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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

  2. I understand very little about physics at the moment so if what I'm about to say is absolute horse-shit please let me know where I'm wrong. I most likely am. Watch this 3 minute video about higgs boson particle - http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/05/12583436-the-higgs-boson-explained-in-just-a-bit-more-than-a-minute?lite So apparentley When they introduce mass to equations, the equation messes up? Well then in theory would we be able to convert mass to something else for the equations to be solved? I've thrown this around before but would a mass to gravitational field proportion help? converting mass to a gravitational field and throwing the "g-field" into the equation rather than mass itself? I know its not really a conversion and its more of a proportion but would the g-field sufficiently represent where mass should be in an equation?
  3. Well I'm glad you found an alternative to killing yourself but if theirs anything else I have to say is I hope you always have good reason to survive. If not for yourself then maybe your friends, family, or even those who may not know you ever affected their lives. If you don't have a good reason to stay alive the next time you have a bad back spasm, it very well may be your last. Only looking out for your well-being, not trying to preach.
  4. you have nothing to be sorry about broski

  5. Well swansont definitely cleared that up a bit for me but I think my question will be better asked after i have taken a few physics classes and have some general knowledge of the subject. like D.Dennet said - " What you can imagine, depends on what you know " Spyman is right though as to what I am wondering. After i have taken some classes I'm guessing I will be proven wrong but untill then I think that gravity is infinite like current physics says ( I don't like it but stand nowhere to think otherwise. ) If their was one then theoretically gravity itself is not infinite and something else has to account for why their is always an attraction. Kind of like photons having mass but only because they are moving. Anyways my question has been answered, their is no mass to gravity proportion and no reason to believe their should be. I don't want to agitate any more mods as this topic should now belong in speculations. Thank you all for your help and input.
  6. Have you tried physical therapy?
  7. You've nothing to be sorry about broski

  8. Yes i understand gravity is a force between 2 objects but their has to be a gravitational field prior to the force being exerted. Can you measure an objects gravitational field? not the gravitational force. I'm sorry if i am just misunderstanding and not reading the equations right, it has to be very aggravating repetitivley answering this question for me. Can you explain with words how to find an objects gravitational field? you can say F=MA for me to understand how to measure force but i understand it better when stated; force equals the space an object takes up multiplied by its speed/rate of speed and distance from zero.
  9. Well if thats the definition of agnostic it suites me quite well. I don't like labeling things, you can call it what you want; I just called it god because that is the closest thing I can say besides supreme being. Quantum physics or better yet quantum mechanics has devised a new type of computer that, from what i understand and I probably don't understand it correctly; a new type of computer that uses particles to do math by vibrating them to certain frequencies. Like I said I barley understand it but apparently the particles contain mathematical information which can be processed through a quantum computer.
  10. I think you are taking my question about god and science too literal. I'm talking about a hypothetical god not specific religion
  11. I'm only wondering if an equation can be made to find the strength of a gravitational feild. The mass to gravitational field exerted proprtion, shouldnt their be one?
  12. I think so. I'm agnostic being open to the concept of god but skeptical of their being one. Although if their is a god, I'm sure its something a lot more sophisticated than our brains are able to comprehend Could god be everything together in the universe acted together as a collective conscious? Quantum physics shows us that particles can retain information. What if everything together right down to quarks, energy, radiation, etc is collectively god? I'm not saying their is a god, or even if their is one I doubt we could even grasp the slightest notion of what god is. I just don't think mixing god with science is out of the answer and wanted to throw this out their
  13. too-open-minded


