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Everything posted by studiot

  1. One of the key aspects of foundation years is not about the subject itself but about accessing learning resources. This is especially important for those who have been away from the academic world for some years. Scientific disciplines are now individually so vast that no university first course can attempt a comprehensive coverage. All courses restrict their areas of coverage - so find out which courses cover your interests. Finally I recommend you get hold of the book (library?) The Mathematical Mechanic By Merk Levi Don't be put off by the title it is a splendid and refreshing book with many physics based 'proofs' or demonstrations of otherwise dry maths introductory level. Go well in your endeavours.
  2. Some strategies. 1) Look in the library at textbooks and see which universities the authors are from. 2) Some UK universities publish series in Physics, for instance The University of Manchester, The University of Surrey (and of course Oxbridge). 3) Famous non textbook publishing physics deparments include Liverpool and Edinburgh. A word of warning, however. The maths at the first league deparments is very tough. Second league departments tend to be more applied and practical. I know of several transfers because a student found the going too (deeply) mathematical.
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