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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. If you are racist you're just too stupid to realize you're actually Culturalist.

  2. Sometimes I consider making another account on here so I can make the troll like remarks that come to mind.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Our current favorite at my house is, "My face may look calm, but in my mind I've killed you three times!"

    3. too-open-minded


      I've seen that on facebook lol. I like "oh really? let me check my box of F*#&'s to give. Sorry its empty"

    4. too-open-minded


      "Pockets for" works better than box of, I was thinking of the picture I got it from :P

  3. I wouldn't throw fission powered turbines out the window just yet.
  4. It would be way easier if god just made some basic human emotions and subconscious wants less. Greed, Jelousy, Anger, and sexual drive. If these emotions and instincts were less strong, I truly believe we as a species would stand a better chance at handling things in society.
  5. Idk I just feel awkward making eye contact with a stranger and administer the fake smile XD
  6. Fat american who does all kind of sinning finds god and is miraculously healed. Starving child in Africa with no parents gets forgotten about because he or she didn't accept Jesus Christ and God as their savior. God sounds like a massive douche who just really cares what people think about him.
  7. The answer to life is in the question itself.

    1. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      What is "The Question" ? Sounds menacingly unresolvable. I'm curious now. What is the question?

    2. too-open-minded


      "What is the answer to life?"

    3. too-open-minded


      Sorry I should be more clear, its more of a personal thing anyways. We look at life and feel the need for it to have a reason. So we ask what the reason is when really their is not a reason, we just want their to be one.

  8. The answer to life is in the question itself.

  9. Okay your right, crappy debate tactic. I can point out more people than Hitler who have done things their religion told them not to and tried to justify it. My point being that at the end of the day someone is going to do what they want to do. I see religion as more of an answer to life and a morale viagra, I don't like it because I don't need it. I think religious differences has something to do with the war in the middle east. Just a little bit. I don't like religion. At the same time maybe we do need religion, i'll quote Daniel Dennet for this one. “In the long run I certainly hope information is the cure for fanaticism, but I am afraid information is more the cause than the cure.” ― Daniel C. Dennett
  10. The will to survive is probably our most basic instinct, you are right about that.
  11. Sorry iNow, didn't mean to jump to conclusions on what you said. Astronaut, I feel the same man.
  12. dmaiski, maybe for you that is why you want to live forever. To get all the answers. Sadly I think most are just too narcissistic to imagine a world where they don't exist forever.
  13. Death is just as beautiful as life. We die so that a newer slightly different form of life can procreate. We die to make room for new and to let our species evolve. Death is a beautiful thing and it exists in nature because it belongs. Death is not evil nor something we should tamper with. We are already living longer and longer as it is and if we do live in space and travel vast distances i'm sure we can evolve to do so. Maybe we can eliminate death from dying cells, we can't stop death from happening. I'm very biased, I feel like the urge to never cease to exist as an individual is on a subconscious level one of the main roots of our problems in society. Sorry.
  14. I would question that but i'm starting to realize I just need to learn it for myself and gtfo of the physics forums for now lol.
  15. Well thanks for clarifying that for me man, its so frustrating. I've read a few other books on physics and now i'm not sure if they were complete bull or not. *sigh*... I guess i'll just keep my mouth shut about these things until I actually have a degree I earned myself.
  16. So lastnight my friend decided he was inebriated enough to piss on my couch. I wonder if intelligence has anything to do with tolerance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. too-open-minded


      He doesn't know his limits lol

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      He probably has a very colorful imagination blossoming with creativity. Nurture his inner beauty. Find overall disposition. Become one with nature...



    4. too-open-minded
  17. I don't want to be immortal, I don't see why everyone has the urge to exist forever.
  18. What do you mean by as a limit?
  19. :/ i'm going to look over Einsteins chapter in the book a second time. So the mass in motion thing from this link is wrong to? - This is what the book said. http://www.ehow.com/...otons-mass.html Guessing this link is right? http://www.usatoday.com/weather/science/wonderquest/photonmass.htm
  20. Thankyou for clarifying that for me. All I needed to hear.
  21. I'm not looking for an easy explanation lol but thankyou.
  22. I have swag for days, it radiates from my body abundantly and dwarfs everyone's in comparison to mine. Jk lol, i'm not that conceited ;P

    1. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Your joke... oh, it's quite beyond my ideals. You certainly are conceited... Mwhahaha!



      Oh wait. I just created a loop of conceit. Darn!

    2. too-open-minded


      Everyone is to some degree :P

  23. So is it an attraction between objects with mass or is it a distortion in space-time caused from objects with mass? I'm confused :/
  24. Well I guess the book was wrong lol. It did say that he was given the award for his contribution to physics but that his biggest contribution was on why a photon has mass. Or maybe I misunderstood.
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