You miss the point!!!
"The metallicity of an astronomical object may provide an indication of its age". For more information please see Wikipedia -
Supernova is a star expulsive. There is no impact on star Metallicity. For more info please see Wikipedia -
With regards to your reply:
No. Your founding premises are faulty. Stars orbit thegalactic center.
Yes, sure, Stars orbit the galactic center. Never the less, we must verify if the stars are moving outwards on inwards after each orbit cycle...
For example, the moon orbits the Earth. Never the less,based on NASA verification it moves few centimeters outwards every year.
Mars might be another good example for a star is a disc shape system as it orbits the sun;
By Wikipedia:"Landforms visible onMars strongly suggest that liquid water has at least at times existed on theplanet's surface".
Hence,in order to enable liquid water, it must have been in a similar zone location as the earth today.
Therefore,in the past it was closer to the sun. So, it surly moved outwards.
Conclusion– We might assume that in a disc shape system, the stars are moving outwards!!!
The Milky way is a disc shape system... Never the less, the metallicity gives a solid proof by itself that the stars are moving outwards from the galactic center!!!