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Everything posted by NoName

  1. I am looking for a book that is comprehensive and creative for those who want to learn high school and undergraduate math. Sorry if I am being ignorant.
  2. I have studied till 10th grade, but due to many reasons I can't go to college or school. I want to study science by myself. How should I start? Is it possible to do it all by myself? Which books/sites should I refer to?
  3. Excluding Hegel I have read all the important philosophers before Nietzsche. I don't like Heidegger's metaphysics or the point is that it does not interest me. So what should be the starting point in analytic philosophy. Thanks.
  4. I am talking about a unverse devoid of matter.
  5. Please don't ridicule as I am only a high schooler and I intend to design a synthetic silicon based DNA molecule, that is if I have the prowess. Has it been done, what scope of research is there in the mentioned field?
  6. And what would happen in a universe without time or space as the case may be. Well I am just a curious 15 year old so please don't make fun of me if I am asking silly questions.
  7. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The reason being that I had told my doctor that I knew that my house was being bugged. I came from a rural background to Mumbai and settled in Malabar Hill which is is like the Beverly Hills of the city. My accent in English was thickly rural so I was made fun of by my rich/posh schoolmates. At the same same time a girl near my house started repeating what was said at my house, conversations between my parents and stuff. During the same time I was watching art films(Ozu, Kubrick, Godard etc) and reading serious books(Flaubert, Wittgenstein, Descartes etc). I was obviously a loner and had become notorious for my accent in my neighbourhood. People at school would shout things like "Hey you should watch this chinese director Ozu"(he was japanese)or "You should check out Flaubert, he is a bulgarian author"(we all know he is french). I presumed these things were said just to evoke a response, I never talked to my classmates about my passions. And we live in India where H.G. Wells is given for rapid reader in the 12th grade. And I don't assume 14 year olds watch art films or read books on literature/philosophy/mathematics etc. My first doctor told me I had a neuro chemical imbalance and needed immediate medical treatment. His medication did not stop the feeling of being bugged so went to another doctor whose antipsychotic(nexipride 150 mg) caused chronic headaches. Then we switched to another drug by the same doctor(sulpitac 900 mg) and clopixol(200 mg). For some reason these drugs caused paranoia, phobias and hallucinations. Now I am off medication and feeling muchal right. The only thing is that it is impossible for me to go to school/college as there is still the feeling of my house being bugged which was persistent all these 4 years .I am 18 now. So guys I need an answer. Thanks anyways. w
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