I dunno...there's too much buzz on the net for me to ignore the OP. Usually where there is smoke there is some fire. I mean, I don't see how he has anything to gain by fessing up since he's not peddlin anything here with links to some energy gadget for sale. I also looked up "Earthguard" and "Mark Martin" who turns out to be a honcho at OSTI. I think this guy is sincere and after I read these links about Tom Valone and project orion, I am pretty sure he's not blowing smoke up our ass. <<<>>> http://www.theorionproject.org/en/suppressed.html <<<>>> http://users.erols.com/iri/ValonePatentOfficeDecision.htm <<<>>> And you know what, if this battery can do all I am reading, the government might have a good case to keep it quiet. I normally wouldn't go along with any sort of censorship but I read this link here and maybe it should be kept tucked away for when we might need it most <<<>>> http://www.patriotscorner.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14473&p=80347 <<<>>> Here's the Earthguar link <<<>>> http://www.bizwiz.com/ezcommerce/earthguardcorporation.htm <<<>>> and their old webs site address from 2001 was <<<>>> http://www.earthguard2001.com/ and here's where I found the Mark Martin guy mentioned above working for the DoE in Tennessee <<<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mark-martin/6/b75/257>>>. I also saw there are actually partial copies of two versions of plasma battery patents at this site but I don't much understand them. <<<>>> http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/10974-nuclear-thorium-plasma-battery-victim-technology-suppression.html <<<>>>This story seems to be checking out.