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You would need to look back into the book of Genesis where Adam was given a command not to eat from the tree of knowledge. I don't remember reading anything about God or Adam saying to Eve that she must not eat from the tree of knowledge. I have however always been in thought provoking mode when I try to understand how or why Eve became in such a close proximity to this tree of knowledge? The bible doesn't really answer all the questions that we can think about? Time is not mentioned in the book of Genesis and I wonder if a perfect woman would have a menstral cycle because according to the bible they after all were not wearing any garmets were they? So from the time Eve was created to somehow putting herself in such a close proximity to this tree of knowledge, this must have occured within a few weeks and I just don't understand how a perfect human could have a conversation with a snake? I mean come on a perfect woman talks to a snake and this snake being Satan convinces her that the fruit is good and she would positively not die, then Adam sees she has eaten the fruit and not died, and Eve must have told Adam that she had been talking to the surpent through a snake, then Adam eats the fruit also where immediately their eyes are opened to the fact that they have now sinned. The bible says that Eve was deceived but Adam was not, however Eve made the first move to the tree of knowledge, which the bible does not tell us why or how she became to desire this tree, or even if she was lead to it by satan at that time making her do something she might not have ordinarily done? So you see, Eve for whatever reason made the first move to the fruit which was bad for us, so it is right and proper then that Eves offspring will do the same like the woman you now talk about writing books as you say above.
I think the bible says "thy shalt not murder" if the bible said thy shalt not kill then nobody would be able to eat meat. There seems many opinons about the interpretation of heaven as well. As I understand it heaven is a newly formed earth which has not yet been established. I am to understand that Gods war against sin called armageddon has yet to arive, but after this period of time there is a record that says seven hundred years will pass to rebuild the earth to a paradise, then three hundred years of piece and then the final test will be presented to the human race, that is Satans system of things which is exactly the world system as we all know it, and the newly ordered personality that people will have learned over a thousand year period up to this final test, without the influence of Satan in this system of things. For the people who survive they inherit everlasting life on earth, the ones that don't make it return to the dust of the ground, as God originally told Adam in the book of Genises, in the day you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad you will positively die, for dust you are and for dust you will return, so anyone who fails the end test will return to the dust of the ground, the same as what happens when people die at the present time, the only difference being that God has the ability to res-errect the dead to life, where the bible makes it clear that all the dead will be reserected and given the chance of life before the final judgment.
Thank you I was not aiming to upset anyone in my replies, I was in my own way just defending the bible and its content, which cannot post in defence on the forum without somebody to do it in behalf of the bible. I respect the forum rules and don't wish to operate outide of those rules, but there are two sides to any fence and on this thread it seems everyone disrepects the author of the bible and what it stands for. I'll call it a day on this thread.
Without faith works is dead, as it is written it is to no avail that man builds his house if the Lord God did not build it himself, because what goes up will come down. The evidence speaks for itself, God created the Earth and he said it will last forever, which science can prove it has lasted billions of years, so based on that God must have told the truth there then. As the Almightly truely spoke in the bible, nobody is righteous and man must not put faith in man who will dominate to his own injury, but put faith in the Almightly through his only begotten son Jesus. vengence is mine says the Lord, for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the ungodly are not so and will parish, as written in the bible
- 164 replies
You can't educate people with knowledge that you don't have, you first must have a good understanding of the bible and prove to yourself that it is true, therefore you must choose to find the Almightly first who will reveal himself to the righteous, but gard himself from the undeserving, then you can give a proper understanding of the Almightly and his son rather than trying to get people to believe in the devil and his lies. You need to understand that you still have the chance of everlasting life if you choose the right path in life, but Satan fooling with your imagination has no parole, his number is up and time is now very limted for him and his demons. Auto Engineer
how do you calclulate the area of a reguleat hexagon?
Auto Engineer replied to dragonstar57's topic in Homework Help
Although we could show you how it is done, this would not help you to fully understand how to solve problems, which is what you are up against. It would be better if you put some effort into trying to solve the problem first and ensure you have the right information from the question, then we can if necessary guide you where you might make slight errors along the way. To help you along the correct path have a look and read of this link; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagon Auto Engineer -
If you say please somebody might put the effort in to explain it to you.
Love is something very misunderstood by nations of people around the world. Love is understood as long suffering and being kind, love has no jealous intentions and does not brag, nor does love become puffed up. Love does not behave indecently and does not look for its own interests, and does not become provoked. Love never keeps account of injury and does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things and hopes in all things, and endures all things. Love never fails, but whether there are gifts of prophesying they will be done away with, whether there are tongues they will cease, and whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially, but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with. When I was a babe I used to speak as a babe and to think as a babe, and to reason as a babe, but now that I think I have become a man , I have done away with the traits of the babe. For the present we see a hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At the present time I know partially, but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known. Now there remains faith, hope, love, these three but the greatest is love.
The truth that I can't escape is that there is no deeper meaning
Auto Engineer replied to Appolinaria's topic in Religion
Jesus was talking about the tax collectors, who he refered to as being strong and said they did not require a physician, but those who are ill do. Jesus said he came not to call upon righteous people, but sinners. In conclusion, the tax collectors required help, they were sinners. -
Interestingly nobody has lived that long and many ideas of theories are available, but who really can prove what really happend at the dawn of time? Only by the use of technology can we assume that what we are learning is correct. The conscienceness of life is like the energy in a bulb, it burns bright for a small time period and energy passes through the boundery and is lost, then we expire. The SUN is a good example of a creation, who goes to the sun each morning and throws some coal on to keep it burning? There are again many theories of how the sun keeps burning. One theory was said that some type of particules enter the sun and they keep the sun burning, but if the sun drawed its energy from an outside source and that source was a mass content, then the question would be asked why then does the planets around the sun not get drawn in and burned away? Then there becomes the argument that if the sun is a constant explosion, which it is then why does the pressure waves not force the planets off their orbit paths? The conscience of the human mind is energy, where then did the original idea originate from to create the first human? Evolution, how does sand, soil, sea and air and any other type of matter in existance put a human together of such complexity? How did generations of people before us get the idea that a nation of people lived in the waistland for 40 years and not even the soles of their shoes wore out for 40 years? The fact that it has been written is justifed that somebody had experience to see that happen over such a long time, yet we can't produce anything today that would not wear away under constant use over such a period of time? Should we believe in the understanding of each other when we are talking about such complex issues that man cannot create, after all it is written that man cannot live on bread alone, but requires the word of God to maintain him alive, the missing link that charges the soul. (Word spelling correction here) Just like a car battery goes flat without the alternator to charge the battery, man cannot survive unless his soul is plugged into the source of life
I hope this link is helpful to get you started Auto Engineer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coset