I am pretty young, however I was obese as a child. I weighed over 200 pounds in the fifth grade, I was really obese from the third to 10th grade. Now i'm just kind of chubby and nineteen years old. Growing up my diet consisted of 3 packs of ramen noodles at a time, huge plates of sandwiches, two double whoppers from burger king, lots of candy, and soda. I was an alcoholic for about two years and I know their is lots of sugar in alcohol. Recently I have felt lots of numbness in the tips of my fingers, however that lasted for about two weeks then went away. My sleeping pattern has been really weird and even when I get lots of sleep, i'm incredibly tired sometimes. If I eat a big meal, I can easily fall asleep (not like usual itis this is something way stronger.) I feel like I've been having mood swings, my grandpa has type 2 and is really moody when his sugar is low or high. If i don't eat for awhile, i'm easily irritable. This is not like me at all, I am very hard to agitate, can usually get over it quickly, and have always had a calm demeanor. I have also noticed symptoms like blurred vision after eating unhealthy.
Diabetes is the only rational conclusion I can come to and I can't afford a couple hundred dollar doctors bill at the moment.
I'm almost positive I have it and if I don't have clinical type 2 diabetes, my insulin levels aren't far from it. I could be wrong, I'm not a doctor and I know this is a forum. However I'm not too worried about diagnosis, just asking for any tips on avoiding diabetes.
So far I plan on eating 6 small meals a day roughly 3-4 hours apart including fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Getting on a better sleeping pattern with atleast 6-8 hours. Start exercising again, and get some sunlight everyday.