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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. I'm talking about something a little different When I say this it scares most people but I think elementary schools should be turned into more of establishments for emotional therapy teaching children to overcome their subconscious wants and thoughts. Build self esteem and help develop individual interest.
  2. Okay well this thread has really helped me get this concept down. Also is really helping me shape this hypothesis I previously had, I thought blueshifted galaxies were more than just in our local group. this actually helps my idea. Thankyou, I might have a few more questions to ask in the next few days.
  3. Lee Smolin is a theoretical physicist who says that the universe evolves. He has a hypothesis stating that a black hole gives birth to a new universe. That for every black hole, their is natural selection. Before you call him crazy just think that the majority of the elements in your body were created by a star. with iron being that last and heaviest element created before that stars own gravity engulfed itself, becoming a black hole.

  4. In my personal opinion, valuing elementary school teachers over college professors would have the greatest impact on the human race.
  5. Well I guess waves don't have to have something to travel on. Brains emit waves. Just It sounds like a contradiction to me. A wave is just energy traveling, the up and down motion is energy traveling on something most of the time. Meh, my education doesn't stand anywhere to question a concept meticulously worked on by well educated peoples.
  6. Can you explain? or give a link?
  7. Well are their any galaxies we see blueshift from that arent in our local group?
  8. What if we just don't know what their traveling on?
  9. Thankyou very much.
  10. Is it novice level? Or should I have a good understanding of some said maths before reading it? I looked on amazon, it sounds like a good book. Think i'll get it. I really liked Five Equations that changed the world, by Michael Guillen. You probably already know who the physicists are and what their equations did, but actually learning about who they were, what they did, and how they did it is what inspired me to want to go into physics. To actually find out I had so much in common with Albert Einstein actually gave me some hope that i'm not an idiot like most my teachers told me, can't blame them because I was a lazy smartass lol.
  11. I understand now. Thankyou very much. So is this happening in all directions? Unless I misunderstood The blueshifted galaxies are mostly in our local cluster but are kind of in a line?
  12. I think maths are important an i'm not undermining them but is it just me or is math just a bunch of meaningless conversions? By meaningless I just mean its only a conversion but when you apply maths to a physics equation you can convert things, make predictive models, and sometimes be baffled by your results. The only reason I don't like math is because I just don't see a point to it. Sitting in class I always thought "Theirs really no point to this." Recently learning about physics I actually do want to learn math now, not because I want to know math but because I want to know physics and physics requires knowledge of mathematical functions. So yeah can anyone recommend any books that cover algebra, geom, or calc? I have heard that being a "Scientist" and not being limited to one field is possible. I really hope so because i'm interested in many different fields.
  13. Ok so basically redshifted waves are just spread out while blue waves are still closer together. We know their farther away because the wave is "more drawn own" and appears red. Well I get that and i'm guessing the photons are still the under the same behavior? On a side note, how do we know things are moving away faster the farther they are away from us? How does redshift indicate this?
  14. Yes I would love to study CMBR . My dream is to actually be payed to research it so I can have the resources and position to do my own thinking. Well I guess i'll actually have to pay attention in college. I can make myself remember something, everyday in algebra and geometry class was just sleep and pay attention to the reviews for tests. Can you recommend any books that cover algebra, geom, and calc? I know i'll have to take the classes anyways but I want to be ready for them.
  15. If you speak with the notion that you are never wrong chances are you usually are never right either.

    1. Joatmon


      Show me the person who never made a mistake and I will show you the person who never did anything.

    2. too-open-minded


      I love Einstein quotes ;P


  16. "If then energy always require a medium for its transmission, then it defies its essence, because the concept of energy itself proves arbitrary enough as not to be able to be pin pointed down to anything tangible...we can only describe, horn and manage its effects." I think your trying to say that energy needs a medium to travel. When you see a wave, its just energy traveling on something. By finding the medium, you learn more about what it is you have in front of you. what we hear is just disruption of the gasses in our biosphere. You could talk in space but nobody would hear you because this breaks our hearing threshold. Yes your still emitting energy out of your mouth but were used to having a lot of particles being around for soundwaves to travel on. When we found out that sound travels on particles in a wave, we knew a little more about it and what to research.
  17. One thing I love about science is that when you have a neat little idea it might be crap. Although usually those ideas lead on to bigger ones and eventually you might be on to something even if its just a small concept from a large hypothesis.

  18. Look if I start talking about a multiverse people arent even going to pay me any attention, I'm better off beating around the bush and trying to develop concepts with others perspectives. I haven't even started college yet and don't plan on being able to produce a viable hypothesis until i atleast have my bachelors. People can ridicule the ideas I propose all they want. It seems kind of personal when my room and unicorns get involved. They can talk about my ideas, me, or both all they want. I'm not the kind of person who wants to prove a point the only motivation I get is the fear of our species dying off on this planet. It just gets a little annoying when people call me or my ideas crazy, I know i'm crazy to some degree. I just hope its not to the point where my thoughts are irrational.
  19. ehh still I hate statistics and when we haven't explored more than 50% of our own ocean where do we stand to talk about space? I'm willing to bet plasma makes up for most of the universe but when it comes down to it isn't everything plasma? just plasma that gets cooled down eventually. Think of it like saying water is 99% ice. well its water no matter if its an ice, gas, or liquid. kind of a crappy analogy but I think it gets my point across.
  20. Most people are stuck in the box.

    1. EMField


      Yah, but trying to get the box to open at least a crack :)

    2. EMField


      Yah, but trying to get the box to open at least a crack :)

    3. Joatmon


      Only dead people, but I guess that would be most!

  21. Your probably more in depth with it than I am. I have really bad a.d.d and usually when I think about something its only a short matter of time until i'm on another subject. I really wish you would collaborate with me so I can see if were actually on the same page and not just broadly discussing this subject.
  22. I'll look into that book. I really would like to ask some questions to anybody with some experience with a particle accelerator. Theirs so many weird seemingly random experiments I have in my head, a good amount of them to do with particle behavior.
  23. Not you so much as people making remarks about things like unicorns... To be honest if I went deeper into my hypotheses you really would think I was a crackpot if you don't already. I would rather just throw some concepts out and ask weird questions.
  24. lol yeah I guess your right. I'm well aware that I may be a crackpot and these things only make sense to me because they don't to anybody else. I'm also open to the fact I might be on to something. Can you guys atleast ask me what i'm talking about that you don't understand or point out flaws in my argument instead of asking me "how many unicorns are in my room?" I'm not going to do anything irrational even if people keep it up but it is kind of depressing to be belittled.
  25. The concept of zero and nothing is real. We are not arguing that. If you go bankrupt you have 0 moneys left. We are talking about something incremental dealing with the size of our universe and energy of it. If you find the mass of our universe then go to zero. It might look like zero to us, but its not. Think of it like on a number line, you imagine all the negatives but are they really negative? Apply that to what I just said. Just remember that people who made large steps for science at one point in the distant past were executed or recently were ridiculed and laughed at.
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