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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Kindheart you have a point. However this is in the speculations thread. I think that it is highly likely even undoubtedly possible that their is or has been a species more intelligent than ours somewhere in one of the galaxies in our universe. Do I think we have been visited by them? No, I have no reason to and the closest earth like planets are pretty far away travel wise. Relative to known and legitamitley theoretical technological, it is still pretty far for travel. I do not think we have been visited by an alien species with an agenda But this is speculation! If a species did visit us, what could their agenda be? ajb could be right, maybe they would want to take our planet by anally probing the hillbillies nobody cares about. Taking our DNA and hybridizing themselves to accommodate the diseases in our biosphere. Through anal probes lol. Possibilities are endless, this thread is awesome.
  2. Well would it be impossible for a species to visit our planet, take our DNA, hybridize our genes with theirs and then take over our planet? I read something about it being possible lol. I think aliens could inhabit our planet, just not fresh off their vessel and on our surface. In my opinion the agendas are limitless. Trade, knowledge, expansion of their species. I'm writing a book right now and if this is all you guys can really come up with. I think my story will blow you all away lol. Can't take all credit though! I do have a co-author >
  3. Well for my hypothesis to be a testable one to be made into a theory it would require some sort of brain scanning tech. Mind you, in my opinion if this hypothesis does produce a viable theory, it could change the world.
  4. Thankyou very much! Well it is a start and if we are already working on this type of tech, then my hypothesis may be able to be put to the test.
  5. I'm wondering that if it is possible to scan someones brain and detect what and how much endorphin/synapse activity is present during different emotions. Involving all emotions in the cortex and limbic system. What emotions register on what parts of the brain and how much activity is their? What would you use to do this? If this is possible then I have a hypothesis that can be tested and I would love to share it in science forums. If anybody finds it interesting I would really need some help formatting a paper.
  6. What could the different agendas be of an alien species coming to our planet? Lets hear em all!
  7. When you talk about the economy, if you only put Americas economy into perspective your leaving out the big picture. I'm not talking economics like GDP or what they teach you in economics class, I'm talking why goods are produced and what their chain reaction relation is to all other goods. From raw material to processed goods, when you look at the worlds economic system as a whole it at first seems almost repulsive. How much is taken away from the planet to how much is spewed out for...

  8. My friend tried to explain to me the aclubierre warp drive theory. I'm guessing he didn't explain it right or I misunderstood it. From what I understood he said that if we can find a way to project a negative energy field we can theoretically reach speeds faster than light and we don't need a propulsion method. I understand this is off topic from my thread but I'm trying to find a legitimate way to implement something in my book. If what I was told is true then, by theory could you emit a negative energy field over a celestial body and move it?
  9. So we are still expanding but we are no longer having anything emitted from the singularity? We are a bigger singularity? I know that second sentence doesn't use singularity in the proper context but that is the best way I can ask that question. Basically everything right now is in the big freeze, everything is cooling down now while nothing is being emitted or hot?
  10. So I'm wondering do we have more reason to believe that the big bang is happening in the sense that were cooling down from the singularity or that were projected from a singularity with energy still being emitted?
  11. What is this about negative energy and lightspeed travel from the alcubierre warp drive theory? If theoretically possible to project a field of negative energy, could a celestial body be moved?
  12. Okay, thanks everyone! Looks like I have to throw a concept out of my book but oh well it was a minor part with less than 5,000 words of material anyways.
  13. How much faster would the huge mirror accelerate its aging process?
  14. So if you introduce large amounts of iron into the belly of a star, what are the different intervals from amount of iron to star life that can be made? unless I misunderstood you?
  15. Well is there any theoretical way to project a gravitational attraction strong enough to move a celestial body? I'm talking like star treck tractor beam type thing
  16. Is there any physically hypothetical way that a massive object like the sun or a planet be moved out of its normal environments trajectory.
  17. Would there be any way possible to make a young star start processing iron and become a black hole faster than it does naturally? I know this is a random question but I am wanting to put something like this in my book and I want it to be scientifically accurate.
  18. That's what i'm saying John, I don't see why people are freaking out over it lol.
  19. Awhile ago I read that some university of whom I do not remember, elongated Einsteins equations so the computer could process them. The computer processed the equations into a simulation and generated gravitational waves that Einstein theorized to exist. I can't find the original science journal or excerpt I read this from but I thought it said that after the simulation his equations were added on too or made more precise? I now think I read it wrong lol. Anyways anybody help to clarify this for me? I'm assuming sense I can't find the journal it was false information or I read it wrong.
