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Everything posted by Elle88

  1. Thanks for all your replies!! Elle
  2. Something that i've been thinking alot about lately is why do we actually need sleep?! What is its purpose? I ask this question knowing that obviously sleep is when we conserve energy so to speak, but what I'm wondering is why do we need this? I mean surely we are still active when we sleep i.e. dreaming and still using energy in order to stay alive i.e. vital organs still functioning...I guess i'm just curious! Elle
  3. Thanks!! Think I was confusing myself alittle there! =s That link was really helpful though! Think I understand it now! Thank you!! Elle
  4. Thanks for your comment! It was helpful! so in a way these anti-epithelial autoantibodies basically bind to the epithelial cells causing them to break down and ultimately promote/stimulate apoptosis of the cell, thereby perhaps resulting in damage to the tissue/organ affected?! Elle
  5. Ahh thanks!! =] So in a way they break down the epithelial cells so to allow excess into the cell perhaps?! Just say you where looking for these anti-epithelial auto-antibodies in the serum of patients with a particular disease. In finding them could it possibly suggest that their presence may be promoting apoptosis of those cells?! Thanks again =] Elle
  6. Does anyone know what "anti-epithelial auto-antibodies" are?! I know that auto-antibodies are antibodies directed against self antigens. Its the anti-epitehial part that i'm abit lost on! Does it just mean what it says, that they are against epithelial cells?! I'm really not sure! Elle All comments and help is appriciated!!
  7. Thank you for your help, it was very useful! Elle
  8. Hello, I'm Elle and i'm new to this site! I'm currently doing some research on respiratory diseases. I was wondering would anyone be able to give me some advice on what a "checkerboard titration is exactly" and how I would go about doing one with relation to a conjugate antibody?! I've been looking everywhere and don't seem to be finding much! From what I have found, I think a checkboard titration is used to find the optium concentration of the reagent, but i'm still not entirely sure what all it involves from a practical point of view! Elle
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