Hi guys!
Before i begin, i apologize for my language, english is not my first language.
After an introduction to the special theory of relativity during my mechanical engineering studies, i started to read some stuff about the general one. What i read was that energy deform the space-time continuum and that this property of the geometry of the space-time continuum was the new explanation pour the gravity instead of the concept of "gravitational force" that introduces Newton.
Then, I asked myself the following question: According to the equation of einstein that link mass and energy, i though that the kinetic energy of a car going at a very high speed, let say 99.9c, could deform the space-time due to its enormous energy and then increase it's gravity effect around it. So I suppose if I was near this car, i would be attract actually by the car!
Is it correct to interpret this experience like this?
I also have a second question:
I heard that we were looking (well, the physicians) for particles which were "the vector"(i really have no idea about the word i should use about that...) of forces. I also heard that there were looking about the graviton, which should the particle that "create" gravity. But, why? I mean, if the gravity is a geometry result of the space-time, then it should not be a force like the nuclear forces for example, no?
Already thanks for the answers!