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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. I want to see the human species thrive for as long as possible and unlock the mysteries to life. So humans don't need to but personally I would like them too. I guess its selfish but to me I feel I'm looking out for everyone else. Another thing I want to see is less suffering in the world. But I guess taking things away from some peoples lives to make more people in general have a better life isn't necessary. Personally I would like to see that happen. individual humans don't need to make it off this planet and sustain life in space, the survival of our species does. For the longevity of humanity.
  2. Their is a difference between wanting to make a point and having a point to make.

  3. Thankyou for clearing that up a bit^ but why does it matter if wild plants crossbreed with GM genes? Is their a problem that will arise or is it just an argument lol?
  4. If 30 years ago people were told that air-sol cans leak CFC's into the atmosphere which break down its chemical composition. They probably wouldn't believe you. I'm always open to hear a new argument.
  5. If you guys will just stop trying to prove eachother wrong you will learn a lot more about this subject. Whats the problem with patented pollen pollinating wild plants? I'm not saying their isn't one, I'm saying I lack a degree in botany and dont understand.
  6. Its only now that I look back at the comment you made on my other status and see what you did their also lol.

  7. I know farmers and took their word for the information im giving, what are your sources? I'm not saying your wrong I may be wrong.
  8. Their trying to prevent your evidence from being their. Your missing the point, yes farmers can grow the corn but they cant have intentions of selling the corn comercially if its last years seeds.
  9. You should be ashamed for telling him to seek medical help without reason. You told him to get help, you didnt necessarily give him a clear reason why.
  10. zapatos-No, farmers do have to buy the seeds if they have intentions of selling the crop. I think the argument you are trying to make is, farmers don't have to sell their crops. American corn feeds alot of people, it would be inhumane to allow a farmer to make more money by using last years seeds at the expense of thousands of lives. Corn goes into making alot of things including baby diapers to charcoal.
  11. You guys I'm not saying lets wipe anger out, I'm saying were more likely to survive fallowing the emotion of love rather than anger. I'm saying its mother natures way of telling us to survive. I'm saying anger, a very useful emotion should be suppressed so that we don't let it affect our judgement so much. Please drop the misconception everyone gets about my theory, I'm not saying we don't need anger.
  12. When I think about how hard my childhood was, then compare my "walk in the park" childhood to children in poverty stricken areas. I don't cry, I sob. I just want to prevent any child from going through the things I endured and stop as much suffering for anyone as possible. whats your point?
  13. The u.s spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined, which is why we arent pushed around. Your argument is very solid. I'm just going to move to sweden when I have the money.
  14. I can not believe the audacity of some of you, you should be ashamed. iwasbitten - The human brain is wired to recognize things like symmetry, patterns, and human faces. Alot of people can have things like tumors or disorders like schizophrenia which cause them to overely experience these things. I don't think your crazy, I don't think your stupid, I think theirs something in your brain you don't know about. Please the first thing you should do is go to a hospital and get an MRI or catscan to see if you have any tumors, systs, or anything else going on in your head to distort your thoughts. If you cant find anything speak to a psychologist, trust them they can find a medicine for you and you will be much calmer and more content with your life. I'm sorry as i'm sure people have ridiculed you alot. Your not crazy, you just don't understand why your brain is "freaking-out" You will be okay just please seek some medical help. get that brain scanned, if nothing comes up talk to a psychologist and tell them everything. Hold nothing back.
  15. I'm in the same boat as you. i like psychology, physics, genetics, and cosmology.
  16. 1. Martin Luther 3. Johnothan swift you left them out.
  17. better yet who thinks humans will make it off the planet?
  18. LOL^^^ I respect your argument that ignorance is bliss. It truly is, if the only person you ever want to help in life is yourself.
  19. Knowledge is too much when it reaches the point where it narrows our minds. Show 3 different people have come upon the same large amount of knowledge. 1. one person uses that knowledge for good and the benefit of humanity. 2. one person uses that knowledge to the highest degree they can and believes nothing else anyone tries to tell them. 3. One person uses that knowledge for their own personal gain.
  20. Their emotions though only insignificantly different intervals of evolutionary time, are a blink of the universes eye. Yes their more alike us than different. But they are still different. A monkey smells something and gets horny, all we have to do is see something. Its not the same thing. Although you are right, we are very alike and not far evolved from them. Their emotions are to a noticeable degree different.
  21. Corruption to me is uneven distribution of wealth and no social ladders. I don't like capitalism and i don't like communism. The general idea is a government that is influenced by other means than it is supposed to be.
  22. When you write down a form of government any can be the best. What defines the best is how well a government is actually applied to its state.
  23. Alot of people hear what i say about emotions and get this misconception, its a good observation though. If anything anger and greed wont be wiped out, but just refined. Resulting in less negative side effects. Preserving all the emotions we can is important because we do not want to be desynthesized, I don't really think this would be a problem though.
  24. Yeah not everyone in politics is corrupt, just a large enough amount to piss me off. 2% of taxes is invested in the education of our nations youth...................... 2 PERCENT OF OUR M*&%$##*ING f*^&ING TAXES.
  25. I don't think I'm a genius, but sometimes I wonder if the intelligence I think i have is just insanity.

    1. Joatmon


      It's just electrical and chemical reactions in a mass of grey jelly :-D

    2. too-open-minded


      Thats a cool way to look at it, the brain is an awsome organ.


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