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Everything posted by too-open-minded

  1. Love is when you're willing to pick your significant others nose to relieve them from a hardcore booger.

  2. Less evolutionary steps and boundaries crossed how about that one...
  3. Primitive relatively to a human...
  4. The beginning of the epilogue - Time is an "illusion." A year to Earth is different than a year to Neptune, no year is the same for any planet. They all revolve at different rates around the sun. As with days, no planets spin the same speed. Time as you and I percieve is relative. Relative to your surroundings, to your perceptions. You perceptions however can be deceiving. We are one out of 8 planets in our solar system. One solar system out of more than billions in our galaxy. One galaxy out of more than a countable number of galaxies in the known universe. Many humans believe we are the only living things in the world and the smartest. This as with time is an "illusion." You see humans are somewhat of a science experiment. Created and isolated for the soul purpose of finding out how fast a species can evolve. From the sun to the asteroid belt to the moon, our life has been influenced from the start. The ones conducting this experiment are the universes longest living species, the Anunaki. A species so evolved that for one of them to be on this planet would be like putting a human under water. Their lungs are so used to breathing in a thin air that our thick atmoshpere would literally suffocate their lungs. Their eyes and skin would literally cook from the sun exposure from just 3 seconds on our planet. The Anunaki have bread for so long in test tubes using genetic engineering that they are A-sexual. No men and no women, all the sex. Their eyes are huge, capable of seeing with almost no light. Life is not easy on a space ship, especially for a species that is capable of long distanct space travel. Adapting to life on a vessel has made this particular species very different from us. No recreational activites. They live for science, knowledge and understanding the world is what strives them to keep going. Not the fear of death. Death is mandatory for the anunaki, after 15,000 earth years. It stops overpopulation. Genetic engineering has whiped out the possibility of death from old age. They don't eat, only inject themselves with concentrated nutrients. (sorry I wrote this on notepad and spent about 10 minutes on it XD)
  5. Well they are more primitive. The emotions of fear and anger are more necessary for survival when it comes to an Australopithecus compared to a Homosapien. I'm sure that a human is a little more curious and a little more likely to observe and ponder the unknown, while a more primitive primate would flee. Thankyou for asking Zapatos and please ask me to elucidate any further upon this as I have thought much about it.
  6. Yolo Swag http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handfish Could a fish evolve intelligence? What about a species from a planet with a dense liquid biosphere?
  7. Arguing with a Christian is like playing chess with a pigeon. You could be the best chess player in the world but the pigeon will still knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around triumphantly.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PeterJ


      I think you have been arguing with a particular type of Chritian and cannot generalise in this way. I am happy to argue with you without turning into a pigeon. I find that people who argue against Christianity are often very like pigeons when it comes to information-processing abilities, but I wouldn't generalise this to all of them.

    3. MonDie


      Now I'm confused. Is PJ a Christian or an eastern religion?

    4. too-open-minded


      I actually got this from a facebook meme but thats what is said word by word lol.

  8. I'm going to be a daddy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joatmon


      I'm a Great Granddaddy!

      May you have the joy that I have had :)

    3. MonDie


      Based on the posts of yours that I've read, I deem you qualified to raise a child.

    4. too-open-minded


      Thanks you guys!


