Hello everyone,
I have searched on the internet with the same question the last several months and I never really could find the answer. Because of my great interest in computers I want to learn almost everything about it (who wouldn't?). But I really don't like surfing the web all day long so I'm searching for some well written books. These books need to prepare me for University.
I have already read some good books, examples of these books:
- C ++, PHP, ruby, HTML, JS etc (languages)
- Algorithm and data structures
- Networks
Mostly, the knowledge I've gained was reading wikipedia page's of a screen. But, I want to have books that cover almost everything about computers. From the most beginning (hardware) to the rest.
For example I found a good book collection about mostly every computer algorithm (The Art of Programming vol 1-4) from Dr. Donald E. Knuth. I would like to have more of these kind of collections!
Does anybody have some recommendations? Thanks in advance!