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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Thank you all very much, I can use my grandpas testers to regularly check my sugar levels and if I see large irregularities then I will try and go to a clinic or something. Again, thank you all very much!
  2. I am pretty young, however I was obese as a child. I weighed over 200 pounds in the fifth grade, I was really obese from the third to 10th grade. Now i'm just kind of chubby and nineteen years old. Growing up my diet consisted of 3 packs of ramen noodles at a time, huge plates of sandwiches, two double whoppers from burger king, lots of candy, and soda. I was an alcoholic for about two years and I know their is lots of sugar in alcohol. Recently I have felt lots of numbness in the tips of my fingers, however that lasted for about two weeks then went away. My sleeping pattern has been really weird and even when I get lots of sleep, i'm incredibly tired sometimes. If I eat a big meal, I can easily fall asleep (not like usual itis this is something way stronger.) I feel like I've been having mood swings, my grandpa has type 2 and is really moody when his sugar is low or high. If i don't eat for awhile, i'm easily irritable. This is not like me at all, I am very hard to agitate, can usually get over it quickly, and have always had a calm demeanor. I have also noticed symptoms like blurred vision after eating unhealthy. Diabetes is the only rational conclusion I can come to and I can't afford a couple hundred dollar doctors bill at the moment. I'm almost positive I have it and if I don't have clinical type 2 diabetes, my insulin levels aren't far from it. I could be wrong, I'm not a doctor and I know this is a forum. However I'm not too worried about diagnosis, just asking for any tips on avoiding diabetes. So far I plan on eating 6 small meals a day roughly 3-4 hours apart including fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Getting on a better sleeping pattern with atleast 6-8 hours. Start exercising again, and get some sunlight everyday.
  3. So I'm pretty sure I have diabetes. I have had many symptoms and if I don't have diabetes I know I'm in the early stages of it. What can I do to prevent type 2 from getting worse or even cure it? I have no health insurance and don't want to see a doctor. What can fasting or a 6 course diet plan do for me? Any other advice?
  4. I have a friend who works with 3d printers, i can ask him whatever your question is?
  5. Might not be credible right now to want to bring the 3d printer to the consumer household but, imagine the possibilities. We wouldn't even need China, or atleast as much as we do now. I have a few questions about 3d printing. I have heard that you can make lethal guns with a 3d printer, is this really possible? How would this hinder it making to the consumer household. What exactly does it take to build a 3d printer and what does it make things with, just silicon?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5AZzOw7FwA So you guys think this will actually be able to be mass produced? What else do you think about 3d printing?
  7. I like this thread! What else do you guys think would be interesting to ponder about?
  8. I'm sure both of what we are proposing has to do with it. Of course I don't know that mine is correct and yours is wrong (or that one has more cause than the other), I was just arguing my opinion lol.
  9. What do you mean by convey beliefs? I have to disagree with the theist thing. I think that religion is actually derived majorly and mostly from fear. Fear is an emotion, arguably the first that we have evolved for survival. How could fear cause people to be theists you might ask? Well, the fear of death for one. We fear death so we can live and procreate. The thought of existence ceasing and fear of the unknown in my opinion is why or the major reason we have theism. The psychological reassurance of eternal life and certainty of reason for life, the solution through theism.
  10. I agree Caleb, It would seem that racism is derived from humanities fear of something different. Other tribes is a good way to put it. Primates go to battle over competition of resources/land/ etc. At some point in our evolutionary history i'm sure that recognizing something like our own species that at the same time looks different was a major threat. Probably a competing group of Australopithecus all the way up to Homo-sapiens was more threatening than the occasional predatory animal. This can't be the entire reason, or everyone would be racist but i'm sure this has a majority of the cause.
  11. You could go as far as to say that culture is part of evolution. I would, even culture "evolves." Honestly I would say everything that we do is based off evolution or derived from the building blocks that homo sapiens stand on. Yes I know that the celebrity thing was just an example but, the threads up and I like it so what else is their to discuss? How about the looking glass self or consciousness involving how others/peers perceive us. Racism. Riots. Why is it that hearing someone else laugh can make something funnier? Why do we smile? Why do we cry? Why do people commit murder? Why do we have things like foreign aid and the peace corps? Why is teen bullying a talked about problem in this country or do people slander others period? Why does religion exist? I have my own thoughts for all of these but i'd love to see which ones you guys think are interesting and would like to talk about.
  12. Well what other reasons are their in particular to talk about? I'm sure that celebrity idolization has a lot to do with the fact that most primates have a pecking order or different level of ascerted dominance. Which evolved into groups of homosapiens having leaders, which is what has transended into celbrities being idolized. Culture also has much to do with it. Idolization varies in different degrees of separate cultures, even much changes in 1 generation in our culture.
  13. My girlfriend broke up with me, but she said we can still be cousins.

  14. From what I understand and this is just Wikipedia and Through the wormhole with morgan freeman, We know it exists due to the experiments with the Hadron collider. Although weve only barley detected its presence and when we try to put it into an equation its mass comes out distorted, the equation isn't equal. This is from what I understand though and I may be giving some misleading or misinterpreted information.
  15. So I was talking to some guy today who apparently has a bachelors in physics and he said about 2 months ago it was announced that the higgs equation has been better figured out, that the mass comes out correctly now in the equation. Is this true? I can't find any info on it in any search engine.
  16. So anybody got any more info on this than I can get off wiki or facebook?
  17. Time reborn = good book

  18. Oh my god, swag yolo doe.

  19. I can see us being cyborgs and who knows what millions of years being cyborgs could evolve us into. Don't take this too literal though, I highley doubt anything like transformers has or ever will exist in the universe. Even though that would be awesome.
  20. So i'm wondering, if the earth had formed without the presence of the sun. Would it have already cooled down by now or would it still be mostly molten rock like it is now? Found this - http://phys.org/news62952904.html So the sun has little role to play in the earths temperature, is this mostly because of the radioactivity heat or just the time it will take for the amount of molten material to cool down? or something else?
  21. Actually no, your right. I should try to broaden my terminology so people will understand what i'm trying to say rather than using words in the wrong context and getting annoyed when people don't. My apologies.
  22. You can either try to see what i'm saying or argue the context of my terminology...
  23. Pad thai, if you've never eaten this. I recommend you live life.

  24. Black Sabbath is back!

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