  9. This will be the greatest 9 seconds of your life.

  10. Such as gravitational, centrifugal, etc? I'm sure you can and scientists already have, I'm just having trouble finding information and would greatly appreciate if anyone could give me some credible references?
  11. Is anyone here qualified to explain why nicotene doesn't help anxiety? I can't get it through to her, she won't stop smoking, or believe the things we find on yahoo answers.
  12. Oh and this isn't details of what happens before the book starts, this is the book. Is it idiotic to intend on writing a book with little characterization and dialogue?
  13. Okay so my girlfriend had a really bad panic attack today and went to the E.R, they just gave her some anti anxiety medicine and sent her home but were wondering if she has to worry about this in the future and if some medications she is taking could have any roll in this? She wrote on a health forum earlier and has yet to get a reply, I was wondering if some of you here at SF would know anything. hi I just had my first severe anxiety attack this morning. I woke up at around 3 in the morning to turn on my fan because I was hot. soon after I began to get cold and broke out in a cold sweat. I than began to feel like my body was becoming numb and my breathing was getting heavy. I woke my mom up and told her I felt funny, she just said go back to sleep so I laid back down. I than began to realize my heart was pumping so fast and very off beat. I started to freak out and began to get blurry vision and was extremely light headed. My mouth got super dry and I realized I was clenching my jaw and couldn't help it. After that I started to look up some of the symptoms because I got really scared that I might be having a heart attack. I really started to panic and then was hearing some sort of siren in my ear and my whole body began to ache and was completely numb. Woke my mom up once again and told her what was going on and she counted my pulse. she said I was having a panic attack and that I needed to lay down. but I couldn't sleep. Eventually got out of bed around 7 in the morning, had been awake all night freaking out and I was completely zoned out. I couldn't speak correctly and every little thing irritated me. I felt almost exactly the same for about 6 hours, but it was really bad for about 30 mins. I have had panic attacks before but they've never just been out of the blue or had woken me up and the symptoms were never that bad, or stayed that long. I'm sort of worried maybe my meds are messing with me. I take lamictal for a bipolar disorder and I also have been diagnosed with PTSD not too long ago. I have suffered from depression since I was 12 but I've never felt so weird in my life. I felt extremely fearful and cried for no reason at all a couple times. I also smoke cigs and drink on the weekends. Could this be an effect of my occasional drinking or smoking tobacco? I'd really like some feedback on this, I'm super worried and really do not want to feel that ever again. It was one of the scariest experiences iv ever had. Later on in the day when i had waken up from a nap, I began to notice that my body was getting numb once again. Told my mom but she had to go to work. I thought I was going to be fine but I stepped outside to call someone and my whole body began to feel like it was vibrating and my hand locked up and I couldn't move my fingers. I was extremely dizzy and the world was fuzzy to me. I was uncontrollably crying nonstop for that whole time. My legs began to give out and I tried to get up and fell on the floor. I was crying there for a minute because I was extremely scared something might have been wrong. My mom got home and took me to the ER and eventually my hand began to work but I felt very drowsy and dizzy. Still feel a little off right now. I'm just worried this is gonna be an everyday thing because I wasn't even thinking of stressful stuff and still just randomly had one. thanks Basically she woke up from a panic attack which got worse. It wore off, then after she took a nap it came back stronger than the first time to the point her extremities were numb, vision was blurry, and crying hysterically. She went to the ER and was given an anti anxiety medicine, Laprozam I believe. She is wondering what the deal with panic attacks are. If her occasional drinking, cigarettes, and bipolar medication Lamictal could have anything to do with her panic attacks? What are ways you can better handle and subdue panic attacks?
  14. Thank you for the feedback guys! I'm still working on the whole at what point did the intervening come into play, i'm wondering if I should have it from the beginning of our planet. With the creation of the moon and such caused by the aliens? (ideas will be greatly appreciated.) The main species in the book doesn't know how old they are, I want to have it kind of mysterious throughout the whole book and at the end or epilogue show how when that species left their home planet after majority of the ships fleet got whiped out by a gamma ray, including the mothership containing most of the species information. - actually yeah, scratch that. Unless you think we could make it work? Otherwise i'll think on that and get back to you. I'm sure you reccomend dropping the whole "taking the atmosphere idea." I was wanting to have it be an alien species not too far away in the milky way galaxy and not much farther advanced than homosapiens. Just a far enough distance that when they see our planet they realize it would be ideal for their low running air supply. -Would modern science contradict that to be necessary for another species, to need gasses to restock an air supply? Yes I did say the aliens guide them into space but the homosapien race to them will be a science project to see how fast you can get a species to colonize space, With ships. Colonizing planets as well but mostly for resources. How could I make the theme interesting? Well the theme to me would be showing how a species could make it off their home planet. I will show multiple species in the book and the paths each individual species took into making it off there planet. Give me some time and i'll better be able to articulate this idea. To me this would be the most fascinating part of the book. The illumanit not working? Okay how about getting humans to eat fried and salty foods to get us used to a new diet. We would need our food to be able to stay untainted for long distances eventually so mcdonalds and greasy foods would be getting us ready for that. I mean storing food in grease should keep it preserved for awhile right? Along with making sure America stays on top, so that our military can invest as much money as the rest of the worlds militaries combined into scientific innovation. Track our individual health records to find the best candidates for dealing with medical anomolies to create a more stable homosapien (this would be after we colonize space but still contemplating on how i would implement that into the book) America being the most watched country because here we have such opprotunitey to do anything we want, they will want to find the best genes. With the internet and such they will be allowed to follow people closley and keep track of potential genetic specimens. Such as Steve Jobs or Michio Kaku. Declared goal of learning about the universe... well this is what I was planning on going with the whole them being unaware of their past. Anyways thankyou for the feedback, please keep it coming
  15. Good troll = rowdy gentleman with a witty sense of humor Bad troll = vulgar ignorant douche
  16. Well i'm doing some finishing touches on the prologue, will have it up shortly.
  17. Where should my level of physics education be to understand the book?
  18. I'm not just trying to develop my ideas though, I also want to understand what the scientific community already knows about it.
  19. Thanks mayng does this book cover concepts? I already know I won't be able to work out let alone remotely understand the equations as of right now.
  20. So space is expanding, dark energy, and stuff. Now I have my own speculatory idea on as to why space expands which is a combination of things but before I get into that (because I know i'm probably wrong and you guys who actually take your time to learn this stuff get annoyed with me running through big concepts.) Can anyone explain to me the best they can in laymans terms the extent that we know of? I can only learn and comprehend so much off wikipideia.
  21. Dropping some good vibes off on you cods.

  22. Dropping some good vibes off on you cods.

  23. Okay I have been slacking but still working on the book, will start putting forth more effort but so far. The book revolves around an alien species who created the human race as a science project. The species is the most intelligent and oldest known species in the universe. They have encounters with other species such as one trying to take the earths atmosphere for their own mother ship. The theme of the book will be how a species can make it into space and sustaining a majority of its life in space, by showing how all other species got into space. In the book the illuminati is actually people who know about our alien overseers. America being the most watched country, every individuals DNA stored from birth when they check the bloodtype, everything someone does online being stored, and a free market economy with the "American Dream" as a natural selection for people. Our DNA's are being saved and when the time is right people like Steve Jobbs and Michio Kaku's DNA will be used to create a more controlled species. The Science project they are conducting is too see how fast you can get a species into space in their evolutionary history. Now this doesn't even fully encompass the significane of the book, I will concentrate mostly on the theme. Any critics out their? Input and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
  24. I like that Sutton
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