My cousin - who I grew up around and is only 4 months older than me is gay. Were more like brothers than cousins though. I always knew he was a little different, being younger I would tease him but getting older and more mature, you just have to accept someone for who they are especially when you know they were that way since birth. I'm not going to lie when we had the talk where he confirmed to me he was attracted to the opposite sex, I felt really awkward. Even knowing my whole life, being confirmed that it was true was a very weird feeling. I thought about hugging him and it seemed almost different. After the initial shock and calming down, coming to my senses was a lot easier. That is my cousin who I'm going to love and support no matter what.
How I Knew he was homosexual - We would be in the back yard, playing pretend. Were fighting a monster so I tell my cousin about the shield, sword, and armor I have on. He usually started off by saying he was a girl. Why is that relevant when were fighting a monster at age 5? As we got older in elementary school it was obvious he felt more comfortable around girls. Well now its obvious, but back then it was weird. He was born this way.
Original posters opinion - I do believe that for some people, it is a choice. Although genes still probably have a lot to do with it. Growing up around someone who is gay, I got to see an individuals side of it. I can tell you that not everyone who is gay is by choice. It can be scientifically proven, it just has not been yet. They genetically engineered the aids virus to fight cancer. Theirs a lot about genetics that we are oblivious too, We have only scratched the surface scientifically of what our illusions allow us to grasp. Open your mind.