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Everything posted by Prometheus

  1. Prometheus


    I avoided that one, but caught by another less sinister looking one. Now i have some irritating pop-up everytime i go one an online forum. The second didn't work either unfortunately.
  2. Prometheus


    Thanks. The download has a pop-up asking me to agree to something entirely in Russian (i think) - any way to avoid that?
  3. Haha, didn't notice. Break time for me. Whatever they did it was dodgy. Do you think you'll ever find out what they actually did?
  4. Prometheus


    Does anyone know a good place to download LaTex for windows?
  5. I'm sure they just rounded up.
  6. Maybe someone only half agreed.
  7. In UK medicine urinary tract infection.
  8. Don't know if I ever thanked you for teaching double integration, but when i was recently asked where i learnt it i said from you (well, i said some guy on the internet, but i meant you). Thanks.

    1. Daedalus


      You're welcome! :D

  9. I only know of gnostic christianity what you have shared here, but would agree any religion which does not take itself too seriously is an improvement.
  10. Are you looking to direct the overall research yourself but want to delegate day-to-day responsibilities to others, or do you just have an idea you wish to give to someone else so they can test it how they see fit?
  11. But what about that robot you programmed to say ouch? Couldn't you just programme it to say it feels such and such? And what about someone with locked in syndrome who cannot express much but we still imagine feels?
  12. That's what i was missing, thanks (still plenty more though).
  13. But how do we deduce the sentience of other humans if not from their behaviour?
  14. Just having some difficulty visualising how electromagnetic waves transmit energy. It is easy enough to visualise when waves propagate in a medium -the kinetic energy of sound waves for instance. But light does not need a medium to propagate. Is the wave itself energy, though i'm not even sure what that means? Is it the disturbance in the electromagnetic field which carries the energy? This i can visualise but then i'm missing something else as it would then seem that light is propagating through the electromagnetic field - contrary to what i have learnt.
  15. Too subtle for me perhaps. Are we saying that to suffer is to receive sensory information eliciting some behavioral response (e.g. avoidance) but to experience suffering requires this and additional neuronal inputs to place the sensory information in the context of some sense of self (whether that sense of self is real or illusory may not even matter in this context)?
  16. Is it necessary to invoke sentience here - would the ability to experience suffering not be sufficient? I'm assuming sentience is not necessary to experience suffering though. Maybe it's just that our sense of self is so imbued in our language so it is hard to say any other way, but statements like 'what entity subjectively experiences pain' sounds like the ghost in the machine. We no longer expect to find it in ourselves, so do we even know what we are looking for in animals? How do we test it?
  17. I believe the Bahai faith is an attempt to do this, though i'm not sure how 'in keeping with new realities' it is.
  18. I'm glad to see i'm not the only one with this problem. My solution has been to leave my room and going to libraries to study. Not only are there less distractions around (although still too many), i find the ritual of travelling to a place of learning gears my mind a little more to the task at hand.
  19. I'd like to see the original paper instead of press reports but can't seem to find it.
  20. Um, speaking Spanish isn't the end of the world.
  21. I don't know. You would need to look into historical and societal pressures to answer that one No one is sure about its health affects but that is just the nature of dietetic research.
  22. Been a while since i've looked at an ABG so might be a bit rusty, but since no-one else is biting i'll have a look. 1.) Yeah, a bit iffy. I would go with metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation as the pH is 7.45. The important thing (in real life at least) is to know what information you need to decide between the possibilities. For instance time from onset of symptoms could help in determining which it is as metabolic compensation takes longer the respiratory compensation. The are also clinical tests which could help determine which. 2.) Agree. It is weird though that the CO2 has risen so quickly. Think there is something else going on here, not a typical asthma picture. Sick boy. 3.) Agree. 4.) Agree. Hope that helps a bit. What are you studying?
  23. Depends exactly what you mean by bad - the studies people usually refer to which show small alcohol consumption can be beneficial are only for coronary heart disease. However, for cancers and other cardiovascular disease the risk is linear; increasing risk with increasing consumption. Don't take our word for it though, here's some evidence: This is the only meta-analysis including different forms of cardiovascular disease i could find. There might be more comprehensive reviews around though, i'm not sure. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091743503003384 This is the most comprehensive review in the world of the risks of cancer related to diet/exercise. You can find alcohol in chapter 4. http://www.dietandcancerreport.org/expert_report/report_contents/index.php I'll throw this one in just for fun. Here someone has tried to quantify harm in a number of ways (e.g. harm to self and harm to others) It shows overall alcohol is the most harmful drug (in the UK at least). Not everyone agrees on the criteria for classifying harm though so this one is controversial. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2961462-6/fulltext
  24. If you do train in medicine you will primarily be taught clinical skills with enough science to properly execute those skills. You would not be trained in the scientific method itself; you would more likely be doing the data collection than the study design. At least in the UK, not sure about elsewhere. Also studying medicine will mean you have to study most systems of the body, which may or may not be a good thing for you, and loads of clinical work before specialising. You will get more money as a doctor though. UCL has a good reputation in neuroscience and with the Francis Crick centre soon to open should be an interesting place to study. http://www.crick.ac.uk/about-us/
  25. Might also be worth checking out the Institute of Physics website. They do accredit OU degrees, but apparently not the the maths and physics degree linked above. It seems you'd have to pick an open degree and take all the modules the Institute of Physics stipulate to gain accreditation. You can see the details here: http://www.iop.org/education/higher_education/accreditation/file_51839.pdf I've just started down this path myself; the only thing i worry about is that the content is not as thorough as traditional universities.
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