  20. Americas vast inequality didn't just happen, it was politically engineered

  21. So my girlfriend thinks aliens did this to screw with us http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_rain_in_Kerala Anyways from what I get is that although unlikely, this algae was reproducing during rainfalls and spores got into the atmosphere. Anybody care to give ideas as to how it started breeding in clouds?
  22. I could see how that could be punny, but I was actually serious lol.
  23. I guess calling a local hospital and asking for a price range on a diabetes diagnosis won't hurt. I just know I can't afford another doctors bill right now when I can't pay my last one which was at a health clinic which offers lots of free services. I'm taking action right now on this and i'll follow up on anything I need to. I'm testing my blood sugar tomorrow and i'll call and find a price range for a doctors appointment regarding diabetes diagnosis.
  24. Beginning of the first chapter. I have the entire story outlined from beginning to finish, I know what I want out of the book. This will be written within months and published within a year (I assume) with 100,000 words being the average length I am aiming for. I have the means to get it published luckily due to a family friend. Tell me what you guys think However I'm writing it for myself now, didn't go too well trying to get everyone in on it as a fundraiser for the site. This is probably all I will post from the book until it is written but after I get it published I'll send it to anyone on the forum free. I have my baby and soon to be wife to take care of. I really think this book is gonna be awesome though! If it wasn't for my family though, I would for sure do a fundraiser. However all the ideas/work are mine and gotta take care of the family. I will mention this forum at the end of the book though, maybe do a "about the other" page or something. Homosapien, success story of the current top prioritized experiment. None have come this far this fast. Falling in the necessary incremental time and technological range. Others either came up short or failed from their psychology not being able to cope with their technology, resulting in total wars and complete resource degradation. Some couldn't meet standards in their evolutionary history to meet criteria fundamental for the experiment to go as planned. Yes, the Homosapien is promising. Once this experiment is finished, cosmological procreation as a whole can begin. The last step is in progress, everything is meeting up to standard. This is the Concile's perception. The Concile is a highly advanced species relatively to all others in intelligence, evolutionary adaptions, and technology. Eons old, they are far different from any other species in the universe. No need for planets, the ability to sustain life onboard vessels while harvesting resources from space is far from alien to them. It is what the Concile has adapted to do. Breeding through artificial insemination and harvesting the fertilized egg in a birth chamber, has pressured this particular species to evolve into an A-sexual one. This is because they wanted to do away with sex and the emotions that come with it. Attachment, jelousy, anger, pleasure, all hindrances when the not-so-life-friendly vacuum empty void of space is looking your species in the face. At-least that is how they saw it. To survive in space the Concile wanted every valuable bit of time they had, along with every resource. To conserve they would continuously use less and less light, food, air, everything. Relatively long periods of time in dim-light and thin air transgressed into evolving huge eyes that can function with little light, huge lungs that can make use of a thin air. Now an individual with these lungs would literally drown in earths thick atmosphere, like a human under water. Eating is something of the past, they now inject nutrients into themselves. Mastering the science of a nutritional intake, it only has to be done once in a lifespan. This was originally done because they considered taste an unnecessary sense that should be done away with. Researching their brains and brainwaves and infusing a biotechnology implant into the spine after birth yields the Consile the ability to telepathically communicate. They no longer have the needs for a mouth, thus they don't have one. Nor ears, much of the senses essential for survival that most species have, the Concile does not. Now their is no individual mind, all one consciousness after adapting to their telepathic cyborg communication. The Concile, compared to a human doesn't have recreational activity nor want any. They live for research, the unknown is what peaks their interest. Making discoveries, what the Concile perceives as "fun" is far different. Fear, anger, anxiety, etc, are not felt by the Concile. A steady unchanging calm demeanor is the best way a human could perceive their psyche. Concile individuals do not age after maturing. They have eliminated the gene to cause cells to cease replication. Although they can and do die, after a certain increment of time an individual is sentenced to death to reduce overpopulation. This is embraced, the body dies but the Concile does not. The individual consciousness non existent, nothing is lost. Adaptations to environmental pressures, that is evolution. These are the major pressures that have evolved a once average planetary species into, the Concile. Just know their will be lots of sci-fi (the Concile anatomy is only scratching the surface), Lots of conspiracy, Lots of action, and lots of twists and turns leaving you wondering how you should feel about it. Let me know if this interests you and i'll send you the book for free once its finished and published.
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