  17. Nice jaunty basic answer SJ. +1 But soap doesn't only act on the oils. Soap is also a surfactant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfactant This lowers the significant surface tension of water, allowing the water to better mix with other substances, dirt, microbes, oils, skin particles etc. Some soaps also change the pH of the water, making it more alkaline. Old fashioned 'lye' soap has this property. The change in pH has a mild bactericidal action. Scrubbing was not specifically mentioned and will enhance washing, with or without soap. But much washing is carried out without scrubbing and cleaning activity will still take place even without scrubbing.
  18. This is a very strange question, since it implies you know a great deal more than you have said. How do you know its bonding structure and what do you mean by this? Are you trying for qualitative analysis rather than quantitaive analysis. That is do you just want to identify the constituent of something rather than its proportions? Do you have no clue as to the element or do you simply want to distinguish between one of several known alternatives? +1 to Sensei for picking two good, if expensive alternatives. Simpler methods might be to use an ignition tube test or a flame test. But check to make sure if the stuff you want to test is not hazardous.
  19. I wouldn't recommend starting the study of properties of materials with asteroids. It may be current and sexy and even offer some novel insights, but is of limited use in the overall scheme of things. To discuss gravitational, magnetic and electric properties of matter, you need to know some details about them, so tell us what your level of knowledge is? Electric and magnetic fields can be readily shaped, this is much more difficult with gravitational fields. The early pioneers studied electric and magnetic fields confined to a particular region of space. The electric fields were confined by placing a slab of material between two confining plates making a condenser or capacitor. Confining magenetic fields made use of the fact that the field of an electic coil of is wholy contained within a toriodal winding. This is called a Rowland Ring after the discoverer J H Rowland. Rowland was able to distinguish three types of magnetic activity. Paramagnetism Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism The first two only appear in the presence of an existing magnetic field. The simple planetery model of the atom with electrons orbiting a nucleus is sufficient to explain this magnetic activity. Have you heard of the planetary model, due to Neils Bohr?
  20. The sound produced by an internal combustion engine is largely conditioned by the exhaust system. The engine itself produces regular pressure pulses at a rate proprotional to the engine rpm, depending upon the number of cylinders or chambers (I once did some gas dynamics modelling on a rotary aero engine). The pulses provide a forcing excitation of a (sometimes very) complex pipe and chamber system which has several functions, one of which is to maintain constant back pressure on the engine. There are several proprietary programs dedicated to the analysis of the gas dynamics of exhaust systems. The exhaust system usually has a helmholtz resonator to extract energy and reduce the noise of the machine (or enhance it in the case of motor sport / motor cycle machines) Measurement of the noise accompanied by Fourier Analysis will result in a noise spectrum showing the engine input rpm and its harmonics, plus the effect of the resonators in the exhaust itself.
  21. This BBC report is interesting as it is about a working test installation to inject atmospheric CO2 into volcanic basalt rock, permanently removing it from the atmosphere. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-43789527
  22. An HGV is a different classification and need not be articulated. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/211948/simplified-guide-to-lorry-types-and-weights.pdf Of course the term is made more difficult by the american pronunciation of the part word 'semi'.
  23. In view of the subject of this thread I would be interested in hearing your experimental proceedure for comparing the respective tastes of saki and crap.
  24. Hello Tristan and welcome. If you are serious with your enquiries/comments then you should have started your own threads about the subject not resurrected an old discredited one. I have reported this and if the mods choose to split this, I suggest you re-think carefully your wording and concentrate on one main issue per thread, as you have posed several (too many) questions for one thread.
  25. We can best discuss your questions if you also consider mine. They are designed to help you understand/point you in the right direction. They are not designed to trip you up. Think about a tapering funnel. Now think about connecting it in line with a gas pipe so the gas flows through the funnel. If the gas enters at the narrow part and leaves via the wide part it will reduce in density as is passes through the funnel. But on average (to a first approximation) we consider the density constant at any cross section to the flow. So as the funnel widens the gas density reduces but is spread evenly at any cross section. This is easy to derive from the continuity equation. You can consider the field lines as a form of field density in the same way, so that it reduces as the field spreads out from the source, yet remain isopleths (the same strength) at any given distance (distance along the lines not a raidius). The next thing to think about is the question of where and what is the source. When the magnet is first introduced, the (say north pole end) end of the magnet is the beginning of the source. Even before a sliver of iron attaches itself to the end, a north pole is induced in the end of the sliver remote from the magnet. This north pole at the end of the sliver becomes the new 'source' and the sliver is then effectively part of the magnet. The connection is not perfect but good enough. Another sliver will attach at the end of the magnet, nearby but the two new areas of north pole will repel and so on. As the stack of slivers build outwards they adopt a 3D dendritic pattern (the hedgehog look), as shown in the videos, if free to do so. Swansont has mentioned that a paper surface provides some frictional restraint. It should also be noted that some machining process partially magentise the slivers so they may already have a preferential direction.
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