I can already feel the blood thirsty stares directed at this thread (and possibly at me too), ever ready to pounce and fire the stockpiles of accumulated arsenals for topics like these. The fact that this is my first post in this forum doesn't help very much, does it?
I would like to state that this thread would require a bit of, for the lack of a better term, open-mindedness.
Warning: This is going to be a very long starting post, and there are reasons for this. You've been warned!
Before I proceed to the main body of the discussion, allow me to state a few qualifiers, and perhaps even set a few parameters for discussion, as a topic such as this can veer out of hand very quickly if the boundaries are not set:
Qualifiers of discussion
I'd like to believe that I'm not a crackpot (love this term that is used in Forum Rules thread), but I shall leave that to the forum to decide.
The purpose of this thread is not so much as to prove that Astrology/Numerology is real, but more to open the gates of possibility to the statement "Astrology/Numerology could be real, and perhaps have some basis to it"
Axiom of discussion
Social Studies (e.g. Economics, Business Studies, Political Science, Psycology) are Sciences for the purpose of this discussion.I understand that there are quite many here that don't consider Social Studies as 'proper' science. That is understandable and fully appreciated by me. But for the purpose of this discussion, let's just accept this as an axiom.
If you can accept the above qualifiers, please feel free to proceed to my post below which would contain the subject matter.
I'm going to present 2 postulates which would be the grounds of which the rest of my arguments would be built upon. (On a side note, I'm just going to use the pronoun he, as typing he/she would be pedantic)
A person's life has a strong correlation to his/her time and date of birth.
There exist (a) method(s) to read or interpret a person's possible life paths based on the time and date of birth.
Explanation of postulates
Suppose that both of the postulates above are true in the following sense, and one method of charting out a person's life path is as follow:
There exist 4 (possibly more, but let's just stick to 4 for now) circular dials that spin in either counterclockwise or clockwise direction, each of the circular dials at different speed. To make things simple, let the 4 circular dials represent the Year, Month, Day and Time, and all of the dials have discrete units on them. This would aid in the visualisation process
However, all of the circular dials travel at their respective independent speed. That is to say, 1 complete rotation of the Time / Day / Month dial does NOT constitute to an incremental movement in the Day / Month / Year dial.
Hence, at any particular moment, one is able to capture a snapshot of the 4 circular dials. For every baby that is born, a snapshot corresponding to the time of birth could be obtained.
Now, using the snapshot, the second postulate above states that we would then be able to map out a person's possible life path. All good so far?
Further supporting statements
Now, in the above explanation, I think there are many things that warrants further supporting descriptions.
1. Definition of possible life paths
Notice that the term I used is possible life paths. This means that the snapshot at the time of birth (henceforth called snapshot) would spell out as to what extent the person's wealth, how pretty the wife/handsome the husband, when the person has a higher propensity to excel in career, when the person would most likely get married (if the person decides to get married), etc. Essentially, it sets out the upper bound and lower bound of things, so to speak.
This would naturally brings us to the question of free will and human effort. If you have read my statement, I don't think this question would pose much of a problem to the posulates, since the snapshot only gives us the upper and lower bound. The question of interest could be, what if the snapshot reveals that he would get married in year 20xx, but after knowing that, decides to get married in year 20yy. My thoughts to this would be, it would not be possible, due to a variety of factors such as family/spouse pressure, work commitments coming in the future, etc. Of course, if he does not have a fiance in the first place, then marriage in year 20xx would not transpire.
My main thrust here is that we as humans, do not have complete control over our life. We cannot decide that tomorrow, we will be a completely different person. Just as a smoker cannot quite smoking overnight or a mother cannot just walk out of the house to be a nun, all of us are bounded by, to varying degrees, our past. Although the aforementioned scenarios are theoretically possible, it is practically impossible.
