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About Willwhite

  • Birthday 09/06/1995

Profile Information

  • Location
    Colerain, Ohio
  • Interests
    Really music, social studies, but I do question a lot of theories in science, and I wanna know a lot about how organisms evolve and interact with each other.
  • College Major/Degree
    Still in high school
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation

Willwhite's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Like I said in my post, if a planet went through the same evolutionary steps as the earth did, no doubt reptiles would be dominant, like they were millions of years ago. And arthropods may outnumber all vertebrates, but they are no competition to bigger predators. The criteria im using to judge in my context is the evolutionary theory that can apply to different planets, as well as the "Big Bang Theory".
  2. My idea is that if the evolutionary theory is correct, and that their are planets that can support life, that the dominant species of those planets would be reptilian. The reason I say this is because scientists say that reptiles and dinosaurs were the most dominant on this planet before the mass extinction by the comet or volcanic eruption. If a different planet had went through the evolutionary steps as earth did, and didn't have a mass extinction, then reptiles would be the most dominant species. And since they would be the most dominant, that means they would have went through millions of years of evolution, so who really knows how these creatures can modify their body or do anything special? Any ideas/thoughts/or suggestions?
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