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Barry II

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Everything posted by Barry II

  1. There's vegetarian dog food. And this says: If I were one of the animals that has like a 90% chance of being attacked and killed by a preditor, I'd think life wasn't worth it and kill myself painlessly if I could. Unfortunately, animals can't so I predict that one day humans will do something about it. Killing the preditors wouldn't be a popular choice these days, so I thought of the carnivore to herbivore idea. Hopefully there's a conservation benefit and a safety-for-humans benefit because I don't think people care as much about preventing countless cases of horrible suffering than those issues.
  2. A hair could go grey then go dark again. I've seen hairs on my own body that were grey at the end and dark near my skin. Someone asked about that in a letter to the New York Times science section a few years ago and the expert's answer was basically that it's not known how it works.
  3. This thread reminded me of a recurring dream that I had again recently. I don't think I have it often, but maybe I just don't remember it often. I dream that I'm in bed and then get up and maybe walk a little, but then I'm back in bed and the getting up and walking was just a dream. I try again a few times and the same thing happens. I assume the whole thing is a dream. I'm not sure how it ends. Maybe I wake up for real after those dreams.
  4. By "judicious use of the same" do you mean you want crack legalized or pot to be prescribed for anxiety, or what? Sorry to be suspicious, but I don't often see published scientists on internet message boards.
  5. I almost put this in Genetics because I assume we'd need to genetically modify a carnivore at the germ level to change it to a herbivore. Before that I looked for a theoretical biology forum and couldn't find one.
  6. Is there any information/discussion, etc. out there on any aspect of turning carnivores into herbivores? Do plants exist in the environment of most carnivores that have the nutrients a carnivore needs and is it just a matter of a carnivore metabolizing them differently and gaining the instinct to eat veggies? Learning to climb trees and growing different teeth might be necessary depending on the animal and there may an appendix issue but I bet there's at least one species of carnivore that would need nothing but a change in instinct to become a successful vegetarian. Any ideas on what the best choice of species would be for such an experiment? Benefits might be an easier death for animals that no longer would be prey, more safety for humans, and a more stable/easier-to-fix food supply for the former carnivores.
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