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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. No lol, I get it. I just thought you meant that a cloud of hydrogen will start to separate after a given period of time..... I really need to work on giving things more thought, I read your wonder as wander.... and took it very literally lol.....
  2. Well I think if any species is collectively conscious enough to want to sustain their species's life as much as their individual life, or if they see viable harvest-able resources in space. Space travel seems more important. We would have to get to a planet within a certain increment of time to recognize a dead civilization similar to ours, but I think it would be possible. If we can get a good program like the Kepler running, and can throw a figure out for earth like planets per said amount of area. We would have a better idea of just how life friendly the universe really is.
  3. -_0 wow, just googled this and realized.... wow...... Right over my head...... Idk why but for some reason I read that as, bits of hydrogen out of the cloud started to wonder from where they came from. As in they begin to leave the cloud. wow, I can be so dumb sometimes lol.
  4. I am an airhead. Don't need anybody to tell me that
  5. Thankyou very much spyman. Why does hydrogen tend to leave the cloud after a given period of time like cuthbear said?
  6. So their can be the same amount of an element but depending on its temperature is the variable to whether or not their is a diffusion in the cloud? Well I guess that really just actually depends on temperature variation. that was my question, so the colder gas in a cloud, condenses in the middle of the cloud in zero gravity? How does that differ from in the presence of a strong gravitational field and why? I really like where this thread is going. do we have any knowledge of why hydrogen does that?
  7. See this is what I don't understand, the big bang. Implying that there was a beginning, and nothing existed before?
  8. My son will be born in less than two months! Oh no.... If he's anything like me, I'm gonna get my payback. Karma is coming full force, my sons teachers are going to call home everyday. XD

    1. Tridimity




  9. Thankyou john, but what defines as big enough? Like there has to be a certain amount? What would that amount be?
  10. So in "zero gravity" No separation of any density in a body of mass occurs? Abundant enough? their has to be enough? I thought anything that that has mass, has gravity? Maybe I am misunderstanding, please specify more Enthalpy. I want to know what the difference would be between a body of gas changing temperature on earth and in "zero gravity."
  11. Basically what I'm asking is if their is an observable amount of gas in space, is their still a separation of its temperature, heat, or density?
  12. Well I think we would be more likely to have common trains of thought than different? That is because the only format for life I can base trains of though off of, is ours. However I would think they might follow a very similar evolutionary history? I like the free-thinker and expanded consciousness type memes, however I don't think their all on point. Why would we not notice any hypothetical civilizations that never made it off their planet? ice-ages and Heat waves aren't the only things that could have down away with them before they made it to fare in space.
  13. Sorry I just see lots of people on here who get into really heated arguments with the notion of "I'm smarter than you" It's irrelevant and only my opinion at that. My apologies. I agree about the hydro power thing, however i'm very uneducated in both forms of power. Wasn't the wardenclyffe tower never fully constructed or operational? Did it ever demonstrate anything it was built to do?
  14. Something that is going to make you think I'm more of a crazy loon than you already do - How you perceive reality is a minuscule of what is actually going on around you. Everything you know is only relative, whether it be speed, size, or anything for that matter. One revolution of the earth around the sun is a long time, however compare it to the revolution of particles like electrons around a nucleus and a blink of the eye doesn't is almost unfeasible to compare relative speeds. Nobody knows how big space is, what if were merely particles among a much larger infinitely finite structure. I'm not saying it is but open your mind. Earth is relatively small compared to everything else that exists and with that little fact, just how big are you? There is no such thing as nothing, what you perceive as empty space. Doesn't exist, even the emptiest known space between galaxies has particles and undiscovered anomalies. The human brain can't even fully comprehend the trajectory/motion of the particle wave duality. You can't position any particle directly at any point in time. The fractals of your life, what your brain has evolved to be aware of. Is a minuscule of what is actually going on around you. Hell most people can't see why other cultures have certain views as they do. Science is still finding things out like why hot water freezes faster than cold. 99% of what we can see in space, doesn't exist the same way as we see it. Simply because that light took so long to get here and light speed is the fastest thing in the known universe! My point being, open your mind. Anyways... how do you feel about the concept i'm trying to encompass? Also if I made any false claims, please correct me because that's probably what I'm best at.
  15. Saw a meme and wanted to ask you guys on SF. "The universe is probably littered with the one planet-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there is no good reason to go into space. Some discovered, studies, and remembered by the ones who made the so called irrational decision" So yeah, I think this could be likely to go on in the universe? What ya'll think?
  16. So before the big bang, what are the most widely accepted views on it?
  17. I'm not trying to be a douche like most people on this forum and trying to display a higher stature of intelligence by arguing, I understand that you don't think they did that. I just want to know how it would have been possible lol? From the pyramids standpoint, how could they have generated electricity?
  18. but how could that generate electricity let alone store it? If something like that system existed, is there any evidence of it?
  19. All the energy in the known universe together in a singularity, I wonder what kind of gravitational proportions that could have had? Did gravity exist before the big bang?
  20. I put my rootbeer in a square cup, now it's just beer.

  21. Cool little off topic thingamibob that can somewhat relate to where this thread has gone - The ancient meso americans from 750 AD at the latest have evidence of controlled water pressure and running water to have fountains and even toilets. A full functional plumbing system, while Europeans were still defecating into buckets and throwing it out of their window. Wasn't up until here recently that we knew about this and their will be continue studies on hydroarchaeology. Which may yield even more cool finds. However I am skeptical of the great pyramids being massive conductible generators. Where is the evidence to suggest this existed?
  22. I understand that, but would it be irrational to think that maybe CMBR and whatever first expanded from the singularity is still being emitted from the singularity or where it was? Before photon decoupling, isn't that the light(CMBR) we are looking at?
  23. Here is a concept that I'm really trying to wrap my head around. If the big bang started from a singularity and then just began to expand, with everything in the universe still expanding. How can see still see the cosmic microwave background radiation? Wouldn't it of have dissipated with the universal expansion rather than congregate back to earlier locations of the universe? I'm guessing that I am just misunderstanding something, please help.
  24. Well what I am really trying to do is devise a curriculum for general groups of people from ages 3-16.
  25. You guys are helping me more than you know. If you've seen my related posts to this subject then you know what you're helping me with. So Inow, what are some training methods and examples or practice you can give me for this?
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