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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Would it be healthier to eat one big meal a day rather than 3 small sized meals throughout the day? If you ate one big meal it would give your body and metabolism more time to digest and process the food. Could it be healthier?
  2. I'm not saying the government is out to get us, but economics is a big system of correlations. Most of the profit in this country ends up in a select number of peoples pockets. The food industry is very detrimental to our health. This will give the medical industry more money. Their not out to get us, they just don't give a damn.

  3. One day I hope to be educated enough to understand that lol.
  4. I think clean energy will be the future, just people calling shots (Private interest groups) are going to try and get every last bit of money out of the oil industry first. Alot of legal work and contracting will have to be done before this transition is made. I don't think it will be in our lifetime.
  5. I understand what you mean about numbers being a human concept. Just like a circle, in our minds it exists but in nature it doesn't. Numbers cannot be precise although they can give a good incremental understanding of something. Your very bright.

  6. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.
  7. From what I understand they are trying to use particles and energy to process information? I guess they would record the behavior of the happening and use its constants as measurement intervals instead of BIT's or processes of 1's and 0's? I'm probably wrong but is that anywhere close?
  8. Your taking me too literal, I mean 0 as in 0 energy. Basically the universe has always been in motion to have energy. The universe has always been and didn't come up from nothing. It didn't come from nothing and will never become nothing, I hope lol.
  9. I was just wondering how it worked and related to the quantum world of physics. Anybody care to explain in lay-mans terms? Wikipedia was a bit over my head on this subject.
  10. My idea - For something to have mass it must be in motion. More motion shows more energy. More mass is more energy. Everything is energy just on a different frequency. Everything is in motion and nothing is at a halt. The universe like a photon, always in motion. For something to not be in motion means it would have no mass and no energy. Could the universe always be in motion and never at a standstill? The universe has always been and hopefully always will be?
  11. What are the newest most innovative ways that we are conserving and harvesting energy right now? Do you have any ideas as for new ways to harvest energy? Is it possible that other forms of energy could be more efficient than kinetic?
  12. An eye for an eye will only make the world blind.

    1. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Indeed. The world is already blind.

  13. How sure are you magnetism has nothing to do with gravity?
  14. Thankyou very much and I hope the same for you.

  15. I guess your right it probably would cost more resources to build and manufacture than it harvested. Just I really think our next step is chemical energy. Nuclear reactors still are just a turbine powered by the 2nd law of thermodynamics, kinetic energy. Think about all the other energy going on their besides the kinetic energy of a turbine? I'm willing to bet that chemical energy could be used more efficiently than the turbines kinetic energy.
  16. Regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or not their is competition over foreign oil, this is the argument you should be raising.
  17. I see your a college adviser. I'm interested in so many different fields and am having a hard to choosing one. What fields of science do you think are making the biggest leaps and bounds right now or will be in the next 5-10 years?

  18. You know I used to think their was something wrong with this formula because I don't like the concept of something being infinite. I guess it just seems infinite because our universe is finite and the gravitation field extends as far as our finite universe does, which is relatively very large to us. So it just seems infinite. I'm just trying to grasp this concept. Maybe i'm just crazy and the concept of their not being empty space along with what i'm about to say doesn't relate. Although to me these 3 things do relate. I like quantum physics and how it talks about particle behavior being "different" from our own reality. I honestly think its the same but relativity makes it looks very different. Particles are smaller and travel much faster they seem to be everywhere at once but their just moving fast relatively to us. The speed or frequency of their vibration makes it look like its not moving at all because its everywhere at once. Our reality is a wavelength. We are the frequency of something much larger as we are also the frequencies of many things smaller than us.
  19. I like the ideas of ethanol based fuels but that's not what I mean. I imagine a solar panel that uses synthetic chlorophyll to collect photons. Then uses diffusion and heat on a elevated part of the panel to carry the photons down the panel to a chamber with synthetic adenosine diphosphate. Converting the photons into oxygen and chemical energy. We still don't fully understand how plants make energy but once we do I think my hypothesis might actually be possible.
  20. I'm asking if its possible? Could through genetic engineering and biochemistry, could we develop a bio-synthetic "plant" that would harvest energy from sunlight rather than turning it into an electrical current?
  21. The one who fallows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone will usually find himself in a place no other has ever been before.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      I'm entertained by the idea of keeping your mind open by inventing characters who like different things, and "interacting" with them.

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Essentially by being crazy...

    4. too-open-minded


      If only I had the ability to do that lol. I wish.

  22. Yeah that answers my question about empty space but I still don't understand why it can't reach zero. Theirs no way to put it in a non fraction form so it can reach zero? Sorry if i'm misunderstanding, math has always been my weakpoint but I think its mainly because I was never interested in school and didn't pay attention.
  23. Do we have evidence of completely void and empty space? Can someone please show and explain to me the mathematical proof that shows us gravitational boundary (the distance a gravitational field extends to) is infinite?
  24. Some of you read too much and fall into lazy habits of thinking.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. akh


      I don't think Einstein is saying that thinking is a lazy habit, but you can be lazy when thinking. I think there has been some evidence to suggest that having too much knowledge of a subject may make one fall prey to rigid thinking about the subject.

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Oh, yes I definitely agree with this. :)

    4. too-open-minded


      Yeah but I think he meant it more along the lines of "everything shouldn't be set in stone." their should always be room for change.

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