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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Please read the first 1,000 words of my novel. I posted it in book talk. Let me know if it seems interesting enough that you'd want to keep reading.

    1. too-open-minded


      31 views and not a single critic? I'm not asking you to like it. I want to know if my writing style is still robotic and bland or if it's appealing enough to want to read the next 2,000 words.

  2. So if any of you remember correctly I posted about a year ago on my book. I cringe thinking about my old writing style... I really intended to write a whole book from a robotic mockumentary point of view. Anyways here is the beginning of the first chapter. Right under 1,000 words so please read . My story is flawlessly original and awesome, I just want to know if my writing style captivates your interest at all enough to want to continue reading. Thankyou! Somewhere unbeknownst, to the rest of the world. Sat thirty-five scientists in seven rows, blindfolded, and restrained to cold metal chairs. Footsteps were heard entering the room. “Welcome,” a mans voice, a deep but charming one rang through the room. It was a big empty room given away by the voices echo. “You're all here today because your intellectual assets have much opportunity to benefit humanity. The United Nations, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, The International Council for Science, and the U.S government has selected you thirty-five individuals out of all the other well credited researchers and educators in America. You've every right to feel proud, and you should be.” The voice took a breath. “Now, the first of two contracts have been signed. You're all well aware that the location of this meeting is confidential, which is what the blindfolds are for. I must apologize as I'm sure not being able to see since you boarded the plane has been somewhat frustrating. The handcuffs that have just been applied to your wrist and the chair, are to help keep the location private. As with this conversation, you either listen to what I have to say and sign the second contract. Or you don't sign the second contract, and go back home speaking nothing of this. This meeting is highly confidential and any mention of it will jeopardize all your freedoms. To break the first contract and speak of this meeting, will be considered an act of treason. Punishable by death. If you sign the second contract, you'll be trusted with classified knowledge, in charge of keeping world peace, helping to establish an internationally unified government, and over all increasing the survivability of the human race. Outliving this hot ball of rock floating aimlessly around a star is actually one of our top projects.” The voice cleared his throat. “You must understand that signing the second contract will give you less social freedoms. Family and friends can't know where you're going, how long you'll be gone, or what you're doing. Sometimes you won't even know where you're going. We can call upon you at a moments notice to be gone for months at a time. The pay is well, however you won't have all the time to spend it.” Footsteps echoed as they paced back and fourth for a good ten seconds. “I'm giving you all thirty minutes, your decisions” he deepened the voice and put heavy emphasis on his next word “WILL be final by then." Footsteps were heard exiting the room, a door shut which ensued to silence. The scientists stayed still with an eerie feeling in the air. A shiver ran down ones back. “Sign my life away without even knowing exactly what the hell it's for? Count me out!” Squawked a female scientist with an annoyed tone. “I want to know the classified knowledge, what if aliens are real or think of all the technology unreleased to the public, I'm signing.” Optimistically proclaimed a younger male scientist. Murmers, mumbles, and a few long drawn out boring opinions on the matter cluttered around the room. An old raspy voice, one that radiated experience, confidence, and wisdom was heard loudly above all the others. His first few words louder to get everyone’s attention, “We're all researchers here, our job is to unravel the mysteries of life and use them to serve humanities cause of bettering our species. If you call yourself a scientists, sign with me.” The room got quiet. Another few minutes of silence passed until the doors opened and multiple footsteps walked through the room. “I assume you have all made the decisions.” The voice stated with anticipation. Simultaneously the blindfolds were removed by an armed person for every scientist. Everyone except for the front row watched the armed guards tie a blindfold to a chair. “Why the fuck are there guns?” Ecstatically a now visually capable man yelled out. “I signed a contract with the United Nations, not a damn military. “Now,” Row by row they saw the man whose voice they've heard as he walked up to the front of the empty chrome room. He was a tall black man around 6'2, maybe weighed about 225 in good physical condition. Looked to be in his early 40's, clad in a fancy suit. Each guard laid down a clipboard on the scientists laps. “Who do you think is going to protect you that is? As of right now these highly trained, special operations, soldiers are here to protect me. I'm rather important to this quote quote underground research. They'll also be here for your protection if you sign the second contract and stay.” The now visual voice clasped his hands together and opened his mouth but paused before saying. “If the second contract is signed you'll all be brought to your quarters for this trips stay and be debriefed on the current project. If you don't sign, we'll have you escorted home immediately. So please, time is up. Sign now and your decision is final.” The sound of thirty five hands fighting against a chain connecting their wrist to seat rattled around the room. The important suited voice strolled down every isle, looking for signatures or blank papers. As he got to the end of the back isle he stopped, turned to the guards and said. “Please escort Scientists seventeen and one out.” The guards grabbed a scientist from the front and the fourth row, applied the blindfold, and took them out of the room.
  3. I think creating an alliance with Mexico wouldn't be a bad move. Imagine if a superpower did want to invade us, if it's by land they would want to either do it by Canada or Mexico. They could bribe Mexico with some claims to Texas even. Not to mention a larger border of defenses to barricade and ware down an invasion.
  4. You're awesome, thankyou! You know of any sites or sources that can explain genetics and the assembly/sequence of genomes?
  5. I feel like I've come so far as a writer. Would any of you be interested in reading the first chapter of my novel?

