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Meson (3/13)
An Alien Scientist lands in your back garden. You invite him in for a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits. Whilst having a discussion about science, he claims that the scientific theories you believe to be true are wrong. What would your reaction be? a) Accept that he is right. b) Argue with him and take the biscuits away. c) Knock the cup of tea out of his hands and throw him out d) Invite friend/s around to take part in the discussion
I believe that everything that can happen has happened and more than once, but not because we live in a temporal causality loop but because we exist in an infinite universe
Throughout the history of the Earth, the planet's climate has been fluctuating between two dominant climate states: Greenhouse Earth and Icehouse Earth. Currently, the Earth is in an Icehouse climate state. Icehouse Earth + Global Warming = Greenhouse Earth. Humans are irrelevant. If all humans dropped dead this natural cycle would continue for billions of years until the Earth ceased to exist. If humans ever became a threat to Earth, the Earth would destroy them and the natural cycle would continue. The motive of the politicians who talk about global warming has nothing to do with "saving the planet", they are only interested in themselves. Money, power, career, that is ALL they care about. If you believe that Al Gore and others CARE about the planet you are living in a fantasy world.
- 942 replies
What would you change about the new SFN?
ZVBXRPL replied to Cap'n Refsmmat's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
Dogma is a central pillar of this forum. Dogma is the enemy of Science. So the change I would make is to knock down that central pillar so Dogma is no longer a part of the forum.- 201 replies
If Jesus was a real historical human being, then the backstory that seems most likely, in my opinion, is the one where he travelled to the East and was influenced by Buddhism. The only 2 historical sources, outside the Bible, for Jesus being a real person, were both written around 100 years or so after Jesus.
War on Terror is just The Cold War Part II Islam is seen to be a threat to capitalism, so something needed to be done It's all propaganda and BS, always has been and always will be, until there is a revolution (hundreds of years away minimum) To answer the question in the thread title US foreign policy is the cause How would you feel if a foreign nation bombed and invaded your country and killed thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens Very angry you would be
Throughout the history of the Earth, the planet's climate has been fluctuating between two dominant climate states, Greenhouse Earth and Icehouse Earth. These two climate states last for millions of years. Greenhouse Earth = No ice caps, warm. Icehouse Earth = Ice caps, cold. Makes sense. The climate state for the Earth at present is Icehouse Earth. An Icehouse Earth is subdivided into glacial periods and interglacial periods. Glacial periods are colder, interglacial periods are warmer. The period we are in at present is interglacial. What evidence do YOU have that the Earth is no longer fluctuating naturally between Greenhouse Earth and Icehouse Earth? My argument is perfectly valid. Your argument is one of politicians and spin doctors The government doesn't care one little bit about the planet, it doesn't even care about the people living on the planet, what it DOES care about is MONEY. Do you really believe the same people who are responsible for slaughtering millions of people, care about the planet?
Reminds me of this PHOEBE: That's fine. Go ahead and scoff. You know, there're a lot of things that I don't believe in, but that doesn't mean they're not true. JOEY: Such as? PHOEBE: Like crop circles, or the Bermuda triangle, or evolution? ROSS: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What, you don't, uh, you don't believe in evolution? PHOEBE: Nah. Not really. ROSS: You don't believe in evolution? PHOEBE: I don't know, it's just, you know...monkeys, Darwin, you know, it's a, it's a nice story, I just think it's a little too easy. ROSS: Too easy? Too...The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from single-celled organisms, too easy? PHOEBE: Yeah, I just don't buy it. ROSS: Uh, excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy, Phoebe. Evolution is scientific fact, like, like, like the air we breathe, like gravity. PHOEBE: Ok, don't get me started on gravity. ROSS: You uh, you don't believe in gravity? PHOEBE: Well, it's not so much that you know, like I don't believe in it, you know, it's just...I don't know, lately I get the feeling that I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed. ROSS: How can you not believe in evolution? PHOEBE: Just don't. Look at this funky shirt! ROSS: Pheebs, I have studied evolution my entire adult life. Ok, I can tell you, we have collected fossils from all over the world that actually show the evolution of different species, ok? You can literally see them evolving through time. PHOEBE: Really? You can actually see it? ROSS: You bet. In the U.S., China, Africa, all over. PHOEBE: See, I didn't know that. ROSS: Well, there you go. PHOEBE: Huh. So now, the real question is, who put those fossils there, and why? ROSS: Ok, Pheebs. See how I'm making these little toys move? Opposable thumbs. Without evolution, how do you explain opposable thumbs? PHOEBE: Maybe the overlords needed them to steer their spacecrafts. ROSS: Please tell me you're joking.
Wondered what people thought of this hypothesis. I remember years ago I read something somewhere about ancestors of humans living in water and this helped with our evolution. I think of it now and again, but until now didn't know what the theory was called or anything. I did a search and managed to find the name of the hypothesis I was thinking of - Aquatic ape hyopthesis. Seems interesting. If it were true it would mean that water was not only a major factor in evolution of life in general but for human evolution too.
