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Everything posted by hellwing

  1. and what do you mean by 2 KG worth of photons?
  2. we know the 1 kilo annihilated but i think the 4 kg should also caught from the explosion because it is a part of 5 kg,right? now what happened to 4 kg is it also destroyed but not annihilated?
  3. thank you also pete. if i have a 5 kilograms of matter plus 1 kilo of antimatter what will happen to 5 kg of matter? do you think it would left 4 kg from 5kg?
  4. thank you @Edtharan. is there someone knows here on how to measure the heat or temperature of 1 megaton nuclear?
  5. break and fructure are the same,right? about antimatter and matter,what happened to electron if matter + antimatter anhihilated each other,turn to photons? is there a site that has some images about this?
  6. so you mean if atoms caught by 100 megaton means you fractured the atoms or brake into a small particles?it is also called ionized?
  7. thank you sir,ready to lunch.. the electrons is surrounding the nucleus of atoms,what will happen to this electron while the the 100 megatons of nuclear exploding? did this also turn to ions?
  8. what will happen to matter if it is caught by black hole?
  9. that means everything that close to the bomb would ionized not only just oxygen atoms all atoms turn to ions?
  10. @insane_alien if there is an megaton explosion is it also destroy the oxygen while making an explosion? lol the megaton nuclear is heading on you. hehe.
  11. is it correct to say that if he/she contacted by 100 megatons nuclear means automatically turn to ions?just like antimatter.
  12. what if we say something like made of iron,still the same? paintfull. hehehe..
  13. i have a problem i don't have right now windows xp sp1,maybe i'll try in the future. does this mean turning to photons is more worst than cloud of ions?
  14. hmm,what i mean is while traveling or if you throw down 2 kilos socks of rise while you are in 4th floor building,do you think it would double the weight?
  15. but cannot destroy the electron, positrons and neutrons?and this is the difference between antimatter and nuclear bomb? wow,thank you 2.
  16. actually i'm not yet install java right now,i'll try that tommorow. even the nuclear bomb has the same energy joules of antimatter?
  17. does this means it did not destroy the atoms or subatomic particles? i'm just a newbie in this kind of topics. yes.
  18. I mean is if s/he caught by this 100 megatons (ground zero) what would happen to her/he?turn also to photons?or what else? thank you!
  19. what is your weight if you have the speed of 100 km/sec?
  20. thank you sir,(turning to photon) is this the same affect as 100 nuclear megatons?
  21. you mean if human annihilated by antimatter means he turn to ashes?
  22. Can atom annihilate by 58 nuclear megatons to nothing?
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