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Everything posted by mrsemmapeel

  1. What's a Ringwold?
  2. Actually I'd also love to have a replicator from star trek, also a holodeck!
  3. Biophysical chemistry has definitely been the most difficult so far for me, too much maths! I enjoyed microbiology but the exam was harder than i expected
  4. Hey, looks like Gilded could be going to war with all that!
  5. The kitten eats flies And runs over my laptop MUNGO, don't do that!
  6. I guess there are some people on here who enjoy science fiction as much as science fact, so I was wondering what item or person from science fiction would you most like to have/be? I'd like a tardis please, with the Doctor.....maybe I could be his assistant? Yes that sounds good. How about you?
  7. Emma Peel is here With my first Haiku ditty no need to rhyme, great!
  8. Just watch any Final Destination film, you see lots of interesting deaths, not real of course, but imaginative.
  9. Today I've been to the park with the children, that was good. I've almost finished reading 'Dearly Devoted Dexter', that was even better. Also I've been approved by the RSPCA to be a responsible owner of one of their kittens, YAY! Should be picking Mungo up on Saturday:D
  10. Of course English people are nice, and ever optimistic about the summer starting at some point before Autumn!
  11. F (35) pro-abortion, its the womans choice, every time for me.
  12. Hi all, sometimes I get bored and like to play stress relieving fun games, so here is the website of my favourite at the moment:D (Apologies if this is already on here somewhere) http://www.mindjolt.com
  13. No I didn't say it was going to destroy the world or anything, she first found out about it when I was reading the beginning of this post, and some of the posts were saying things like the atmosphere is going to catch fire, she also read them over my shoulder! She can take things a bit too seriously if she has an inkling that we may all die, I showed her the LHC rap and thought her mind had been put at rest, but she questioned me again tonight. I'm sure she will forget all about it when she wakes up in the morning and no catastrophe has taken place:-)
  14. LHC initiation and the Olympic opening ceremony on the same day, I'm not going out tomorrow! I also made the mistake of trying to explain the LHC to my daughter - she now is worried that the world is going to end tomorrow, I told her not to worry but she doesn't believe me
  15. Has it started yet? When I looked on the countdown yesterday it was on 1day 12 hrs and something....
  16. I am quite offended that you are generalising women (and men in your other thread) like this, you seem to think the majority of women are fickle and shallow. Women like to look good mainly for themselves, not to attract a mate, dressing in a stylish way (doesn't need to be latest fashion) makes them feel more confident, and personally I think confidence in a person rather than what they're wearing is far more appealing to the opposite sex. I want a man to be attracted to me and not what I choose to wear and I don't know one woman who considers following fashion to be a matter of life or death
  17. Yeah I watched too, it was good, you can always rely on Richard Dawkins to do a good programme. I noticed later on C4 that they advertised a programme that is going to take a group of non Christians and try and convert them, whats the point in that, just leave them alone!
  18. 'To BE or not to BE? That is the question.':eyebrow:
  19. Yes I think that alcohol is definitely connected to these anti gravity dizzy spells, I too have experienced them after several vodka+red bulls:D
  20. 718 qpit I'm crap at these so its just a total guess
  21. Thanks for that, unfortunately for the fly he only had me to fight with> Yes I guess you're right, but there are always people who break the rules, I am still undecided on the whole thing, thanks though
  22. I don't know anything about time travel apart from from what I've read on the first 5 pages and last page here. Yes, I have tavelled forward about 40 minutes doing so and I have managed to stop time for a crazy little fly who kept divebombing me. When reading these posts, I wondered why no-one had brought that old question into the mix, if time travel is possible why hasn't anyone from the future visited us yet?
  23. Yes punter is a slang for someone who buys something, sorry I just assumed it was widely used , it's a bit vulgar maybe I should have used 'customer', but then I guess prostitution can be pretty
  24. sounds more dull than mine!
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