    1. Hendrick Laursen

      Hendrick Laursen

      Hmm, why not? Where is it?

  6. Guys! I was kind of hoping for some strategical role-play kind of deal.... Which is why I posted it in the lounge lol. I don't think WW3 is imminently upon us. I don't want to discuss it's liklihood. However, say a few countries started having discretions and the U.N couldn't reach a general consensus. War breaks out, let's say North Korea hit's South Korea, China sides with them. Ukraine gets some allies against Russia. Isis pulls off some crazy feat idk. It leads up to alliances and enemies, leads to a WW3 situation. So under some circumstances like that, I would propose we make strong relations with Canada and Mexico. Maximize our borders with NMD's, Nuclear subs, and Aircract carriers. Invest into our navy. While we fund neighborhood watch satellites. What would you propose?
  7. If we were to compare Homosapiens with Homoneanderthal, HomoHominid, HomoErectus, or even Australopithecus. What similarities would we share? The Homosapein to mice to chimps is pretty cool - https://genomics.soe.ucsc.edu/research/comp_genomics/human_chimp_mouse So I can't find any genome templates (Not sure what exactly to call it?) of Neanderthal, Erectus, Hominid, Or Australopithecus. The best I've found is from the national center of biotechnological information - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Selector/taxse.cgi They have Neanderthal and Denisovan Hominin. Yet it's coded for a program so I can't really see it - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=c#SG1 I really want to see our genome similarities. Please SF, help
  8. I'm wondering, what exactly would our plan be? Critique my idea, share yours if you want. I would propose a defensive standpoint. Try to work with Canada and Mexico as much as possible on defensive relations. Have a fleet of a few hundred nuclear submarines located around the gulf of mexico and Pacific Ocean. An outline of NMD's over our border. Rally more national gaurdsmen and raise bases on coastlines. Launch lots of neighborhood watch satellites and make regular inspections with drones. I doubt that a WW3 incident could climax anytime soon atleast. Still think it's neat to ponder at what we would do. I like generals and strategy
  9. I understand that to speak of with any credibility, we stand no where. I'm only speaking hypothetically though. I think it's a very cool concept to look into. Not saying that it's true, only possible.
  10. To the second I think it is likely that crossbreeding or interactions between the varying homindae have influenced and resulted in what the homosapien is today. in the sense that we shouldn't cross it out, and at least examine it first. I think it is likely that crossbreeding and even competition between some could have naturally selected the great apes, in enough amounts that it is something anthropologists should investigate. The third one is asking if interactions between multiple homindae, made any substantial impact on the evolutionary history for homosapien.
  11. Is it possible that there was an abundance of hominidae. A wide of variety as there is breeds of dog. And we just kind of had wars and built alliances. If possible could it be enough to substancially effect our taxonomy history?
  12. I'm going to try and find organizations or groups of moms who hadn't vaccinated and had something bad happened, maybe that will sway her. Thankyou Swansont.
  13. Okay so I've whiped out the Autism argument but she still stands by that Vaccines are harmful to health. She said that 85% of the people who get sick are the ones who have been vaccinated..... Someone in one of her mom groups, but she believes it. Some 50 year old mom who has been "researching" vaccines for 20 years is against them. She says she's heard of babies going deaf, blind, seizures, brain swelling, mostly relating to the high fevers and some adverse reactions. All of these on her moms groups. She also said that babies don't process things as well as our bodies do and that's why she is against the preservatives? I don't know about the 85% percent thing and I call BS on that. The other stuff I can't really argue because she knows these moms on a personal level. Here is some stuff from the CDC she has shown me. Possible side effects - http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm#dtap These cases are very rare but apparently she's met quite a few mothers who have experienced things like the severe reactions. I'm gonna look up the likelihood of getting a bad virus while unvaccinated contrasted to the likelihood of an adverse reaction. So her argument is that why take the risk of our child getting an adverse reaction or pump poison into, when they could most likely survive the virus anyways. I'm taking y'alls word for it, I just don't know how to convince her. Showed her this and she still argues that vaccines were introduced when they were dying out and that's why it seems that vaccines cured it. She says sanitation did this. http://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/articles/misconceptions-about-vaccines
  14. Actually I have done some research on the matter and found multiple things on how vaccines don't cause autism. My fiancee just seems to not believe anything I find but will believe any Bullcrap article she reads online..... Frustrating, she's actually pretty intelligent but her mama bear instincts can be over baring. No pun intended. Thanks guys, she doesn't believe any of this either. Oh well. Btw I think there's no correlation between the "spikes" in autism and it's actually just that we either overly diagnose autism or it just get's more notoriety than it used to. Also she tried telling me the CDC website even posts I can't remember if she said autism or what but, they post on their website something freakish as a side effect to a vaccine. I'm going to have her find this when she wakes up and post it here. Please debunk this guys, she won't listen to me.
  15. So my fiancee is leaning towards the anti vaccer movement while I'm neutral. The mercury and other ingredients in the vaccines, whatsup with that? Is that all misinformation or something I'm not understanding? The spikes in viruses, is there any hard evidence to support it's caused by the anti vaccinates? I think it is but have nothing to hold up an argument with. I don't believe that vaccines cause autism, haven't been able to find any hard evidence on that though. Can anybody help me form a valid opinion on this?
  16. Went to New Orleans for the weekend. Lots of fun. Bayou boat tour, Cemetery walk, lots of creole and seafood. Experienced bourbon street..... Overall it was alot of fun. Oh, and I got my first tattoo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zapatos


