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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Check out Lee Smolins hypothesis of cosmological natural selection.
  2. Well lets define what hard wired means, to those who say it is might mean something very different to those who say it isn't. His "hardwired" might be different than mine and yours. To me hardwired is.... well lets see if I can explain this with an analogy. Computers process information, they do so because that is what they have been designed to do. We have been "designed" by our environment with the goal of surviving and procreating. The newer computers have advanced and surpassed the old computers, they still share some of the same characteristics but have made changes and are more advanced. Hardwire in the sense that i'm speaking, is what the evolutionary success for thousands of years instilled in our brains, the things that make us process information. The nucleus to a single celled organism. - Has learned, has evolved, has advanced, what perceives reality and has "Consciousness." That is to me what "Hardwired" has to mean when speaking of it in the sense that I am. What does "Hardwired" mean to you?
  3. Ever seen the optical illusions where you see 3 arrows and it forms a triangle? Our brains assimilate patterns and recognize them, its part of interpreting information. Patterns and symmetry are a part of nature. I think the only thing significant about music is that its a pattern. Our brains interpret it differently than random noise. What is passed down to the offspring is argued, I will propose that children are afraid of the dark for a reason. Everything in our reality that we perceive has a reason behind it. Birds do get quiet when predators are present, this could have something to do with why we like music although I feel its just another way of our brain recognizing a pattern mostly.
  4. We recognize patterns. Our brains register and interpret information based off of thousands and thousands of years of evolutionary success. The success I am going to argue is somewhat passed down to each generation. We like music because our brains interpret and recognize patterns. Our brains recognize the pattern and we interpret music differently than random noise. To me this is evidence that our brains learn and not to the 100% extent but do pass down learned information to the next procreated brain. Memories, not so much. repetition of certain sights and sounds for survival, maybe.
  5. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

    1. Moontanman


      i thought you were a massive dump...

    2. too-open-minded


      That sir, is an understatement.

  6. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

  7. Yes, I am dropping a massive dump in my profile picture.

  8. Something I like about the universe, it does not cave to meet preconceived notions.

  9. Something I like about the universe, it does not cave to meet preconceived notions.

  10. Something I like about the universe, it does not cave to meet preconceived notions.

  11. Something I like about the universe, it does not cave to meet preconceived notions.

  12. I feel like my profile picture is a metaphor for me on this website. The guy reading the book is me posting threads trying to discuss things. The girl putting her boobs in his face is 50% of the people on here trying to pick arguments they know they are going to win while putting words in my mouth.

  13. I'm sure we evolved crying, smiling, faciel expression and physical expression for communication. We have been communicating for a long, long, long time. Somewhere along the lines, i'm sure we have adapted to communicating so good ole evolution is gonna make sure to instill that in us.
  14. when I say evolutionary history, i'm not talking just homospiens i'm talking all the way back down to a single celled organism. Now ofcourse single celled organisms don't have emotions but at some point in our evolutionary history we became animals and those animals thrived off of fear and anger. Fear drove them to escape from danger and anger allowed them to have the courage to defend against it.
  15. I'm going to try and encompass the way I think of matter, energy and the universe into words. Kind of like a mass of waves, particles, etc all contracting and expanding somewhat at the same time and the frequency of this contraction and expansion is a wave, this wave is our reality. Yeah probably didn't do a very good job at explaining the way I think of it and yes I know i'm a crazeh cook.
  16. Politics, lol lets not go there. Hatred and fear has been the most prevalent emotions in our species evolutionary history, its what has kept us alive the longest. Our species gonna have to deal with it for awhile longer, although we are moving on.
  17. Instinct v belief Now an instinct is something like if a horse hears a noise, its going to run. A "belief" is something like the desegration of the school system and human rights. Now lets look at what drives instincts of animals, emotions. A horse gets scared, it runs. Now why are humans able to do things like think and overcome basic instincts? I propose that were just getting more complex instincts. We can now think in words, our own language rather than just in pictures. We have a ravenous curiosity to overcome our fears along with love and empathy to overcome anger and hate. What we are doing is all still instinct, its just more complex than previous and more primitive animals instincts.
  18. Atleast point it out, iNow.
  19. I understand evolution is something only animate organisms do. All i'm saying is, evolution or what it is to organisms is fission to stars but evolved and that evolution evolves. "Evolution" or the legitimate scientific term for evolution, I think in the next few million years will be more complex than it is now and already in the process of becoming more complex.
  20. What is the difference between belief and instinct? Maybe our instincts are just more complex?
  21. Nicely put. Enhance their energy constraint, to postpone their reconversion to energy. What do you mean by this?
  22. http://www.livescience.com/10531-life-began-research-suggests-simple-approach.html So i've reiterated this quite a bit on SF, pretty sure even made a thread awhile back on how I beleive life is only highley evolved energy, everything evolves, and evolution is the answer to life. From elements being created by fission in the belly of a star to hot metal smoldering rocks excreting gasses creating a atmosphere. Things in the universe change, energy changes, it becomes more complex, it evolves. I honestly think that if not in my lifetime, within the next hundred years we will find the right circumstances to harbor the beggining of life as we know it whether it be amino acids, DNA, RNA, or some compound so primitive we can't even find a trace of it yet. Now i'm willing to bet 50% of you reading this have already jumped to conclusions on my statements and are going to reply with a misinterpretation of what i'm trying to say. Please, if I just sound like a rambling idiot. Leave the thread alone. Now if anybody wants to have a speculative and imaginative discussion, please write something in the thread. What do you think is the beginning of life? If you agree with the link I posted, could this change our definition of life? Do you really have to be conscious or even an organism to be "life."
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