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Everything posted by jdogGA15

  1. I woke up yesterday and found all this black material under my testicles. what is this. is it an std? as soon as i scrape it off it returns hours later! help
  2. most creatures use gestures and body launguge companied by chemical language ( Pheromones , Psychedlic Compounds ) and possible senses that we have yet to discover or understand. Vocal lanuage is common of most higher familys of animalea . And Plants and fungi can possibly communicate from plant to animal via psychedelic compounds , but is there any information on plant to plant synntax ? Fungi to plant ? fungi ti fungi?Are all chemicals a form of communication. such as a chemical setting off a certian receptor thus causing a recation. i beilve all is communication including the synapes between nerouns . im gonna keep researching and see what i can find.
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