    When someone is suicidal they want their life to end, are not sane, and are usually baker acted which I think should happen for their own good. What if someone is suicidal but doesn't want to kill themselves? That is how I feel although subconsciously I'm sure the will to live has a lot to do with why I am still here. Anyways when I think of death; to me it is not the end. Although I am agnostic and believe the person I am will cease to exist one day, in a way this is heaven to me. To be immortal in my eyes, is a curse. Let me give you some information as to why I view eternal life as hell. I constantly worry about the world and others well being more than I do my own. So much in fact, that when thinking about children in Africa; I can't help but cry. Not just tears but that kind of crying where the back of your throat hurts. I remember my childhood and how lonely I felt watching my parents hurt each other and use drugs. I did not have it easy at all but in comparison to children in say Somalia, My childhood was a walk in the park. Their pain is much worse than mine was, and knowing that human beings even children are going through worse than what I dealt with at such a young age is unbearable to me. I constantly worry and fret about humanity today and its future. Killing my braincells has eased my thinking and allowed me to relax some, although when I start college I will sober up as I need to retain as much information as possible. I want to be a benefit to society, even if I do something insignificant and my name is never known. If I can prevent one person from living a horrible poverty stricken life, Its what I want to do more than anything. Make sure nobody ever has to go through what I did. One day being able to help people and not walking out on my family are the main reasons I think I'm still here. I have never tried to kill myself, but I look at death as eternal peace. When I wake up in the morning it just feels like I'm being stripped away from any peace I can get, and thrown into this rough cruel world. I will live my life to the fullest, but when death comes. I will embrace it with open arms.
  14. I was more or less asking for information about it. Although I understand now that cold fusion is completely theoretical with no hard evidence, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  15. Thankyou very much for your input
  16. I want to be a cosmologist, but I have a better chance of going into the NFL. I want to have a major or minor in physics. I could see myself being an engineer for a few years although a cosmologist forever. I hate math although I can learn it and even find my own ways to solve individual problems. I like physics because it gives you a physical representation of what happens through measurements and conversions plus the whole predictive models thing is pretty cool. I start college in the fall and am unsure If I should fallow my dream to be a cosmologist or if I should get ready for a long boring life of engineering.
  17. Well now that I have researched cold fusion and have talked to some knowledgeable people, I have a better understanding of how it would theoretically work. From what I understand, and please let me know If I'm wrong by correcting me instead of just saying I'm wrong. From what I understand, the term cold is used only to emphasize that we want to cause fusion without reaching the temperature of the sun? That in theory we would be harnessing potential energy instead of turning it into kinetic to harness it? If so I don't see it impossible, only far away. If it is simply far away, which some people in the navy seem to think so; then where are our first steps to achieving this?
  18. Something I have always enjoyed looking at and pondering about ever since I was a child, was optical illusions. They captivated me, as if saying "What you see is different than how I look." They can seem to be doing all sorts of crazy things like motion, transforming, etc. After many years of thinking I have come to the conclusion that the reason optical illusions exist is because our brains are wired (through evolution) to perceive things they have encountered. Our brains are not developed enough to look at an optical illusion and see it as a 2-d object. It registers something close to a 3-d object and automatically labels it as such. Everything around us is perceived on our terms, not natures. Whether we are born with the ability to recognize a human face or learn to, you can look at the moon and see a man. Our brains have evolved so that they interpret information relative to us. Special relativity, if you understand it can somewhat be applied here. The theoretical sense at least, as you can make conversions with numbers but not people thoughts and views. Although our view is false as to what we are seeing, we are still looking at a constant and only perceiving it wrong. The point of my human perception factor theory As for the generalized human race, we see something and fit it to our personal liking so we may understand it best. But in the process we cut off too much information. As we have devised a mathematical language to understand the physical workings of things, the more complex it gets; the crazier we perceive it. Theirs nothing special about quantum physics, its just easier to say that than admit we don't know what exactly were looking at. And yes I know I'm crazy
  19. Personally I think rationality depends on the individual. To generalize a group of people is irrational in my eyes. Although it is almost basic human instinct, to see something and try to know as much about it as possible so we throw a label on it and cram it into some categories. But basic human instinct is where most of our ignorance riddled problems lie. If only we could be content not knowing. We cant stand not having an answer. So you could say our biggest flaw is our greatest strength, at-least through my eyes you could say that. You probably see things differently though, as your eyes are not mine. Even though we may agree on the subject, to some degree our views are different. As your eyes are not mine.
  20. lol you don't have to be a dick bro. I'm not saying all of the physicists who slaved away for proof of laws were wrong, at all. All I'm saying is people are subject to be wrong whether its their whole equation or a small part. Einstein made newtons gravity better, but was newton wrong? That is for you to decide, I say no. My point is that we need to keep an open mind and never close a door without looking inside the room, very thoroughly.
  21. If you told somone 500 years ago their would be planes weighing it at tons that would fly through the air faster than sound can travel. What would they have said to you? Im starting college in the fall
  22. It took the world 40 years to catch up to Einsteins math. Physics was rewritten. He won the nobel prize for one of his more simple theories. The future will never be grabbed if we cant see it
  23. I read somewhere online about an announcement to be made about dark energy in july? I don't beleive everything I read but maybe I saw that one thing along with whatever about the higgs particle and put them together. Because i knowive seen it more than once talking about big scientific news in july. Sorry if i gave false information
  24. Thankyou very much swansont you are the only person to have answered this question for me. Call me crazy, mind you I have never taken a physics class, but I think it theoretically eventually can reach zero. So maybe when i do start college in the fall i will eventually see why I'm wrong. I most likely am wrong, for i have no grounds to say otherwise and have no idea what those equations you showed me means. I just don't think something physical can infinite.
  25. Ok just because all of our energies are powered by harnessing kinetic energy doesn't mean we will never harness potential energy. When cellphones were being researched by colleges and the government, people said it was a waste of money
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