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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Tombruno1's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Dear Edward

    I have located a good book on how to build hydrogen fuel cells on Barnes & Noble site

    I have a good understing on how this works

    but the book will help as in where to find the materials, I also have a machine shop

    my intentions are to build replacement cells

    for future vehicles, it will be nice if you know people that want to help or invest I feel over t...

  2. Dear Edward

    I have located a good book on how to build hydrogen fuel cells on Barnes & Noble site

    I have a good understing on how this works

    but the book will help as in where to find the materials, I also have a machine shop

    my intentions are to build replacement cells

    for future vehicles, it will be nice if you know people that want to help or invest I feel over t...

  3. The answer is only people with a flexable brain who can see from all areas, I always find the most complex problems have simple answers the major problem is people that think they are smart give answers that are diffucult to understand, if you send me a complex question I will send you an answer that is easy to understand, I will send you answers on nuclear questions in a way it is clear but people that think they are smart will send you substandard answers so fell free to talk to me. Thanks Tom Ranno
  4. I am looking for friends with idea that are

    endless results.

    Thomas Ranno

  5. I am looking for friends with idea that are

    endless results.

    Thomas Ranno

  6. Please post me as a friend

  7. Please hit me with the best questions.


    Tom Ranno

  8. I am not sure how this site works but if I can contact the correct people ther will be

    serious profits.


    Tom Ranno

  9. I have been searching for a book on how to

    build hydrogen fuel cells.


    Tom Ranno

  10. I have been searching for a book on how to

    build hydrogen fuel cells.


    Tom Ranno

  11. Please direct me to post a few questions.


    Tom Ranno

  12. Please direct me to post a few questions.


    Tom Ranno

  13. My brother Esward had attempetd.


    Tom Ranno

  14. My brother Esward had attempetd.


    Tom Ranno

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