Am I a global warming Skeptic? Depends on the exact question being asked. Do I believe that politicians care about the planet? 100% NO. Anyone who believes that a politician CARES about anything other than themselves is very naive. Do I believe that politicians care about money? 100% YES. Do I believe that the planet is getting warmer? Don't know. Hope it is. Do I believe that MAN is the main contributing factor for climate change. NO, that is a completely ridiculous suggestion. Not a surprise though given the history of mankind's arrogance. Do I believe than MAN is contributing in any significant way to the change in climate? Don't know. Hope we are (as long as we are making it warmer, not colder!) If man made global warming is such a serious planet endangering process like the politicians and celebrities claim it is, then why don't the governments BAN the burning of fossil fuels? Why is their solution a carbon tax? Why is there no law saying that ALL vehicles produced must be electric powered? Answer is - there is no serious planet endangering process occuring. The global warming media frenzy is a pure money making scam. Why is that a surprise when the majority of the planet is capitalist and the driving force for everything is money. If you think politicians genuinely care about the planet you are VERY naive. They don't care about anything, only themselves. Throughout the history of the Earth, the planet's climate has been fluctuating between two dominant climate states, Greenhouse Earth and Icehouse Earth. These two climate states last for millions of years. Greenhouse Earth = No ice caps, warm. Icehouse Earth = Ice caps, cold. Makes sense. The climate state for the Earth at present is Icehouse Earth. An Icehouse Earth is subdivided into glacial periods and interglacial periods. Glacial periods are colder, interglacial periods are warmer. The period we are in at present is interglacial. I would be more worried if it was said there was man made global cooling. Global warming may lead to the planet returning to a Greenhouse Earth climate state. Warm and no ice caps. Throughout the history of the planet, the time spent in a Greenhouse Earth state heavily outweighs the time spent in an Icehouse Earth state. Icehouse Earth is not the normal state for the Earth. I think of it as Icehouse Earth = the Earth has a cold and is sick. Greenhouse Earth = the Earth is warm and healthy. Q. What caused all the previous transitions from Greenhouse Earth to Icehouse Earth and Icehouse Earth to Greenhouse Earth? It wasn't human beings. Q. What caused all the previous transitions from glacial to interglacial and interglacial to glacial within Icehouse Earth conditions? It wasn't human beings. If the planet is warming and humans are helping, why is that bad? If we ARE helping the planet warm, this is a good thing. The planet getting warmer and returning to a Greenhouse state = Earth getting better from it's cold. I would be more worried if there was man made global cooling. I don't want to live in a snowball Earth. George Carlin “We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are! We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas. The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”
Most human beings are illogical. They live their lives with emotion being the primary motivating factor for everything they do, say and think. When man first created "God", it was during a very primitive time in human history. They were wandering about the planet, hunting and breeding and had started to become more intelligent than the other animals around them. So they start to ask questions about stuff. They come up with God of the Sky, God of the Earth, God of the animals, God of breeding, God of hunting, God of that little star thing up there that makes the Earth warm and light. Fast forward to the present day, the vast majority of people on the planet still follow these primitive belief systems, despite the advances in science and technology. Depressing. The only reason the majority of people on the planet are religious is because they are raised to be religious. We are still a primitive child-like species, playing with science and technology toys. We are no different to how we were thousands of years ago. The only difference is that the toys are better.
Man-made Climate Change debunked as the liberal hoax it is
ZVBXRPL replied to EmmaRoydes's topic in Politics
If man made global warming is such a serious planet endangering process like the politicians and celebrities claim it is, then why don't the governments BAN the burning of fossil fuels? Why is their solution a carbon tax? Why is there no law saying that ALL vehicles produced must be electric powered? Answer is - there is no serious planet endangering process occuring. The global warming media frenzy is a pure money making scam. Why is that a surprise when the majority of the planet is capitalist and the driving force for everything is money. If you think politicians genuinely care about the planet you are VERY naive. They don't care about anything, only themselves. Throughout the history of the Earth, the planet's climate has been fluctuating between two dominant climate states, Greenhouse Earth and Icehouse Earth. These two climate states last for millions of years. Greenhouse Earth = No ice caps, warm. Icehouse Earth = Ice caps, cold. Makes sense. The climate state for the Earth at present is Icehouse Earth. An Icehouse Earth is subdivided into glacial periods and interglacial periods. Glacial periods are colder, interglacial periods are warmer. The period we are in at present is interglacial. I would be more worried if it was said there was man made global cooling. Global warming may lead to the planet returning to a Greenhouse Earth climate state. Warm and no ice caps. Throughout the history of the planet, the time spent in a Greenhouse Earth state heavily outweighs the time spent in an Icehouse Earth state. Icehouse Earth is not the normal state for the Earth. I think of it as Icehouse Earth = the Earth has a cold and is sick. Greenhouse Earth = the Earth is warm and healthy. Q. What caused all the previous transitions from Greenhouse Earth to Icehouse Earth and Icehouse Earth to Greenhouse Earth? It wasn't human beings. Q. What caused all the previous transitions from glacial to interglacial and interglacial to glacial within Icehouse Earth conditions? It wasn't human beings. If the planet is warming and humans are helping, why is that bad? If we ARE helping the planet warm, this is a good thing. The planet getting warmer and returning to a Greenhouse state = Earth getting better from it's cold. I would be more worried if there was man made global cooling. I don't want to live in a snowball Earth. George Carlin “We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me. The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are! We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas. The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?” -
Send Grissom and the team back in time to investigate the JFK assassination. Willows would be all bitchy and think that Oswald was guilty, Stokes and Brown would be asking questions right off the bat and set up a re-enactment. Sanders would be doing his hair. Grissom would say "follow the evidence". Cue the Who. By the end of the show Oswald would be cleared but the corrupt Sheriff would quash the investigation