      "But it's a real beauty. A Mexican cutie. How it got there I haven't a clue.


    3. too-open-minded


      No lol, it's one that I've put a lot of thought into and won't be finished for probably at least 2 years.

    4. arc


      . . . and 200 beers.

  17. Got Carl Sagan's Cosmos today.

  18. The universe along with everything that exists in it is alive. For us to view this world in any manner that promotes the thought of anything being less significantly important, is inhumane. Biotic components other than complex life like humans also share ranges of emotions, senses, and stimuli to their environment. Even the inorganic inanimate materials in this world share the energy that is within us and in a constant cycle. The energy, the atoms, the molecules, the elements, the RNA, the DNA, everything that exists is in a constant cycle. From startdust to dust in the wind. We walk around like we know everything there is to know, confidently blind. Even the scientists, the ones who claim to know the most are the ones who realise we know the least. We know their was a massive release and expansion of energy based on well documnted evidence and theories. The universe expanding, or dark energy. Cosmic microwave background radiation, which is almost unrealistic amounts of radioactivity that's in every direction around us at a veryfar distance(roughly 46 billion lightyears.) There was alot of heat expanding, that's the big bang and now were the condensation of that. Black holes, the expansion of space, The molecular quantum world, Harnessing and conserving energy, procreating, advancing, This is what should be on the news. Not isreals war with palestine, not a celebrity scandal, not why republicans or democrats ruined this country. Why is it such a battle about being more significant than? Whats with this constant battle of "I'm right, you're wrong" Wheres the humanity?
  19. I'm getting married!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zapatos


      I didn't know what happiness was until I got married. Of course by then it was too late. (pun intended) But seriously, congratulations. I love marriage!

    3. Iota


      Congrats man

    4. MonDie


      I love you!

  20. And in those three minutes, the only thing he proves is his stupidity. Watch it for the lulz -
  21. Thankyou!
  22. Being an atheist feels kind of like being the only sober person in a car, while nobody will let you drive.

    1. imatfaal


      Is that original to you. It's pretty good - I might have to steal it.

    2. MonDie


      Are we trying to balance out Weirdmaskman?

    3. too-open-minded


      No it's not lol, a majority of the witty things I post on statuses aren't mine. Just stuff I think you guys will find funny XD


  23. I posted this in other sciences months ago with 99 views and no replies. I'm guessing it was in the wrong area, posting this again hoping to get some info. Please mods, don't take this down. I'm really curious about this, I know it's dumb but the question has just been aching at me. If I don't get any responses this time I promise I'll leave the topic alone. How long have humans wore diapers or cloths over our infants? Is this something all cultures have done or only a select few? I can't seem to find any information on google, as all that comes up is information on disposable diapers.
  24. Honestly I don't think circumcisions could really effect medical costs. Intact penises are more hygenic. The only legitamite argument I hear is with the diseases and even then I don't understand how a lack of foreskin makes it less likely for you to contract a VD?
  25. This mostly goes out to the parents here on SF and anyone else who has an opinion on the subject. Circumcisions, did you choose to or not with your child? Personally I don't think circumcisions are necessary and are only a cosmetic cultural practice that has transcended from outdated religious practices to make sex less frequent and pleasurable. We chose not to circumcise our son, my significant other was going to at first but I was against it. I'm circumcised and never really thought a whole deal about it until recently. My standpoint on it is mainly this - The foreskin is meant to be there, it provides slack while being 1/3 of the penis skin. It has 20,000 nerves (Not sure if that's much larger significance than normal skin.) Circumcisions have caused problems, some men complain that their erections hurt because too much skin was cut off for it to heal properly. I don't care what my sons penis looks like, if he dislikes it that much he can get a circumcision when it's his choice. Never though a whole lot about it until recently like I said, Chastity my soon to be wife is a gung-ho activist for informing moms about circumcisions and has even changed the minds of a few. Anyways, does anyone care to have an opinion on the matter?
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