weve come a long way man, only 200 years ago was slavery widespread in the world and that the blink of an eye to our species. Weve made leaps and bounds the past few thousand years and honestly I think our future doesn't look so dim.
Self fulfilling prophecy, iNow has a point. ZVBXRPL, i'll give you an example.
So I pretty much had a high school sweetheart for two years. Then we decided to take our relationship a step further. While she left to start college I worried she would forget about me and find someone else. Well, she did. Although had I not worried about it, that may have never happened.
Self fulfilling prohpecy aint no joke, change your perception man. Happiness is not having what you enjoy, its enjoying what you have. Might sound cliche but your perspective on a situation whether it be your life or the human race will inevitably effect it.
weve come a long way man, only 200 years ago was slavery widespread in the world and that the blink of an eye to our species. Weve made leaps and bounds the past few thousand years and honestly I think our future doesn't look so dim.
Self fulfilling prophecy, iNow has a point. ZVBXRPL, i'll give you an example.
So I pretty much had a high school sweetheart for two years. Then we decided to take our relationship a step further. While she left to start college I worried she would forget about me and find someone else. Well, she did. Although had I not worried about it, that may have never happened.
Self fulfilling prohpecy aint no joke, change your perception man. Happiness is not having what you enjoy, its enjoying what you have. Might sound cliche but your perspective on a situation whether it be your life or the human race will inevitably effect it.
Btw I know our species isn't going to live for an eternity, At some point even if we do make it off the planet we will die out. Its inevitable. Although that doesn't mean we can't strive to live as long as possible and find as many answers to the universe as possible?
I know i'm going to die when I play nazi zombies, yet I kill zombies till i'm dead.
Dear god if you haven't played nazi zombies on black ops 2 go do that right now.