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Everything posted by PEE1

  1. I have often struggled to define love. For example sometimes I do not know why I do certain things that most people would consider an act of love (I'm sure many people are also find it difficult to define love). This morning whilst driving to work I got a new revelation of what love is. I know that it is a feeling/emotion, but it has never been revealed to me this way: love is a very deeply entrenched, powerful and long lasting mostly desired emotion / feeling which outlasts all other emotions/feelings and overpowers any reasoning. Hatred has the same force as love, but it is mostly undesirable. Most feelings / emotions are well capable of overpowering reasoning, e.g. the thurst for drugs or alcohol can make you indulge even if your reasoning warns against it; last and sexual emotions can make you engage in risky behaviour even if your reasoning warns you against it; feelings of pity can make you give your lunch money to someone needy even if your reasoning tells you that you will go hungry. Love feelings/emotions outlast all other emotions/feelings: LET ME GET BACK TO WORK. I SHALL CONTINUE EXPLAINING MY REVELATION WHEN I FIND TIME
  2. Hi Everybody Whilst at the beach enjoying the sunset views, a friend of my took a picture of the sunset and showed it to me. Looking at the picture I noticed that there was something that looked like a moon (but much smaller in size) not far from the sun. Surprised, I looked in the direction that the picture was taken but I could not see that moon-like thing so I asked my friend to take another picture. The camera captured the thing again and that's when I realised that the thing was not visible to the necked eye and eversince I have been wondering what that thing is. Is it a star or what? I am interested to know more about this thing. If anyone has a comment, please quench my curiosity. Star or what.bmp
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