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Everything posted by ho_yt

  1. I got one question to ask: For two plasmids of the same size but one is linear and one is supercoil, which one will have a greater efficiency in the transformation into the competent cells and why? I think the linear should be more efficient because its less complex but I have found some websites that says that supercoiled one is more efficient so I'm not sure which is correct, I hope someone can give me your answer to this question thanks!
  2. 1) I mean 2 plasmids that had been cut by restriction enzyme, will both of them ligate together when a DNA ligase is added? 2) I mean when a DNA strain had been cut, will it religate like the plasmid?
  3. Hi I'm new to this forum hope someone can answer my question. I want to ask is the following outcome possible in Ligation and why 1) 2 plasmids joined together 2) 1 DNA strain religate on its own
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