I'm thinking that if we were to implement emotional therapy, self esteem building techniques, and concentrating on developing children's individual interests we would end up with more rational adults.
Say we redid the whole elementary educational system. Valued an elementary school teacher over a college professor. I would push for only having women as teachers. Anyways most importantly their would be 2 teachers per classroom. I would recommend 15 students maximum. Beginning at ages 3 and ending at 7. With little curriculum and mostly the teachers taking notes on the students. The hardest part of the year would be the beginning, getting to know the students and getting them to like the teachers. Switching students up for different teachers if bad incidents reoccurred. Anyways teachers could pull a student aside who gets irrational (this would be pretty frequent with children around this age) except pulling the student aside won't embarrass them in front of their classmates. Give them more room to think about what they did while the teacher calmly told them the error in their decision making process.
The teachers would have to get along with the students and overtime find things they were interested in and build children's self esteem upon such interests.
This is a very watered down hypothesis but I mean does it sound possible? Could this have any effect on a future generation? Would it pay off by teaching someone to calm down, take a breath, and listen to an argument from another person without letting anger cloud their judgement?
Or is this just complete crap?