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Ivan Davidenko

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About Ivan Davidenko

  • Birthday 11/11/1996

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thank you for your help, I have never worked in the forums. And unfortunately I do not know English. This is my lichnyke study.
  2. New immune cell. These cells originate in the thymus of the differentiated stem cells. These cells are complementary to cellular and humoral immunity. The actions of these cells differs from that of T-cell immune system. The cell size is less than macrophage, outwardly looks like a clamp on the endsof which are concave inward staples mikrotubuly which at the moment effects on pathogenic cells injected into a toxic protein (lymphokine). This cell starts to assume all occurring on the way cells and organisms. Definition of a stranger by the rays of the wave inside the cell, which divide the space inside the cell into many small parts (a light beam lightblue). If the scan is determined by the healthy cell it safely passes through thiscell, went in the cell membrane braces tightened, unclenched and managed a content. Theseimmune cells are staples in the bloodstream rows one by one and cover all the blood stream and lymph. If this is the pathogenic cell, germ or bacteria that they are getting insideof the immune cells that are scanned, then the scanner rays destroy themembrane pathogen mikrotubuly injected into the cell-synthesized protein is toxic(lymphokine). Simultaneously synthesized and injected into a number of different enzymes. Next struck and destroyed pathogen out of cells, macrophages, where the processof completing the destruction. Between these cells and among their ranks are the same scanning beams thataccurately track your system stranger. These cells are very active and aggressive in relation to pathogenic organisms. Personal information removed.
  3. Maternal stemcell Maternal stem cell (MSC) is thefirst embryo stem cell. Maternal stem cell is located behind the 8ththoracic vertebra in the gray substance of the spinal cord, next to the spinalmarrow channel. Two axons go from MSC by the spinal cord to the cerebellum, penetrate into thalamus, hypothalamus, then one axon goes to the left and another one to the right hemisphere of the brain In the area of the frontal part of the brain, axons go down along the lower borders of the brain to the trunk of the brain. Moving by the trunk of the brain, axons enter thymus. Getting out from the thymus axons head towards the place of entrance of the nervous fibre to the spinal cord. Getting into the gray substance of the spinalmarrow, axons penetrate into the MSC again. In the brain before thymus and after it axons have lots of аксоны имеют множество dendrites. Maternal stem cell is immortal by nature and its uniqueness consists inits ability to initiate differentiation of stem cells in accordance with thenarrow tasks of immune system. It canoperate all cell population of stem cells. Personal information removed by moderator.
  4. "BIOLOGICAL CLOCK"CELL AND ITS ROLE IN AGEING AND ONCOLOGY Biological cell clock (BCC) are located in the DNA ofeach human cell. BCC is located in the DNA basis. BCC has a membrane, internal genetic material in the form of one long DNAchain, located as a ring along the membrane diameter. Nucleotide bonds arefound in the places of the DNA strands crossings. Besides A,T,G,C other nitrogenous bases are available. BCC reveals certain order of its construction from different proteins. BCC cellis divided into 2 parts by the membrane - the upper one and the lower one. The lower part of BCC consists of a dense liquid containing a double proteinstrand. Two protein strands consistingof several dozens of amino acids are parallel, and there is a big number ofamino groups between them. The upper part of BCC contains 7 identical double protein strands whichdivide this part `into equal 8 parts as clock hands. Supposed distance between the strands in biological viewpoint make 15 years,totally 120 biological years. A nucleus and a nucleolus are in the BCC centre. BCC nucleus consists of theDNA strand penetrating into the nucleus and located there between the outwardand inner membrane. Deep in there is anucleolus numerous particles inside the nucleus move continuously. The particles collide constantly and divide producing new particles. The energy developed due to colliding maintain BCC vitality and thevitality of the main cell as a result. This energy is supposed to form humanbio-field. Energy processes fading leadsto the decreased quality of repair processes, replication and mitosis in theorganism cells, thus entailing mutations and their accumulation furthering andprovoking pathogenic processes and carcinogenesis. Human Biological Clock switch on from the moment of birth, probably fromthe moment of zygote onset. There is no protein strand of the clock hand at 0level. The first protein strand - a clock hand appears at the scale mark 1,recording the passed stage of time. Later on every 15 biological years protein strands fold, bind and do notrevert to previous condition. Proteinstrand - clock hand does not move gradually and /or evenly in time, but passesthe next segment within next few weeks, when the following biological 15 yearspass. This is a system of scale marking of the biological time passed. This biological strand can build, restoredouble protein strands - clock hands 1-7 in the upper part of the BCC due to aminogroups inside it. Having studied the mechanism of the Biological clock, it was found outthat the effect is reached due to the influence on this clock available in thethalamus tissue in its posterior lobe. BCC released amino acid groups, started to vibrate strongly and initiateda wave signal. Thus, the signal switching on periodically was transmitted to all organismcells. This process activated the function of the bone marrow, immune system and stemcells. Cancer patients of different age from birth to the age of 100 reveal thefollowing regularities and differences in the work of Biological clock. In healthy people with age these clock hands correspond astronomic time, oneafter another. In cancer patients the process is terribly accelerated, and theclock hands moved towards one another not for 15 biological years, overcomingone gap between them, but for several months in regard to the diseaseprogression. In the nucleolus BCC, the newly formed cancer cells in muchincreased activity of the particles, significantly increasing theirnumber.Thus, it may be assumed that cancer is the process of accelerated ageing resulting in death. Mutations in the DNA genes may be consideredas consequences of mutations in the BCC. Mutations in the protein of clock hands could be considered as the onsetof acceleration of the biological clock in the BCC. Amino groups located between 2 proteinstrands are responsible for the protein synthesis in the clock hands and theprotein in the low part of the BCC! Incase of the clock hands protein mutation, it restored or was substituted by theprotein from the BCC lower lobe. In cancer patients, mutations in the clock hands did not eliminate. They started mutations, hand by hand, quicklyfolding from 1 to 7. The protein in the lower lobe of the BCC was subject tomutation, mutations in the genetic material of the BCC appeared. It resulted inthe mutations in the neighboring to BCC nucleotides. Distinctive breakdown in the biological clock of the BCC, proteinmutations in the clock hands switches on DNA genes to repair chromosometelomere in the main cell. Disturbances in the BCC caused by protein mutation in the clock hands create anuncontrolled situation in the cell. Themain cell loses control over time, speed of various processes, which iscompensated by telomerase synthesis and uncontrolled, endless division ofcancer cells. For the organism as a whole it looks as an accelerated process ofageing and death, while for a separate cell with this mutation in biologicalclock it is a new evolutionarystage, in which the time is switched offdue to switching of of the biological clock. Double protein strands in the clock hands quickly fold and open a time freespace. Thus, the life of this cell willbe limited to environmental factors only, ability to obtain necessary substancesfor its vitality. The BCC nucleus combines biological and energetic constituents. The energy is generated in the nucleus creating electric and magneticfields. BCC transmits information to other cells by means of amino acids and it starts vibrating. Initial point of mutations in the BCC and later in the main cell consists inthe fading of energy processes in the BCC nucleolus!!! The reverse processoccurs in cancer cell. In the nucleolus BCC significantly, many times incomparison with the healthy cells of the body increases the activity and numberof particles. Actively growing energy generated by then, which greatlyaccelerates the biologcal processes in the cell. Personal information removed.
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