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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. I backed my car into a cop car the other day!

  2. Well by parent brains I meant brains of our ancestors. We like sweet food, high in calories. I'm told this is because were still used to wanting to consume lots of calories like our ancestors did during the ice-age. We may prefer food because thousands of our ancestors grew to like it but were not going to prefer the ham sandwich our mother made on october 11th, 1962. Do you see what I meant? Now does it looks like that was the opposite of what I said? Or are you just like "Dam, this dude is freaking nuts." I really should be more careful about what I write but, meh.
  3. Well what are the inconsistencies of space-time curvature theory if their are any? I'm not tripping, I understand that mainstream scientific views are the way they are because their the only thing we have any evidence for. Oh an i'm uneducated, for right now atleast I'm sure/(hope) most astronomists believe that their is more to the universe than meets the eye but because the observable universe looks flat, we must go with the universe being flat to work with.
  4. Every single person on this planet is gullible, just some more than others. When I say inherit from our parent brains I don't mean like our homosapien parents giving us memories they had. I mean every organism that evolved into the homo sapien race has put in its fair share of things for us to inherit. I wonder if optical illusions look the same to every species.
  5. I was asking the OP, it seems to me that people asking this question are kind of not content with the answer being "just by chance."
  6. Before we go any further, ask yourself this. Are you biased towards their being a reason for us being here? Do you feel more content if their is a reason?
  7. Well their has to be a relation with our modern brain and ancestral blood. Everything our brain perceives is built off of what parent brains have perceived in the past.
  8. So is Newtonian gravity "sitting inside" general relativity because no matter the distance their is always some gravitational attraction?
  9. Inertia and energy? I like that. I Kind of invision something like a higgs particle, countless numbers of them in constant motion holding up space.
  10. the true colors of someones heart are shown when times are rough, anyone can seem friendly when times are good.

    1. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Moose and Llama.

    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      If you've been rough enough that you can see the true colors of my heart, there's no time when that seems friendly.

  11. I like the distortion of space-time thing. I like to think if empty space as an illusion. with their always being something their, even between atoms. The"vacuum" of space being just diffusion. When space is occupied by bodies of mass the space around it is warped kind of like pressure. With GR turning into newtonian gravity, I guess this is mainly because no matter the distance their is always some gravitational attraction? I'm wondering if space-time could be held up by a mass of "ultra" subatomic particles? Something in my opinion has to be in lights way to make it propagate like a wave. Sorry if i'm just spitting out rubbish, I don't start working for a degree until January.
  12. Thankyou very much pan, I will look into this book.
  13. I have found out that the last book I read on physics was wrong :/ Have you read the book and is it factual?
  14. Exodus 15:3 Romans 15:33
  15. Your right i'm biased towards the idea, not going to lie. I don't stand anywhere to make a claim, I just like the idea probably because I too thought it possible. I am very well aware that it could be and to our current knowledge is complete BS.
  16. Do I need to whip out the contradicting bible verse's?
  17. I might be misunderstanding you, my education is kind of poor right now. It is improving though! I wouldn't so much as say that a universe has different laws of physics than from a parent universe 100 generations ago. If the theory is correct then all I think happens is every bit of energy and every particles is broken down to its most primitive form during the "big crunch" as you call it and then re-configures during and after the "big bang." The laws of physics stay the same but what happens in that universe, individual galaxies, planets, stars, etc are different than that of its parent universe.
  18. couldn't agree with you more. I'm wondering if for a black hole to form, shouldn't their be a relationship between mass needed to form a black hole and the mass of its parent universe?
  19. A physics professor at the university of Waterloo has a hypothesis that the universe evolves and has natural selection through black holes. Where a new universe begins. Personally I really like the idea, actually had though of it myself then I saw it on through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman. I felt compelled to email Mr. Smolin, no reply but i'm sure he is a busy man and probably thinks i'm just a nut lol. Anyways I really like the concept of a multiverse and had pondered if black holes could give birth to new universes as well. What do you think about all this? here is a link - http://evodevouniverse.com/wiki/index.php/Cosmological_natural_selection_%28fecund_universes%29
  20. Lee smolins evolving universe with natural selection through black holes hypothesis, anyone like it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. too-open-minded
    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Well yeah, it's a cool thought. I'm not sure if I'm all for the preliminary theory behind it (involving black-holes) -- though I'm not really the right one to seriously judge such theories anyway.

    4. too-open-minded


      Rational skepticism I see :P. It might be BS who knows lol

  21. I think people want life to have a purpose. When really we should just be happy that we were lucky enough to exist. On a proportional scale, to our knowledge the universe is not a very friendly place for life. From life to our individual species to me and you, we are very lucky to be here. The massive rock we are on right now was lucky enough to harbor the conditions that sustain life as we know it. Our species was lucky enough to adapt and evolve so that it stands where it does today. You and I are lucky that our parents met. Did all of that happen for a reason? It might have, to our knowledge it hasn't so we should just be happy that we are lucky enough to exist right now.
  22. I lived in this town for a couple years and I can understand what these people are saying -_-
  23. If I were god, I would make the "on fire" rule in beerpong unfathomable. I hate that rule and even when I make 3 cups in a row, I don't call it. This rule infuriates me and as god it would be smitten.
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