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Everything posted by MuppetBabyX

  1. Yes. it would change. Magnetism is a VERY overlooked part of physics. From the work I have done, magnetism is the key that science is missing to describe all of its phenomenons doings. Mass = Magnetic Flux in Teslas ( frequency in sec ^2 - current). even electrons have mass. Noone has been able to prove this formula for mass of wrong yet. Any takers? All it will take is one person to prove it wrong. And if you take M=T(S^2-A) and inject M in Einsteins equation of E=MC^2 you get a workable unified feild theory. so it would be E=T(S^2-A)Planks constant. Since things do go faster than the speed of light. And you have Einsteins relativity fixed to actually describe nature and the universe.
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