2. Interpretation of snapshot derived from the 4 circular dials
The interpretation of the snapshot and translation of what it means to the events of life would be a blend of both complex relative-relation mapping with a pivot point of reference and contextual referencing. Allow me to further explain:
Complex relative-relation mapping with a pivot point of reference - This means that the interpretation process would not be a simple "If the month dial shows JK, it means that the person would come from a rich family" but more along the lines of:
"If the Year dial shows JK, the Month dial shows MN, and the day dial shows XY then using the first M as the point of reference, interaction of M and Y, supported by the K would tell us that the person comes from a rich family"
Notice that in the example, each of the dial's readings comes with 2 characters. This would provide additional layering and complexity needed to model real life predictions. It could of course, be extended to 3, 4, 5 or even more. Also, do remember that since all of the dials are moving independently at varying speed against each other, that itself would already give us a lot of permutations and combinations.
Contextual referencing - Contextual referencing means that say, if the snapshot predicts that the person would have a vibrant love life in year 20xx, then:
i) If the person is single, then the person would most likely found a girlfriend/boyfriend
ii) If the person is dating, then the person would most likely get married
iii) If the person is married, then the person might get into an affair that would damage the marriange
I hope that you're still with me now.
3. The dials are circular
The fact that the postulate states that the all of the dial is circular means that there will come a time that the entire cycle would repeat itself. This means that snapshots would only have a finite number of permutations (since the dial's units are discrete). Implicit in this is the statement that assuming that the entire cycle repeats itself every X years, the person born exactly at the moment of y and y + X would share similar life paths. If you accept the first 2 supporting statements above (1. Definition of possible life paths & 2. Interpretation of snapshot derived from the 4 circular dials), the concept in this third statement would not present any contradictions at all.
4. Lifepath's possibility (upper bound and lower bound), possible number of permutations of the snapshot and accuracy.
Now, to provide a more concrete grasp on the whole idea, I would posit / suggest that the possible life paths at any point in time is limited to 2 or 3 or sometimes even, there's no choice. Due to the person's past, the person is bound to make that choice, so to speak.
As for the possible number of permutations of the snapshot, may I suggest that the system would allow ~ 1-3 million permutations. The corollary to this is that ~2-7k people share the same possible life paths. To me, that's entire possible. Possible food for thought would be:
i) How many people gets married in a particular month/year?
ii) How many people have a child in a particular month/year?
iii) How many people get into personal lawsuits every month/year?
iv) .... the list goes on.....
Regarding accuracy, if the predictions are accurate to the month of happening (May 2012) say, wouldn't that be good enough of a prediction power? This way, interpretation would be kept at a managable as the more accurate a system is, the more number of variables have to be present to account for the increased accuracy. Think of the accuracy are more statistical in nature, rather than mathematical. That should give you a general handle of what I'm trying to say.
Well, there you have it, a possible conjecture. Please do pardon the wall of text, as I don't think it is optional for me to not make such a long post since this subject is very controversial, especially in this forum. Hence, it is natural that the burden-of-proof, or in this case, burden-of-explanation would fall on the one who brought up the idea, i.e. yours sincerely.
Wrapping comments
1. How and why...
Let's not worry about why does the system work. If the system does work, whether it is due to causal or correlational effect. In the social science field, what is often more important is whether it really works and how does it works, rather than why does it work. What I'm trying to draw up is to posit a place for it along side of social science rather than the more hardcore natural science (such as Physics and Mathematics).
2. Redundant elaborate system...
To pre-empt some comments of why come up with such an elaborate system on something that the scientific community clearly rejects, my answer would be:
"If such a system does exist and works, would it not be a folly to overlook it, just because current views does not take it seriously? Also, for any body of knowledge to be solid / credible, it is often complex. General Relativity's core concept is difficult to swallow, I mean, time is not a universal denominator? Who would have thought of that?"
3. More of numerology, and not so much of astrology...
If you've come this far into my thread, you would have realised that the system that I proposed is more of a numerological system, and not so much of an astrological one. The only thing astrological about it is the movement of Earth around the Sun, and the rotation of Earth around its axis.
As a closing comment, I would like to requote my earlier qualifier:
Happy thinking and I would very much welcome thoughts/criticisms/support. Please do keep it civil, I will endeavour to do so in my part.