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Prometheus last won the day on February 22 2022

Prometheus had the most liked content!


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    Building statistical models for Raman spectroscopy.

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Primate (9/13)



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  1. Why does the sound of my own voice grate so much? I don't think i'm alone, so what is it?

    1. Function
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      You have to learn to love your voice, by practicing to make sound the way you want. To ourselves, we sound like Ramsay Bolton's dogs fighting over a squeaky-toy.

    3. Moontanman


      I hate how my voice sounds as well, to me it sounds high and squeaky but everyone says me and my sons all sound alike to the point of people not being able to tell us apart on the phone. And their voices are not high and squeaky to me!

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